A Hunt On One Of My Ft Ancient Sites

The Grim Reaper

Gold Member
Apr 3, 2008
Southern Ohio
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I hit one of my Ft Ancient sites a couple of days ago and didn't do as well as I'd hoped considering all the rain we've had since my last visit, but I still found some decent pieces. Almost everything I found was broken or damaged except for one Bone Bead and a Marginella Shell Bead. I did find what would have been a killer Deer Antler Flaking Tool if it didn't have the drilled end busted out. It had been drilled almost an inch deep and has a nice tip on it, but the side is busted out of it along the base. I also found half of a Bears Tooth that is split right in two along the entire length. It doesn't show any signs of drilling, but you can see polish marks all over it where they had carved it a little to thin it along the root, so my guess is the drilling was in the missing part. All the points are either just tips or bases, no whole ones. I also found the tip off of a Bone Awl.

The first picture is the days finds. The top row from the left is a piece of cut Deer Antler, the Antler Flaker, the Bears Tooth, a broken Bone Bead, the good Bone Bead, and the Marginella Bead. The bottom row is all of the broken points and the Bone Awl in the center and then a close up of the Bone Awl.

The last three pictures are some other pieces I have found there in the past year or so and a close up of some of the Drilled Teeth and Beads.


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Steve, nice stuff as always. I really need to get out. Congrats and thanks for the look.

My daughter said "Oh this will be good!". We love looking at your posts, DorkFish. The stuff you find is amazing!
kind regards~~sandcreek

Thanks sandcreek. I'm glad you like them and tell your daughter I said thanks as well.

Thanks Chuck.

larson1951 said:
pretty nice, ya real nice

how big is the site you go to? (how many acres?)

Larson, the site was originally a very large area, but it is a commercial site now with lots of businesses built on it and only one little spot is left that is huntable. The guy that owns it though won't let anyone in that area anymore though so I hunt the small creek that runs beside it and down over the bank from the site that sets up on a high rise. They bulldozed some of the site over the bank about 20 years ago and you can get down on the bank and rummage through the vegetation and find all kinds of things if you are lucky. Some days I do really well and some days I find what I found on this hunt, but I always come home with something.

I always enjoy seeing the way you photograph and display your bone and shell. It makes it so interesting its overwhelming to see the drilled items. It inspires me. The site you describe is perfect the way it was dozed over the edge. Glad you are saving it.


Those are Marginella Shells and they are found along the east coast. When I was at Myrtle Beach a while back and looking for sharks teeth I started finding these shells all over the place and I kept hoping one of them would be a Bead, but no such luck. It just shows how much trade went on for these to travel that far.

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