A Question For True Believers

If the NSA is really interested in treasure as you say, why do they not contact me. I have tried to give the US Government hundreds of tons of gold in 58 different depositories, yet they are SILENT. The same goes for the FBI. I have contacted them all SS, US Federal Marshall's, US Senators, US Congressmen and Congresswomen, The President, the Vice President and the First Lady, along with every branch of the US Government. I have even talked with White House Security and every Network that has reality shows. Naw nobody is interested in TREASURE and I mean NOBODY.

You are definitely on their list Franklin! Just go dig and if they show up tell them " it's about time you got here!" :occasion14:

An ISLAND would be GREAT!

Yeah...right up until the tsunami!


oh i see what you mean. since this was intended to be a well kept secret it makes sense they did not care to "prove it" to people 200 years later. the solution would be proof. i'm not sure what the ownership chain was of all the "original" documents, but not surprising anyone that owned them might have lost them or kept them private. if they were shown to ward but not given, then what? he did not have a camera to take pictures at the time, or a copy machine. i don't think missing the original documents proves this is fake. it is a good question though. (edit: possible he had a camera, but still unlikely he'd take pictures of the documents)

Here is a picture of a copy of an original coded letter dug from the ground in a glass jar and there are still skeptics that doubt its authenticity and use to find the key to a very similar code. I find it is best to focus on what you want to know about forget about what you don't, and proceed.

L.C. :hello:

the letter from B.L. Few.webp

If the author wrote the story to enlighten people of a truth then why keep the originals a secret?
You see, until this story was written "nobody" and I do mean "nobody" had any knowledge of it...
not the families of the thirty alleged party members, not the residents in the region or the residents of where these men had been, traveled, etc., etc.
Not a single trace or memory of any of it or of T. J. Beale who, according to the author, was favored by the ladies and universally known.
...and then around 1959 George L Hart introduces Pauline Innis to a Mr Otey who shows her an iron box with a torn slip of paper randomly covered with numbers.
*NOTE* Mr Otey was mentioned in the Hart Papers, but there was NO mention of an iron box.
Then Claudine Fulton Ellis claims to have discovered the "key letter" in a family Bible, the "key letter" was never received by Robert Morriss according to the Beale Papers story.
Ellis claims that it was carried by the manager of the Planters Hotel in St Louis to a Virginia Inn where he was murdered.
*NOTE* The first mention of the Planters Hotel in the Beale story was-The Hart Papers.
It is apparent that Hart, Innis, and Ellis have added their own embellishment and "facts" to the original Beale story for reasons known only to them.
This is very easy to do, as Bigscoop noted, before the publication of the original Beale Papers by James Beverly Ward, there existed NO KNOWLEDGE of Beale's perilous adventure treasure story.

...and the actual FACTS are:
Who copyrighted and published the Beale Papers
Where it as printed
Where it was advertised
...and in the narrative text"
Robert Morris did manage the Washington Hotel
At whose homes Robert Morris and his wife Sarah passed away.
...and that's all there is folks!

Everything else is imaginative speculation masqueraded as fact that totally lack supporting evidence, and very easy to disproved.

My question is WHY?, why publish them ECS? What was the motive? In my own case, it was money. I published a secret about a treasure for the money to buy better equipment to find it myself. I intentionally withheld information so nobody else could get what I seek myself, yet I aroused that very curiosity in everyone by showing them the sack and shaking it with the cat inside so they can tell I have one caught without letting him out of the bag so anyone could grab him up from me. The only difference I can see between the writers of Bealle and me is that every now and then I pull the cat's tail out and shake it at you guys just so you know I ain't :censored: about what I have in the sack.:icon_thumright:

map together.webp

My question is WHY?, why publish them ECS? What was the motive? ...
"Unanswered is the question as to why as to why he (Ward) wrote the story"
-Lt Thomas Fawcett to Col William Freidman ,April 30, 1949 after conducting "boots on the ground" interviews in Lynchburg and Bedford county concerning the Beale treasure story.

Most likely, Ward was in dire financial straights and it was published to bring in money.
50 cents in 1885 was a hefty amount about $14.00 in todays money.
The Beale Papers "was published for the express purpose of selling copies of it for profit and the ciphers should be considered in the same light as the myriad "treasure maps" which are said in the Southern states purporting to come down from pirate days".-
Elizabeth Smith Friedman, US government codebreaker and wife of Col William Friedman

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True... it was "made up" in 1882.
Using FACTS of "TRUE, AUTHENTIC" EVENTS of HISTORY, at "THE ARLINGTON" (which STILL stands on Church Street, as Apartments); back in the OLD days, Jubal Early, (CSA) as a lawyer went to "A" for his morning coffee before going to his office in Lynchburg, Va. near Main Street. The INNER CIRCLE of RM's family & friends has FUN in 1882. TOO much info to share.

My Dad is a believer in Bealle treasure because of the coding method they used, but I don't think he follows all of the info on the people you have ECS:icon_thumright: He has always speculated that it is tied to the K.G.C. because of the timeline and code is the same style. I am intrigued by the same things he is but after reading this site info I have not swallowed it whole yet.

:dontknow: L.C.

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"Unanswered is the question as to why as to why he (Ward) wrote the story"
-Lt Thomas Fawcett to Col William Freidman ,April 30, 1949 after conducting "boots on the ground" interviews in Lynchburg and Bedford county concerning the Beale treasure story.

Most likely, Ward was in dire financial straights and it was published to bring in money.
50 cents in 1885 was a hefty amount about $14.00 in todays money.
The Beale Papers "was published for the express purpose of selling copies of it for profit and the ciphers should be considered in the same light as the myriad "treasure maps" which are said in the Southern states purporting to come down from pirate days".-
Elizabeth Smith Friedman, US government codebreaker and wife of Col William Friedman
DYK? W. Friedman's papers are at VMI...? His wife E. Friedman's are there, too... including her stuff on the BEALE TREASURE! JOY! YEP! NSA was there!

The unknown author, this honest and truthful man who has elected to expose his secret to the public so that someone might benefit from his generous and true gesture.
Why then, did the author not provide his selected agent, Ward, with the original letters and ciphers so that his agent could confirm his alleged true story?
I mean, the unknown author had them and he certainly would have realized their importance in confirming his tale, so why are they completely absent and nonexistent? ...
The entire tale is based on the hearsay finished manuscript allegedly presented to Ward by this don't want to be names author.

The entire tale is based on the hearsay finished manuscript allegedly presented to Ward by this don't want to be names author.

Yes, ECS, I get what you're doing, so you can stop wondering and do your little victory dance.

If the author wrote the story to enlighten people of a truth then why keep the originals a secret?
You see, until this story was written "nobody" and I do mean "nobody" had any knowledge of it...not the families of the thirty alleged party members, not the residents in the region or the residents of where these men had been, traveled, etc., etc.
Not a single trace or memory of any of it or of T. J. Beale who, according to the author, was favored by the ladies and universally known.
Furthermore, Rowland Dabney Buford, son of Pascal Buford at who's INN Beale allegedly stayed while digging the treasure vault, never mentioned this stay of the "universally known" Thomas J Beale, or the treasure story in his "SKETCHES OF BEDFORD COUNTY" book, which was written AFTER the publication and sale of the BEALE PAPERS.
If this Beale treasure tale actually occurred, it would have been a major event in Bedford county, not to mention 30 citizens of above average means going out west to hunt in Spanish Territory and never returning.

The unknown author, this honest and truthful man who has elected to expose his secret to the public so that someone might benefit from his generous and true gesture. Why then, did the author not provide his selected agent, Ward, with the original letters and ciphers so that his agent could confirm his alleged true story? I mean, the unknown author had them and he certainly would have realized their importance in confirming his tale, so why are they completely absent and nonexistent? This same complete absence of documentation runs true in nearly every "treasure tale" told. :icon_thumright:

Were they lost in a flood? A fire, perhaps? Did the unknown author eat them, maybe use them for toilet paper? Or, did they just simply never exist in the first place? What will the answer be? :laughing7:

How do you know that he didn't show those things to Ward? As to that, the author didn't necessarily have to prove anything to Ward, he was simply hiring Ward to do a job.
Do you really think that not handing those papers to Ward means they didn't exist? That's a closed minded way of researching a story, and won't result in finding a lot of info.

If the author wrote the story to enlighten people of a truth then why keep the originals a secret? You see, until this story was written "nobody" and I do mean "nobody" had any knowledge of it...not the families of the thirty alleged party members, not the residents in the region or the residents of where these men had been, traveled, etc., etc. Not a single trace or memory of any of it or of T. J. Beale who, according to the author, was favored by the ladies and universally known. :laughing7:

What was he supposed to do, take the originals around and show them to everyone who bought a copy of the story? After all, there's only one original.
How can you possibly know that there was not a single trace or memory of any of it, or of T. J. Beale? So now you're claiming to be a psychic?

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