barter is good. a lot of the federal reserve is about redefining your right to currency as a benefit, and thats how they tax you, because by taking advantage of this redefined BENEFIT provided by a foreign institution you are implying consent, whether you know it or not, whether you care or not, to the federal reserve government which means erosion of your liberty and your earnings and savings...which means the police state and its tax enforcement....just sayin....the only recourse you have is to reserve your rights whenever you sign your name (All Rights Reserved) and to barter and make record of all that...the takeover of our government began really with the takeover of our currency, look it up. Anyway, if you know your way, if you can see clearly, you will exempt yourself from a lot of federal reserve law making, the 90% which is superfluous, because you use alternative currency and insist on it and your rights....but you must insist...its like if a lawyer tells the jury it is not only their job to judge the case, but to judge also also the particular LAW involved, why, he or she will be found in contempt, but before 1929 every jury was briefed in that...its the foundation of our way, and it has been usurped....most prisons are full of debtors, check out the marijuana tax act of 1937, if you get busted for that its because you have not paid a tax, really...debtors prisons are as illegal here as police, and unrevealed contracts, and the monarchy, but they do not want anyone knowing any of this...state sponsored schools and tv have made a mockery of american learning....these lazy fools cannot even see what is going on in the skies now, it is a foreign power which has conquered us, and no one the wiser...the chemicals and EM make it worse as the days go by too.....its a vast dumbing down, its an ATTACK, slow but the electric motors are real expensive to buy new, you should peddle the working ones for 10 bux each or more, the GE motors out of ibm selectric typewriters are 90$ each new, and there are a lot of people building their own shop equipment, looking for motors at fleamarkets and such...dont overprice, just get a fair price, it will be a lot more than scrap however you do it....b