holy jelly

rebury it place a pile of rocks over it
leave it be no need for the cops it was a child leave it be
TreasureTales said:
Here's why, no one should be burying any organic material on public property. There might be some disease/fungus/bugs that could be in the material. Finding syringes in public places is bad, but finding a fetus or a dead gerbil or any other potentially diseased dead thing is absolutely outrageous and needs to be reported so that the perpetrator can be apprehended.
if its dead then dont play with it, nothing will happen right?YES.........
thats what happpens when things die they grow fungus have bugs crawl on/in/threw them and harbor disease.thats the cycle of life and death(kind of interesting really)
so if a racoon dies in the woods and i fing it should i can the police?NO.........
sorry TT way out on a limb on that one been living in california to long i think.....
its not medical waste its a dead mass rebury it and leave it blah blah