A little advice needed!

Baron Von De Kalb said:
holy jelly :o
rebury it place a pile of rocks over it
leave it be no need for the cops it was a child leave it be
TreasureTales said:
Here's why, no one should be burying any organic material on public property. There might be some disease/fungus/bugs that could be in the material. Finding syringes in public places is bad, but finding a fetus or a dead gerbil or any other potentially diseased dead thing is absolutely outrageous and needs to be reported so that the perpetrator can be apprehended.
if its dead then dont play with it, nothing will happen right?YES.........
thats what happpens when things die they grow fungus have bugs crawl on/in/threw them and harbor disease.thats the cycle of life and death(kind of interesting really)
so if a racoon dies in the woods and i fing it should i can the police?NO.........
sorry TT way out on a limb on that one been living in california to long i think.....
its not medical waste its a dead mass rebury it and leave it blah blah
I agree with the Baron. A dead or diseased gerbil does not have to be reported. And no one would be interested. Bury it, same place. Mark with rocks.

The silk & Rosary indicate it was precious to someone. The newer condition of the lid shows it hasn't been buried long.
My .02 is to:

Restore it with reverence.

hi everyone, as i don,t know the laws in each american state that covers these sort of finds i make no comment.

Treasure tales, " We don,t ask for pics " You don,t speak for me or anyone else only your self.It seems intersting that you should ask for pics,I remember making a polite request for pics from you and gave me a fair reason for not being able to do so.Its been sometime since that post and i have noticed that you aquired a few other nice relics yourself.Congrats.Only a suggestion if at some later date you could aquire a camera yourself you could share all your finds and stories with me.Xmas is coming.I know i don,t take the best pics or have very good P.C skills and will endvour to improve on them. ;) ;) ;).

tinpan " i can,t wait to see your Posts and Pics"

The rosary means that it was buried by a catholic...

No reason needed.

The guessing game is over.

Bury it and forget the whole event.

I am sorry for even asking. I new in my heart what to do. I cant please all the people all the time. I have returned from where it came. I just placed a little out of the way off the beaten path if you will. I have placed a circle of rocks around it so no one in the future will by digging it up by accident. No I did not open it. What ever is in there is in there for a reason. It is not my place to go carting it all over the city and showing it off. I would not want that done to anything I buried (dog). So mystery solved or not I did what I felt was right. Once again I am sorry to disappoint anyone. and if anyone is concerned I had a father from the Catholic School across the street see that it was done correctly. Thanks FJUDD94.

fjudd94 said:
I am sorry for even asking. I new in my heart what to do. I cant please all the people all the time. I have returned from where it came. I just placed a little out of the way off the beaten path if you will. I have placed a circle of rocks around it so no one in the future will by digging it up by accident. No I did not open it. What ever is in there is in there for a reason. It is not my place to go carting it all over the city and showing it off. I would not want that done to anything I buried (dog). So mystery solved or not I did what I felt was right. Once again I am sorry to disappoint anyone. and if anyone is concerned I had a father from the Catholic School across the street see that it was done correctly. Thanks FJUDD94.
I am sure you diappointed some of the sickos, but, for the rest of us who did not suggest opening it you did the right thing. A good possibility it was human. Could have been some kids kitten for Pete's sake. I built a cross from angle iron my 12 year old golden retriever when he died, so, rosaries do not necessarily mean it was human. Buried by a Catholic is most likely the scenario. I think many of us just wanted the pic to help in the decision making process. Sickos will want it opened. It is obvious the mass is in serious decay. Opening it would have been just dumb. GL


Nice ending. :) Thanks for sharing. The same could happen to any one of us.

Just because some wanted to ID does not mean they are all sickos. I dont know why the jar was not opened before burying in the first place, by the original owner, to better facilitate the natural decaying process. Putting in a jar only preserved it somewhat.

I can't see why everyone is all het up over a jar of mixed fruit jelly. Boy, does the imagination run wild! A deputy sheriff once asked me to help him find the body of a buried woman a beachcomber had found. He found her blond hair and head buried in the sandy beach of a local lake and reported it to the deputy but couldn't relocate it. I had been wanting to detect the beach anyway so I told him I would look for it. After about two hours of detecting and having nearly forgotten about the body I was digging a silver signal and dug into a glob of blond hair. You know what I was thinking! Being ex-law enforcement and having seen dozens of dead bodies I carefully dug around the "head" until I had it fully exposed before I called the authorities. What I had was a blond wig surrounding a plastic bag of trash...including a couple of squashed aluminum cans that were giving me the silver signal. When I uncovered most of the hair and didn't smell anything peculiar I pretty much figured it wasn't a dead woman's head, but my imagination was running wild and my heart was pounding all the same. Moral of the story? No telling what was in that jar. When I was a kid my sister and I even had a funeral for a beloved pet one time....then dug him up weeks later just to see what he looked like! :D Kids! Monty

Looks like a misscarry fetus , rebury it and forget it! the beads were a show of faith for the unborn child ! ITS IN GODS HANDS NOW! , GOB BLESS!! :-\

Sorry, WDFF. I don't think of myself as a "sicko." Just an ordinary, educated, middle-aged, curious human being. I appreciate your attitude, though, of just reburying it. That's a noble gesture. Careful with the namecalling, though. That puts a label on you.

Good to hear it's all been handled. Hope no one decides to see what's under the stones. ;)


Noodle said:
Sorry, WDFF. I don't think of myself as a "sicko." Just an ordinary, educated, middle-aged, curious human being. I appreciate your attitude, though, of just reburying it. That's a noble gesture. Careful with the namecalling, though. That puts a label on you.

Good to hear it's all been handled. Hope no one decides to see what's under the stones. ;)

Pardon me for finding the opening of a jar, containing a rotting flesh-mass, disgusting. Calling for a picture of the jar is one thing. Asking to have it opened by a person who is most likely not trained in forensic science is not what I call a smooth move. I am sorry if any sickos were harmed in the making of this post....


Wow, this post went in all directions !!!! But glad you returned it to it's resting place...no matter what it was.

To be honest man... What ever it was you did the right thing by putting it back... On a personal note I've buried dead animals mostly hampsters, gerbils etc... I'd just put them in some sort of box and bury them in my grandma's back yard when I was younger...

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