a mysterious old book

Alawneh sayf

Jan 30, 2016
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
hello guys i found a very old burried book made of metal i dont know what is this book or what its talking about but am sure its written in hebrew language because of the candlestick on the cover page
can any body help me about this book also what its price


Don't know but looks like something Jewish because of that candle thing! ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1454185936.991733.jpg

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Sorry should have read your post better. You knew about the candle already! Haha

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i know about the candle but dont know what its talking about mhmmm

I find it very cool. Only thing similar I could find was ancient books found in a Jordan cave that some were made of lead and some were made of copper. Any story how you came across it? [emoji2]

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That find is awesome hope someone can identify it

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do u think its worthy ?? so far i got a price of 400 k $ for it but i dont know what it is i dont want to be fooled

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what do u mean by brass torah ?? am confused about it also about its price

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A hebrew/jewish prayer book. That's a very interesting item. It looks like it has dirt all over it, so I'm assuming it was dug... I would be real careful about selling it.. It could have more historical value than you think. I wish I could see the writings on it better.

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Yes, its likely Hebrew. Good find!
Go to local Synagogue and ask priest there to help read it.
Just the cover info will help you get rarity/age.....
Good luck!

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A very(!) interesting find.
The lampstand looks like menorah indeed,and the grapes ornament around it also Jewish traditional,however the letters...doesn't look like Hebrew at first glance.
Btw,where did you find it?:)

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With the right documentation to this artifact and some background history...this could be a banner find although having greater historical significance either way. I am not Jewish and I am really liking this one. When will you see another one dug...

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Beautiful and interesting find, for sure, imo. If not Hebrew, perhaps Aramaic. :icon_scratch: (only other ancient language I know of......)
You don't say where you're from or where found, sometimes best to not..... (and may wanna make sure location logistics is turned off camera).
One pic, I thought I see a pyramid, very interesting.
Congratulations and thank you for sharing. We would love to hear more of the story.

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I hope it's as old as it appears to be. Be careful about taking it apart in case it is of historical significance. Great find...d2

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Very interesting ! More pictures please.....

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I hope we do hear more, I love the copper scroll treasure story.
Not knowing what area the find is from or where the op is :dontknow:
Didn't R. Lord find an old prayer book of some sort offa west coast Flroida? just saying.... 8-)
anywhoooo, here's link if ya'll wanna read. :read2:

The Lost Treasure of the Copper Scroll | Ancient Origins

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