Remote is very important, especially to dig something. Better yet you own it, or make a deal with landowner.

However, several of the most incredible spots I know of, can be seen from the main drag in the town I live in. I've hiked up to them, watch them about every day of the year, these places are in locations that are fairly easy to get to as well, a short hike up the hills. Mostly due to ancient travel routes that are now modern travel routes. The best travel routes never change thru time. You might be surprised what is close by to where you live. I certainly have been.

I know of a very huge spot you can actually see from a Walmart parking lot. That's how ridiculous it is knowing about it. It makes me sick not being able to do much on it and a few others.. But I keep waiting, thinking something will come along and allow it. Maybe I'm wrong that it will. That's why I press on to many different sites and not stick with any particular one.
Quinoa, Thank you for your guidance, this Spanish art work is also located in a "frustratingly civilized location".


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I present to you My Bell i do not aura but i do i have signal in the stone and also with the Pi


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I have been paying attention to the comments of the previous posts until today I am really very grateful to Sandy1 for having exposed this topic to the public, I had lost myself in the search for treasures with the influence of the Latin countries that we have legends by word of mouth mouth through the years. really having found this forum and this topic I have really found what a treasure hunter is I don't have much with this knowledge and seeing I was really missing what a serious search is Thanks to all and especially to Sandy1 and the others who They have left their retribution in this thread.

I have seen the subject of aura capture and I agree that the camera lens captures things that are foreign to the human eye because I have actually had several photographs and videos where things are presented that are neither heard nor seen at that moment, but at the moment you see a gas leak in the center of a wash that you considered a point to explore in the future, the time comes to investigate, you arrive in the area and find what you are looking for, it is incredible to me, but I have recorded and photographed everything because If I talk about it, they won't believe it. Greetings to all of you and thanks for your attention

You know I was thinking, a couple hour pre-planed question and answer sessions would be pretty neat to have, but I don't how you could pull it off... I know you can do a lot of stuff online now, and could delete everything that was said, but it still brings up possible unwanted investigations to the people giving out the info.... Will have to think about that a bit.

You know I was thinking, a couple hour pre-planed question and answer sessions would be pretty neat to have, but I don't how you could pull it off... I know you can do a lot of stuff online now, and could delete everything that was said, but it still brings up possible unwanted investigations to the people giving out the info.... Will have to think about that a bit.
the detail that the truth has made me think that in all this there are also peolple whit misinformation and others hwo maliciously out of ignorance or trying to confuse things put topics that do not go whit this thread

I agree Deephunting, it's always been that way, not sure if that was directed towards me for introducing a new subject, but I've actually posted more actual aura pictures (even than Sandy1) as well as info on auras than anyone else on this website to support the methods suggested by Sandy1.....

Anyways, people are using an app called Discord somehow to talk on stocks and other subjects and have for a while, I just thought it would be a good idea to have a different medium to actually discuss things without the restrictions you will find are on public forums where you type it out. Probably won't happen for several years until it's unsafe to do it. I used to use team-speak and other things to communicate verbally for various things among friends, there's zoom video even, and all of those you can weed out people you don't want in, but chatting on a public forum is archaic, non-secure, and you have to watch what you say because it's archived whether you delete or not.

I agree Deephunting, it's always been that way, not sure if that was directed towards me for introducing a new subject, but I've actually posted more actual aura pictures (even than Sandy1) as well as info on auras than anyone else on this website to support the methods suggested by Sandy1.....

Anyways, people are using an app called Discord somehow to talk on stocks and other subjects and have for a while, I just thought it would be a good idea to have a different medium to actually discuss things without the restrictions you will find are on public forums where you type it out. Probably won't happen for several years until it's unsafe to do it. I used to use team-speak and other things to communicate verbally for various things among friends, there's zoom video even, and all of those you can weed out people you don't want in, but chatting on a public forum is archaic, non-secure, and you have to watch what you say because it's archived whether you delete or not.
no, what I am seeing is that there are some who do not take it seriously in some comments on this topic but for years I have been reading the topics from the beginning in a random non-ordered way from page 5 I read after page 30 and that's how I've been Doing so is not directed at anyone in particular, all the perspectives of research on this topic have their importance, what for me is serious research, for the other it cannot be, I direct myself a lot by intuition, I respect a lot those who do not see dowsing As something serious I apply it, but the truth is that without this guide it has become impossible for me to know the meanings of this very interesting topic today I observe more and more the rocks and I am amazed that where I leaned to climb the slope was a snake on high relief or the eye of a turtle head I have 18 months in this subject more seriously involved and the truth is I am very grateful to have found this thread and blessed by the area where I explore the last photo I uploaded I removed it for him detail that I did not feel safe that same day I went up to the area and found something out of the ordinary in that area wood and some new rocks that were not there I do not know if they are cleaning because of the drought storm and not there fires but I left it like that. I am sure of one thing that I only knew about Rey's wineries, talks and photos, but I see that this is a great opportunity to learn, I have several sites that I consider final and as they say, this one may not, but knowledge is what I It gives more flavor to life. THANK YOU

Our heros are movie stars that pretend to play a part or pretend to play a role that they know what it is out there and make millions and live the high life...., While some of us actually live it, and can't bring it to light and get scorned and ridiculed based on what the scholars say we are supposed to believe and know, as well as live the threat of going to jail if we try proving anything of what we have done or know... it's a warped world, that's all I know anymore.

Just wanted to say thanks Sandy1
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for providing me with the information I need to make a recovery I am heading into the mountains soon my friend.

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Eating heart east west


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cyzak the photo of the aura for my personal point is a mirror stone that the sun in a certain reference is hitting it and this makes it reflect like a mirror here there are two on the same hill
Interesting dh did not know we had a fellow photographer in are midsts.Can you please post some photos of the ones you have captured.

Interesting dh did not know we had a fellow photographer in are midsts.Can you please post some photos of the ones you have captured.
good point I'm not a photographer and I'm a new recruit until today I'm getting to know the aura method what I gave you is my personal point of view if I offended you an apology, at your opportunity in the month of May the sun hits a large stone and this one is reflected like a mirror, it is in a ravine they call it "la reslumbrosa" and the other one that I saw was on the highway where we were walking at a very slow pace and we had to see my wife and I the reflection of another not of great size In a ridge of the same hill, photography is not my strong point, but perhaps you can explain to me an image that I captured when I was working on a point.
I don't know if I can take it as an aura but that face is not something physical present in the place


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No apology necessary dh just thought we might have had some one here that had actually used the guide and shot something like 50,000 photos of a possible location. It also will explain why you get very few interesting photos posted on Sandy1 thread on these aura photos any more like the song says." Something to talk about".

Sandy1 instructed me on this get above the heavy vegetation and trees and aim the camara down in to it you can capture it that way just takes some time and persistence.

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