Hello friends. I would be happy to know your opinion about this photo.
I see a possible guys face framed in a rock cocoon, but you would need to get a much better zoomed in picture that isn't so overexposed.(not so washed out) Definitely nothing like any of the markers I have seen here in the United States.Hello friends. I would be happy to know your opinion about this photo.
Could it be the story of the birth of Christ, whose place of birth was known by 3 Iranian clerics?Hello friends. I would be happy to know your opinion about this photo.
I am sorry sir but your photo quality needs to improve to make better determinations but I do believe you have something of importance at that site.Hello friends. I would be happy to know your opinion about this photo.
my friend. Most of the rock-cut markers are only visible near dusk.I am sorry sir but your photo quality needs to improve to make better determinations but I do believe you have something of importance at that site.
Do sheep and ram or a three-story waterfall in America represent treasure?Unfortunately I just don't see any markers other than a few of what look like human heads, here in the United states human faces are not treasure markers (however Skulls are)
Here in most of Arizona we don't really have enough water to create a flowing waterfall.Waterfalls, whether natural or man-made, have been very important places to hide treasure deposits. Water is the best and worst natural obstacle for a treasure hunter. As the number 3 is considered a good indicator, the ancients used more 3-step or 3-story waterfalls. They changed the direction of the water and made their deposit on the bottom or wall of the waterfall and again directed the water towards the waterfall.
ok lets say there were a treasure buried at the bottom of your natural waterfall, then there would need to be markers that were man made to pinpoint the entrance but I don't see any markers (at least none that I would recognize like the ones here in the United States in your picture)Whether seasonally or permanently, water has always been important. Unfortunately, today's man has disturbed the order of nature. Imagine how abundant water was in the past 500 years. Waterfalls and seasonal springs are also important. The photo I sent you is also a waterfall that has now become a season. You can see the effect of a lot of water on its wall.
Yes they say there has been treasure buried below waterfalls in the PhilippinesI remember years ago reading a treasure hunting magazine by the way they supply the best info not books.Any ways this treasure hunter was in South America the first place they went to look were in the waterfalls.I personally believe a waterfall would be a bad idea they were pretty smart back then.