A llittle bit about Garden Valley

great and sad too, i am the last of the last
my grand mother & father kids all moved to dallas back in the late 50s and early 60s
to moke more money,and not to have to work so hard no more on the farm.
i was the only grand kid that love the farm , and wanted to move back.
now i am old and there no one left that wants it. :-(.....
grandfather old horse pulled seeder

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Reading any post by Motel 6.5 is a total waiste of time, this joker just needs attention.
OK here you are mister expert treasure hunter.
Oh my we are soooo impressed with your extensive knowledge of the Superstitions and of treasure hunting in general. What a Man, we all want to be just like you.
I would continue but for the fact that I now have to go and throw up

Natchitoches, sounds like a great family history,thanks for shareing,I am hopeing you might be able to connect with the local Indians in or near the Superstitions,and that might lead you to the Sunken Valley, its worth the effort$ if possible.

Alan M.,Jack Benny used to say OH WELL, which really equals
-------MISALIGHNMENT, or a cry for help.

I believe Motel6.5 is on to something. I dont expect anyone to give it all away for free so he can be torn to shreds by bored mean people. He has attacked no one and shared a small piece of information that may be relevant to others research. If you dont have anything to add, try not to be sour grapes about it. Im too old and fat to go there, but would love to know more. So please, if you have nothing nice to say, be quiet. Motel6.5 has given me more than enough reason to belive him.

Amen brother.

great and sad too, i am the last of the last
my grand mother & father kids all moved to dallas back in the late 50s and early 60s
to moke more money,and not to have to work so hard no more on the farm.
i was the only grand kid that love the farm , and wanted to move back.
now i am old and there no one left that wants it. :-(.....
grandfather old horse pulled seeder
View attachment 667831

Try to look on it from the positive standpoint - at least you were willing and able to keep it in the family longer than it would have been had you not. Sadly everything comes to an end someday - the fields and woods I spent some of my youth exploring and adventuring in are now lined with cookie cutter homes in a subdivision that I can't stand driving past when I go home to visit family.

I've seen seeder's like that and other horse drawn farm implements when we lived in Illinois near an Amish community - it was amazing watching them still use all those things!

I am real glad that you think Motel 6.5 is giving you good info, wait you say you don't go into the mountains?
so how do you know if it is good info?
I don.t think Motel 6.5 has ever ben into the mountains either, so you two have something in common.
Why am I dissing him so much?
Last year the Arizona SAR retrieved three bodies from the mountains, they were just down from Utah for the weekend to find the LDM.
This year they retrieved another body and while you armchair adventurers love the stories 6.5 tells cause there is no harm in a good yarn since you have no intention of ever going into those mountains, there are others who listen to that crap and think its just an easy trip to get the gold, same with stroker 395 he can read the tablets like a book, yea right.
its no problem if you all just want to tell BS stories around the campfire but so far the body count keeps rising.
Just dont go in there thinking easy trip based on those jokers info.

Try to look on it from the positive standpoint - at least you were willing and able to keep it in the family longer than it would have been had you not. Sadly everything comes to an end someday - the fields and woods I spent some of my youth exploring and adventuring in are now lined with cookie cutter homes in a subdivision that I can't stand driving past when I go home to visit family.

I've seen seeder's like that and other horse drawn farm implements when we lived in Illinois near an Amish community - it was amazing watching them still use all those things!

your right. lol i just never did deal well with changes.

Allen, Folks down there in Apache Junction promote a yearly LDM get together, other folks down there write Books and promote the LDM through Websites,then you also have this Forum, now you have to really should ask yourself why not go in the Mountains{SUPERS} and look for Gold. I believe the reason people are turning up DEAD is because there are other folks who are actually mineing GOLD in the SUPERS that have banded together like the Murder INC of old Chicago and are commiting these crimes. And since you seem to know so much about these DEATHS just maybe the FBI should start their Investigation with You ALLEN M.

Is that the best you can come up with?
Here is the proof that you don't know S**T about the LDM or the Superstitions.
The people who have died in the Sup's died of exposure, no foul play like you would want people to believe, does make for a good story and one that puts you right in the center of KNOW IT ALL ville.
WOW 6.5 knows all about the secret superstion murders WHAT A JOKE
and by the way the get together you are reffering to is not put on by folks, the mans name is Joe.
save that for another one of your BS stories.
whoever you are
yea it's my real name.

Is that the best you can come up with?
Here is the proof that you don't know S**T about the LDM or the Superstitions.
The people who have died in the Sup's died of exposure, no foul play like you would want people to believe, does make for a good story and one that puts you right in the center of KNOW IT ALL ville.
WOW 6.5 knows all about the secret superstion murders WHAT A JOKE
and by the way the get together you are reffering to is not put on by folks, the mans name is Joe.
save that for another one of your BS stories.
whoever you are
yea it's my real name.


Thanks for giving me the credit, but I am no longer involved in running the Rendezvous. I backed out of that a number of years ago, due to the number
of......burro holes who attacked the event, due to the fact that I, along with some good friends started the event. It's kind of like why I have just been
banned from DUSA......for a second time. I have a tendency to speak the plain truth, as I see it. That has made me a few enemies over the years.:dontknow:

Carolyn and I still play camp hosts and have always tried to feed as many people as we could Friday night. Our trailer is available for the ladies to use and we set up shade, a BBQ, tables and try to keep some cold water on hand. Our trailer has a generator, so if someone need electricity, it's available. This will
be our last year to do that, as we are not getting any younger.

I am hoping someone will step up and volunteer to take on the job. The event provides a place for old timers to reunite with some of their friends from earlier years. It also provides a place for newbies to have face to face time with some of the well known Dutch Hunters like, Tom Kollenborn, Bob Corbin,
Clay Worst, Greg Davis, Ron Feldman and his family and scores of others. I know I have left a number of folks/friends out of that list, but the memory
don't work so good no-more.:BangHead:

As a big fan of the stories of Sims Ely and Jim Bark, especially concerning the events surrounding the deaths of Jacob Waltz and Adolph Ruth, this is one
Rendezvous that I can't wait for.

Take care,


Cactus, you posted --> but the memory don't work so good no-more.


What'd ya expect ya ole coot,:occasion14: Leave the LDM to us. :coffee2::coffee2:

Don Jose de La Mancha

Sherlock wrote “It's kind of like why I have just been banned from DUSA......for a second time.”


It looks like you have crossed swords with Moriarty again and have been bested, at least temporarily.:laughing7:

Moriarty now appears to have Scotland Yard fooled which is a bit ironic.

I’m sure Jan would have recognized him but she is no longer in charge, so I guess it is not surprising. It certainly makes for strange bedfellows. :icon_scratch:



Your comment reminded me of this passage, from the pen of the same celebrated author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
As Watson described the bleak setting of Baskerville Hall.

“The longer one stays here the more does the spirit of the moor sink into one’s soul, its vastness, and also its grim charm. When you are once out upon its bosom you have left all traces of modern England behind you, but on the other hand you are conscious everywhere of the homes and the work of prehistoric people. On all sides of you as you walk are the houses of these forgotten folk, with their graves and the huge monoliths which are supposed to have marked their temples. As you look at their grey stone huts against the scarred hillsides you leave your own age behind you, and if you were to see a skin-clad, hairy man crawl out from the low door, fitting a flint-tipped arrow on to the string of his bow, you would feel that the presence there was more natural than your own. The strange thing is that they should have lived so thickly on what must always have been most unfruitful soil. I am no antiquarian, but I could imagine that they were some unwarlike and harried race who were forced to accept that which none other would occupy.”


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Sherlock wrote “It's kind of like why I have just been banned from DUSA......for a second time.”

It looks like you have crossed swords with Moriarty again and have been bested, at least temporarily.:laughing7:

Moriarty now appears to have Scotland Yard fooled which is a bit ironic.

I’m sure Jan would have recognized him but she is no longer in charge, so I guess it is not surprising. It certainly makes for strange bedfellows. :icon_scratch:



It may be that I am a little slow, and something less than a "Sherlock". To be honest, I don't have much interest in what the new "experts" are dreaming up on these forums.

Take care,


I am real glad that you think Motel 6.5 is giving you good info, wait you say you don't go into the mountains?
so how do you know if it is good info?
I don.t think Motel 6.5 has ever ben into the mountains either, so you two have something in common.
Why am I dissing him so much?
Last year the Arizona SAR retrieved three bodies from the mountains, they were just down from Utah for the weekend to find the LDM.
This year they retrieved another body and while you armchair adventurers love the stories 6.5 tells cause there is no harm in a good yarn since you have no intention of ever going into those mountains, there are others who listen to that crap and think its just an easy trip to get the gold, same with stroker 395 he can read the tablets like a book, yea right.
its no problem if you all just want to tell BS stories around the campfire but so far the body count keeps rising.
Just dont go in there thinking easy trip based on those jokers info.

Lets see Alan, how do I respond in a Christian way. I am fat, got a real nice lazyboy here. Do a lot of research, in my lazyboy. I dont go to the Arizona Mountains, as you have quoted, people die there. People die here too, but then I know my limitations. For a fat man, I can still climb without ropes. I also can spot a good post when I see one. I do goto the mountains almost on a weekly basis. I find manyy wonderful things. But due to the A$$'e$ here I dont post the good stuff here. I work with real treasure hunters Alan. Alan, what have you done lately?

It seems that you have found a christian way to respond to my post, calling me an A** is surely one way.
First I want to point out that my antagonistic post was not directly aimed at you, but the swords fall where they may
As far as you being out of shape, well thats not my problem and no I do not feel sorry for you, good try though, as someone else probably will.
I just got back from the mountains where I investigated a site discovered by a friend of mine, it was nearly 100 out that morning.
Like you, I do not post the good stuff but unlike others I do not taunt people by saying I got good stuff but I wont share it with the like of you. Thats just being an A** in my opinion.
The type of thing done by those who need attention.
It is clear that you and I differ as to what constitutes a good post, as far as the LDM is concerned.
I suggest you stay judgment untill you can find a way to actually get into those mountains.
Best Regards as allways

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