A HOLY COW day! Capped bust dime EF? !!!


Silver Member
Apr 17, 2008
Moronica, northwest of Chicago.
Detector(s) used
E-trac & Bounty Hunter Land Star
I got out today with Lowbatts and Watercolor. We went for a long walk to the area of an old farmhouse. This is the general area where we found the "sweet" cache earlier in the week. ;D


Nothing worthwhile came up for some time today, then WC found a Rosie, and 'Batts dug a big wheatie spill. I started poking around for a bit and claimed a Rosie for myself - good deal! :thumbsup: Lowbatts and I stood around BSing for a few minutes, then started hunting in earnest again. I crossed the path and started swinging not too far from the path itself, and in about 5 or 10 minutes, I got a penny sounding signal that looked like it could be a dime if I swung just the right way. OK, here comes another mem cent or maybe a clad dime.... :-\

Well, after finally locating the target in the black mud, I see a reeded edge and think "clad Rosie". I squirted it with water and could see it was silver, so I had another silver Rosie at least. :thumbsup:

CB dirt 1 small.jpg

Well, I need glasses to read, 8) but I don't want to ruin them or lose them, so I keep them in my car which was about a half mile away. So I did the next best thing by squinting and looking at it. I thought that it might be a Barber, so I pulled out my magnifier. What I saw was so shocking to me that I found it hard to believe! I could see it was an 1835 capped bust dime and that it had a lot of detail on it! :thumbsup: :)

CB dirt 2 small.jpg

I set it back down and started yelling out like a goof for the other guys to come over. :o :o :o I wish I could fully describe how digging this beauty made me feel - I hope it's something each of you get to experience if you haven't already! Now I've dug all kinds of old coins, but never a seated. I'm to the point that I wondered if I'd ever find one. To skip past a seated and get a capped bust in this shape was really amazingly awesome!!! Especially at a site where the silvers and wheats were coming up mid 20th century.

I'm no grading expert, but it looks EF-ish to me. My 2010 Red Book lists EF-40 at $300. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated!

Here's the goods, including some kind of animal tag from the 40's.

Obverse CB small.jpg

Reverse CB small.jpg

Finds small.jpg

So a ho-hum hunt really turned into an unbelievable day! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Thanks for checking out my finds and HH! :wink:

Upvote 0
Fantastic find and a very scarce one at that in this part of the world! Congrats on a bigtime beauty!

that is a beauty KD---Congrats my friend :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

She's defenitly a looker. :thumbsup:

I do know the feeling on digging these beautiful coins and it's one you never forget.

Congrats, Bill

Truly a once in a lifetime find there buddy.....happy as heck for you :thumbsup:
I Cant stop looking at it,what beautiful detail :o
Seated what??? :laughing7:



Great job and it is indeed a banner find for this region of the country since settlers only got here 3 years prior to that coin getting minted. The fact it was found at one of the old homesites along the Indian Trace ties it to the earliest folk hereabouts, great dig Neil. That's why we put up with that overgrowth!

Who needs Seated's when you can cut-to-the-chase and dig those :D

I'll tell ya, amid that clutter of late wheats and early Rosies we were
finding there yesterday, your CB was a well-deserved recovery :notworthy:

That is one of the nicest CB dimes I've ever seen dug and it was great
to be there when you found it. Now on to the Draped Bust's!

(Thanks for buying lunch too ;D)

That is a really nice coin you dug Neil. WTG!!! I never would have thought one would be found up there in that good of shape. It reminds me of the seated someone found at Washington just below the surface. When I heard that I knew there was hope for all of us. This just reinforces that hope. Now go find your seated. TMAN...

tmanfromtexas said:
That is a really nice coin you dug Neil. WTG!!! I never would have thought one would be found up there in that good of shape. It reminds me of the seated someone found at Washington just below the surface. When I heard that I knew there was hope for all of us. This just reinforces that hope. Now go find your seated. TMAN...

Hey Tracy, that was probably my first Seated found,, seems like yesterday.


That is a beautiful coin, major congrats to you!

What can I say but WOW!! :headbang: That is one super nice coin. I think you need to change your name to "Who needs Seated when you can find Capped Bust". Amazing. I'm speechless. Well done.

Big E

Sweet Find! In great shape to boot. :thumbsup: HH

Amazing coin and congrats :icon_thumright:


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