Is that the best you can come up with?
Here is the proof that you don't know S**T about the LDM or the Superstitions.
The people who have died in the Sup's died of exposure, no foul play like you would want people to believe, does make for a good story and one that puts you right in the center of KNOW IT ALL ville.
WOW 6.5 knows all about the secret superstion murders WHAT A JOKE
and by the way the get together you are reffering to is not put on by folks, the mans name is Joe.
save that for another one of your BS stories.
whoever you are
yea it's my real name.
Thanks for giving me the credit, but I am no longer involved in running the Rendezvous. I backed out of that a number of years ago, due to the number
of......burro holes who attacked the event, due to the fact that I, along with some good friends started the event. It's kind of like why I have just been
banned from DUSA......for a second time. I have a tendency to speak the plain truth, as I see it. That has made me a few enemies over the years.
Carolyn and I still play camp hosts and have always tried to feed as many people as we could Friday night. Our trailer is available for the ladies to use and we set up shade, a BBQ, tables and try to keep some cold water on hand. Our trailer has a generator, so if someone need electricity, it's available. This will
be our last year to do that, as we are not getting any younger.
I am hoping someone will step up and volunteer to take on the job. The event provides a place for old timers to reunite with some of their friends from earlier years. It also provides a place for newbies to have face to face time with some of the well known Dutch Hunters like, Tom Kollenborn, Bob Corbin,
Clay Worst, Greg Davis, Ron Feldman and his family and scores of others. I know I have left a number of folks/friends out of that list, but the memory
don't work so good no-more.
As a big fan of the stories of Sims Ely and Jim Bark, especially concerning the events surrounding the deaths of Jacob Waltz and Adolph Ruth, this is one
Rendezvous that I can't wait for.
Take care,