I quoted and and posted. Didn't add or remove anything , you did.
Well seeing as I don't really care what you think it doesn't matter to me, however your disruption of this thread and people who come here to learn and not listen to you go on about nonsense and petty grudges therefore I would like to get back on topic now.

Two points and a distance, you stated only two points
thank you for making my point

An Equilateral Triangle has equal parts so if you know a degree line from the tip to lets say the middle at 75 feet then you have two points, if you know to go 120 degrees turning off the first line from the second point to the next tip at 75 feet you continue on until you have a 130 foot triangle it all starts with 2 points and 1 distance between those two points when you have a pattern that you know.

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Again, more than simply two points, now you have added additional information, the degree angle along with a distance

Again, more than simply two points, now you have added additional information, the degree angle along with a distance
Yes I fixed my error I am explaining the pattern starting out with two points and a distance on a equillateral triangle

I would have thought you would have learned something after your time out guess I was wrong. You have no reason to come on here and talk down about aura hunters. Nobody on here has ever said a bad word to you.

"I would have thought you would have learned something after your time out guess I was wrong."
Yes. You are wrong and out of line.

"I would have thought you would have learned something after your time out guess I was wrong."
Yes I was banned for insulting a moderator. What does that have to do with my post?

So your belief in aura hunting isn't an attempt to talk down to those who find your technique to be of no value to them? But somehow my post disavowing the value of aura hunting is talking down to aura hunters. WTH? Double standard much?

If you are offended by other people's opinions I suggest you run to the moderator. No reason you should have to give other people's opinions the same respect you seem to think your opinions deserve. Your less than veiled threat about past moderation efforts seems to point out your solution to your discomfort at having your beliefs challenged.

Aura hunt all you want. Post about your theories and beliefs all you want. I will continue to engage in any thread I have something to contribute to or comment on. My opinions are not a threat to you, an attack, or of less value than your opinions - or are they?

Op. has massive Ego issues . Its his thread to only post on what he wants. Its his Treasure sites, thinks he owns them. Thinks he is in control. Looks to me he only controls two on here.
Lightspirt please post by our rules, no more insults, and leave the moderation to the mods.

Everyone, please post by TNet's rules.

An Equilateral Triangle has equal parts so if you know a degree line from the tip to lets say the middle at 75 feet then you have two points, if you know to go 120 degrees turning off the first line from the second point to the next tip at 75 feet you continue on until you have a 130 foot triangle it all starts with 2 points and 1 distance between those two points when you have a pattern that you know.
Can you explain by drawing the figure?

Here is a REAL Treasure Site Triangle Using an Owl as one point of the triangle and an Invisible crisscross spot as the second point of the Triangle (which is also the center) the other two points are not marked except by the sentinels which they planted saguaros marking the last two tips.

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I have to say this one will really get them stirred up friend. It's the info needed on how to dig a vault up.

It narrows it down but there are specific degrees that are important which are used in the triangle
Thanks for pushing past all of the noisy static.
You are truly the best at this, there's no doubt.
Glad you're showing the beginning triangle info.
Thanks Amigo, a few are really thankful 4 your time...

Here is a REAL Treasure Site Triangle Using an Owl as one point of the triangle and an Invisible crisscross spot as the second point of the Triangle (which is also the center) the other two points are not marked except by the sentinels which they planted saguaros marking the last two tips.View attachment 2104558
Awesome, Thanks!

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Lightspirt has left the building.

Please post by TNet rules, if you want to argue and bicker with each other do it by pm, keep it off the forums!

The only salient ideas in these threads that I've recognized and support (long ago, before I placed a few folks on IGNORE) is the importance of geometry (triangles in particular) when attempting to piece together findings of field evidence.

However, when you can't see the forest for the trees, it's tough to choose which trees to focus on. In the case of "treasure layouts" in the American southwest, rocks generally replace trees, but the problems are the same. There are millions of rocks that can be shown to form triangles with other rocks. We're told that specific auras caught on camera lead to the proper rock triangles. Yes, light auras resulting from ionized particles in certain atmospheric conditions are real, but I haven't seen any evidence that they lead to buried treasure. Of course, I could be wrong, but so far - lots of cowboy hat, but no cowboy.

Triangles with unmistakable nodes are good things. Below is an example of quite a large right triangle encompassing more than a hundred square miles, which includes an enclosed smaller right triangle (an "as above, so below" occurrence). Since I don't believe in coincidences - certainly not multiple ones like these - I must conclude that these triangles were clearly human engineered. For what reason? Local legends in this extremely heavily mineralized region with a very long history provide hints.

1. SE Node: unmistakable and legendaryAmerican Southwest landmark, clearly visible for twenty miles from two directions.
2. N Node: highly weathered, 5-foot long, deeply carved Christian cross located on another unmistakable and easily located landmark.
3. SW Node: a difficult to locate panel of precisely etched petroglyphs containing symbols completely unique to common Southwestern native carvings.
4. SE to N finding: an exact "point on line", a short stretch of deeply cut parallel lines which pointing 90° to the SW. Not common wagon ruts.
5. Middle Node: extending the No. 4 line to another exact "point on line" - this line being the N-S bisecting line of the large exterior right triangle. The site is a large petroglyph panel containing very old and weathered carvings overlaid by much more recently done and similar figures.

Bottom line lesson to be learned: document all your unusual findings, map them accurately as you can, expand your search area as required and closely study all results. Be persistent.


Too bad your supposed contribution adds nothing to the topic, so it's simply a... useless waste of everyone's time.
Nothing new, but if you'd actually read the guide (this thread), you'd maybe have picked it up, & the annoying sass possibly would not be... as it is, just a static noise. Not the first novice to jump in here,
& feel free to ramble on much about their knowledge, or self. Hmmm, seems like a song I've heard somewhere before... Leaves are falling all around... Sending this in a PM
Please post by TNet rules, if you want to argue and bicker with each other do it by pm, keep it off the forums!
Your post above is off topic, a personal attack on my character and offensive.
You can PM me by clicking on my name.

If the bickering and insults continues, I have 2 choices, hand out more timeouts or close and lock the thread.

If members don't like what another member says you either ignore it and move on, block the member, (you will not see their posts or quotes of their posts or take it to pm.)

Be forewarned, any insults or major rule violations after this post will not end well.

No further comments from me, except the OP & author, should be able to complete his Fantastic work intended for those that are truly interested, not otherwise. No worries, my good friend sandy1,
but my sincere apology, for spending the time & effort, thinking to help in engaging...
I for one, would like to see you be able to finish your exceptional book,
& without the interference, would be really nice...

So I deleted that last post, though it was also quoted.
No more responses will be made of that order.
I've no use for PM whatever discussion,
other than the people I've known.

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Here is a REAL Treasure Site Triangle Using an Owl as one point of the triangle and an Invisible crisscross spot as the second point of the Triangle (which is also the center) the other two points are not marked except by the sentinels which they planted saguaros marking the last two tips.View attachment 2104558
Hello Sandy. In which geographical direction were the owls?

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