Gold Member
After weeks of complaining to my family about wanting to go detecting somewhere other than the back 40 my daughter called me this morning and said she was willing to give up her afternoon and go with me detecting. Wow! So off I go to get her. She had planned on taking me to the club house/boat launch but there was work going on there so we kept going. We ended up at the park where we have family reunions (some of you may remember it on one of my other post). Nobody there except one jogger. Perfect! Got out and started detecting. Five minutes later I could hear Shannon complaining.....I'm ready for lunch! So we pack everything back up, go the block over and have a nice lunch. With the tummy satisfied we head back. This is such a nice place and one would think it would be the perfect place to hunt....but.....The ground was so hard--no digging here! We go over to all the places that have gravel and push them around a bit and settle for scratching around like chickens. There were so many pull tabs and little bits of foil that to find a coin also meant that you found a pull tab right next to it! Every step the detectors went from one end of the scale to the other. But we did manage to get a few keepers and had a great time together. The weather could not have been more perfect nor could have the company. I had a great day! Thanks Shan! 


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