There are no signs or indicators on the entrances. In one area, it is possible to find many intersection points, but it is not true. To find the right point, you must know beliefs, geographical directions, light and shadow in summer and winter solstices, golden ratio, equinox point, (L) and (X) construction. If you want to draw a cross, you should base it on four stones that are like the four characteristics of humans (lion, eagle, cow, human) or the four main elements (water, wind, earth, fire). After finding the foundation stones, point out that your crossconfirms that the long side of the cross must be towards the east. The length of the sides and the ratio of the sides are very important (multiples of 12 and a golden ratio or close to 1.6) and the work does not end here. After finding the correct cross, you must find the point of symmetry or the axis of symmetry. And transfer all the points you have on the axis of symmetry or the point of symmetry to make a cross this time without any stone in it.
Ahhh,yes. The Foundation stone, look at the first 5 letters in the word (Bingo.) They dont know the key is to find and base the X on that. Without that, their
X's just lead to 0. Excellent Hmk959, your are in the Master class. Thank you.

Ahhh,yes. The Foundation stone, look at the first 5 letters in the word (Bingo.) They dont know the key is to find and base the X on that. Without that, their
X's just lead to 0. Excellent Hmk959, your are in the Master class. Thank you.
That means you are in the A class. Annoying. Can't you stop being?
Your off topic posts, just takes the focus off of true thread topic & other aspects
sandy1 is trying to show us. In your selfish rudeness like always, you just don't seem to care.

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HMK959 I am asking you to be an honorable man and start your own thread. You have posted some information about your monuments and there location but does not have any type of correlation with what this thread is about.Sandy1 has worked hard here to present how the Spanish engineered there vault and cache sites here in the U.S.A. and how to decipher and decode there locations. Please be a considerate man and start your own thread.

In a PM I was asked if I know what a pentagon is, well I have some in the field... That's how I know HMK959
Hasn't read sandy1's guide & said so. Then I was informed: I "have too much prejudice, to listen to other people."
It's really the opposite, I paid close attention to plenty of people that knew quite a bit about some things first,
and then I saw sandy1 had started this thread...
With ALL the answers I was really looking for & more, that realistically work in the similar marker setting.

In a PM I was asked if I know what a pentagon is, well I have some in the field... That's how I know HMK959
Hasn't read sandy1's guide & said so. Then I was informed: I "have too much prejudice, to listen to other people."
It's really the opposite, I paid close attention to plenty of people that knew quite a bit about some things first,
and then I saw sandy1 had started this thread...
With ALL the answers I was really looking for & more, that realistically work in the similar marker setting.
my friend . You have misunderstood what I mean. Maybe the meaning of the words is changed in the translator. I did not intend to insult you or anyone. But if you are upset with me, I apologize to you.

HMK959 I am asking you to be an honorable man and start your own thread. You have posted some information about your monuments and there location but does not have any type of correlation with what this thread is about.Sandy1 has worked hard here to present how the Spanish engineered there vault and cache sites here in the U.S.A. and how to decipher and decode there locations. Please be a considerate man and start your own thread.
my friend. Thank you for your efforts Sandy. But I had no bad intention to post pictures and articles here. I think you have a misunderstanding. Meanwhile, Sandy allowed me to post photos in his thread. My goal was to share what I experienced. I apologize if all of you are upset.

my friend. Thank you for your efforts Sandy. But I had no bad intention to post pictures and articles here. I think you have a misunderstanding. Meanwhile, Sandy allowed me to post photos in his thread. My goal was to share what I experienced. I apologize if all of you are upset.

Our rules and guidelines are to keep each thread on the original topic. If pictures and posts are not related to original post they should be in a new thread.

my friend . You have misunderstood what I mean. Maybe the meaning of the words is changed in the translator. I did not intend to insult you or anyone. But if you are upset with me, I apologize to you.
No apology really necessary to me sir. We've been trying to be fair, & get you to understand.
No one is upset. A little annoyed perhaps, but try reading this guide real well, listen, & then
You will See the different techniques used, & where we're at in practice. Start a new
thread, & you will more likely get people who will be interested & talk to you.
Believe, there is No misunderstanding. Good luck & peace to you sir.

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HMK I don't have anything against you either I just think if you started a new thread and shared your knowledge with the people here on treasurenet you could find people that you could help out possibly in your own country or people that have markers that are similar to yours.

HMK I don't have anything against you either I just think if you started a new thread and shared your knowledge with the people here on treasurenet you could find people that you could help out possibly in your own country or people that have markers that are similar to yours.
my friend. In your post 56, you published a list of Spanish markers. When I read your list, I realized that I have most of your markers. And I sent you their photos. I do not intend to hurt or insult anyone. The reason for messaging you and the rest of your friends in America was to exchange ideas and know how you discover treasures. Thank.

my friend. In your post 56, you published a list of Spanish markers. When I read your list, I realized that I have most of your markers. And I sent you their photos. I do not intend to hurt or insult anyone. The reason for messaging you and the rest of your friends in America was to exchange ideas and know how you discover treasures. Thank.
I understand but as I said before your native land (Iran) was never inhabited by the Spanish who built the markers here in the United States which means that your markers were built by a different group of people with different ideology and religion, much of what you talk about is going back to King Solomon or the Pyramid times while the markers to treasures we have here in the United States are only from the 1500s on, yes much of the symbology can be of ancient origin but some of it is most definitely New such as measuring in English Feet which isn't older than the 14th Century.

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I want to explain something, lets take the OWL as an example, there have been many people saying the Owl is meant to represent Athena's Owl meaning wisdom and secret knowledge.

On the other hand if we look at some old European information we find that Owls would roost near cemeteries indicating a gravesite which in Catholicism could relate to where Jesus was buried (the treasure)

Yet again since we can't say the Spanish stayed within their own culture we could be talking about Laxmi, the Hindu goddess of money and wealth who rides an owl (since she relates to Gold)

Many of The American Indian tribes across the country not only believed that owls have a correlation to death, but also the afterlife as did the Aztecs. So it wouldn't be too far fetched that the Spanish knowing the superstitions and fears of the natives would carve owls near their treasure sites to scare off the natives.

I personally think the best explanation is the Owls trait of seeing in the dark shows something hidden where he is roosting (the treasure)

There can be many reasons that the Owls are carved near treasure locations, but the bottom line is the owls are most definitely carved near many of these treasures.

I want to explain something, lets take the OWL as an example, there have been many people saying the Owl is meant to represent Athena's Owl meaning wisdom and secret knowledge.

On the other hand if we look at some old European information we find that Owls would roost near cemeteries indicating a gravesite which in Catholicism could relate to where Jesus was buried (the treasure)

Yet again since we can't say the Spanish stayed within their own culture we could be talking about Laxmi, the Hindu goddess of money and wealth who rides an owl (since she relates to Gold)

Many of The American Indian tribes across the country not only believed that owls have a correlation to death, but also the afterlife as did the Aztecs. So it wouldn't be too far fetched that the Spanish knowing the superstitions and fears of the natives would carve owls near their treasure sites to scare off the natives.

I personally think the best explanation is the Owls trait of seeing in the dark shows something hidden where he is roosting (the treasure)

There can be many reasons that the Owls are carved near treasure locations, but the bottom line is the owls are most definitely carved near many of these treasures.
Can we say that the closer we get to the treasure and dig site, the smaller the owls get? Or is it a little harder to recognize them? Or will it become M.m?

Tons and tons of above ground stuff which is great. Anyone what to share any of the flip side stuff?

athena owl coin

The Owl of Athena: Symbol of Wisdom

by Sean Kelly on April 13, 2022

by Ed Whelan, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom
Many animals were associated with Greek and Roman gods; they were believed to represent some aspect of the god or goddess. A good example of this is the Owl of the Greek goddess Athena. The Owl of Athena was one of the most important religious symbols in ancient Greece: it became a political, literary, and philosophical symbol which still resonates to this day.
Animals have long had symbolic associations for humans. In ancient Greece, the twelve Olympian gods all had animals that were deemed to be sacred to that deity. The attributes of the animals were believed to overlap or represent that of a god, and as a result, that animal was held to be sacred to that particular god. For example, Zeus was associated with eagles, which symbolized the strength and power of the leading Olympian deity.
The Owl of Athena
Athena was a virgin warrior goddess, and was widely worshipped in the Greek world. The goddess was the embodiment also of strategy, wisdom, warfare and technical skills. Athena played a major role in the works of Homer, and is often shown as the patron of heroes such as Odysseus.
Athena was long associated with the owl. Some believe that the association between Athena and the Owl in ancient Greece was inherited from the Indo-Europeans or Minoans. Another strand of thought is that the particular abilities of the owl made it a suitable symbol for the Goddess of wisdom, strategy and skills. Owls are intelligent birds and highly effective hunters: these qualities are those that represent many of the aspects of Athena.
Athena with an owl.Athena with an owl
The sight of an owl was believed to be a sign of favor from Athena. At the naval Battle of Salamis, the appearance of some owls was seen as a blessing from the goddess of warfare, wisdom and strategy. Because of the association with the daughter of Zeus, owls had a very high status in Greece. There were many depictions of Athena with her companion animal, the owl. According to myth, the owl sat on the blind side of the Goddess and allowed her to see everything and to comprehend the whole truth.
Athena’s Owl and Athens
Interestingly, there was a large population of owls in the vicinity of Athens. Athena was the patron of the city, and she attained this honor in a contest with the sea-god Poseidon. Some believe that the name of the greatest Greek city came from the goddess. While Athena was a Panhellenic deity, she was the object of special reverence in Athens. The owl became a symbol of the city. It represented not only Athens’ patron goddess but also the qualities that they admired, including warcraft, reason, strategy and practical skills. Many Athenian coins have the symbol of Athena. There is one source that claims that owls were kept at the Temple dedicated to Athena in the city.
The Owl of Minerva
The Romans were deeply influenced by Greek religion and myth. One of Rome’s most important deities was Minerva, the old Latin Goddess of reason, wisdom, strategy, poetry, handicrafts, and commerce, became associated with Athena. The Romans adopted the Owl of Athena to represent the powers and characteristics of Minerva, who was less bellicose but was regarded as being as wise as the Hellenic goddess. Like her Greek counterpart, the Roman deity came to be represented by the symbol of the nocturnal raptor in art and coins.
Fresco of the Roman goddess Minerva.Fresco of the Roman goddess Minerva.
The symbolism of the Owl of Athena
Philosophers across the ages have adopted the symbolism of the owl of Athena. Aristotle used the symbol of the owl to denote the wise. The 19th German idealist philosopher Hegel famously wrote that the ‘”the owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the falling of the dusk”. This refers to the fact that people only become wise after the event has passed.
The owl is still a symbol of wisdom to this day. This is in part due to the fact that the bird was sacred to the Greek goddess of wisdom. The owl of Athena or Minerva became associated with secret knowledge in the early modern period and was the symbol of the notorious secret society, the Illuminati.
Many gods and goddess had sacred animals and they were deemed to represent some characteristic of the goddesses. The owl was thought to represent the wisdom and foresight of Athena, the virgin goddess in the Greek Pantheon. The owl became associated with Athens and later with the Roman goddess Minerva. The Owl of Athena resulted in, the bird becoming a symbol of wisdom. Today being as ‘wise as an owl’ is a popular expression.
Graves, Robert (2000). Greek Myths. London: Pelican.

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        • This is a good article. Click here for more information.
          From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          Burney Relief / Queen of the Night

          Probably representing either Ereshkigal or Ishtar
          SizeHeight: 49.5 cm (19.5 in)
          Width: 37 cm (15 in)
          Thickness: 4.8 cm (1.9 in)
          Created19th-18th century BCE
          Period/cultureOld Babylonian
          PlaceMade in Babylonia
          Present locationRoom 56, British Museum, London
          IdentificationLoan 1238
          The Burney Relief (also known as the Queen of the Night relief) is a Mesopotamian terracotta plaque in high relief of the Isin-Larsa period or Old-Babylonian period, depicting a winged, nude, goddess-like figure with bird's talons, flanked by owls, and perched upon two lions.
          Side view of reliefSide view showing depth of the relief
          The relief is displayed in the British Museum in London, which has dated it between 1800 and 1750 BCE. It originates from southern Mesopotamia, but the exact find-site is unknown. Apart from its distinctive iconography, the piece is noted for its high relief and relatively large size making it a very rare survival from the period. The authenticity of the object has been questioned from its first appearance in the 1930s, but opinion has generally moved in its favour over the subsequent decades.


          Initially in the possession of a Syrian dealer, who may have acquired the plaque in southern Iraq in 1924, the relief was deposited at the British Museum in London and analysed by Dr. H.J. Plenderleith in 1933. However, the Museum declined to purchase it in 1935, whereupon the plaque passed to the London antique dealer Sidney Burney; it subsequently became known as the "Burney Relief".[1] The relief was first brought to public attention with a full-page reproduction in The Illustrated London News, in 1936.[2] From Burney, it passed to the collection of Norman Colville, after whose death it was acquired at auction by the Japanese collector Goro Sakamoto. British authorities, however, denied him an export licence. The piece was loaned to the British Museum for display between 1980 and 1991, and in 2003 the relief was purchased by the Museum for the sum of £1,500,000 as part of its 250th anniversary celebrations. The Museum also renamed the plaque the "Queen of the Night Relief".[3] Since then, the object has toured museums around Britain.
          Its original provenance remains unknown. The relief was not archaeologically excavated, and thus there is no further information about where it came from, or in which context it was discovered. An interpretation of the relief thus relies on stylistic comparisons with other objects for which the date and place of origin have been established, on an analysis of the iconography, and on the interpretation of textual sources from Mesopotamian mythology and religion.[4]



sandy1 you make an interesting point, about the Catholic Spanish using the owl as a major treasure marker,
when they must've been aware, the myths & history of other religions' goddesses associated with the animal.

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sandy1 you make an interesting point, about the Catholic Spanish using the owl as a major treasure marker,
when they must've been aware, the myths & history of other religions' goddesses associated with the animal.

In order to understand the meaning of the Owl You must also look at the other markers associated at the treasure sites such as the Duck The Turtle The Eagle the Fox the Hummingbird, the Snake etc. this will give you a much more complete picture of the ideology behind their meanings, remember if we are talking about ancient Greek Mythology, Hinduism, Aztec or even voodoo from Africa which the Jesuits did use, these would all be considered heresy to the Catholic church believing in false gods. this is another reason I lean towards nature and the animals traits as their meanings in the field.

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