Is anyone here familiar with these kind of pointers found on trees??View attachment 2010314
This one points to the oak in the middle of the picture.

Here is another one that is not very easy to see. It's behind and under the branch in the middle, next to the patch of moss. You may have to zoom in a bit. Anyhow, this one points to the oak in this next photo.

Here is another one that is not very easy to see. It's behind and under the branch in the middle, next to the patch of moss. You may have to zoom in a bit. Anyhow, this one points to the oak in this
Here is another one that is not very easy to see. It's behind and under the branch in the middle, next to the patch of moss. You may have to zoom in a bit. Anyhow, this one points to the oak in this next photo.View attachment 2010319
Didn't work. 2nd try...

Never found a gravity rock fall
death trap above ground, a little small anyhow, but I believe this one would do the job. This is just downstream from the shaft sign and a frame pointer. (notice the depression below the branch that dips down) I don't actually think it is part of a trap. Most likely part of a map though. Haven't figured this one out yet. It's almost big enough to qualify as an "alpha" marker.

A lot of these pointer trees don't look very old. If that is the case, why would anyone with access to modern technology resort to using trees to point to treasure?

Im definitely no expert on the subject....
In my experience the pointers on/in trees have usually pointed out other rock markers. For example I found 2 trees that the tops had been cut off at an angle, one was taller than the other. When I lined up the trees, tall one farthest away, I was standing next to a cairn with pointers in it... probably sentinel made to help point out important markers

Never found a gravity rock fall View attachment 2010325death trap above ground, a little small anyhow, but I believe this one would do the job. This is just downstream from the shaft sign and a frame pointer. (notice the depression below the branch that dips down) I don't actually think it is part of a trap. Most likely part of a map though. Haven't figured this one out yet. It's almost big enough to qualify as an "alpha" marker.
The boulder looks like a turtle shell.

Never found a gravity rock fall View attachment 2010325death trap above ground, a little small anyhow, but I believe this one would do the job. This is just downstream from the shaft sign and a frame pointer. (notice the depression below the branch that dips down) I don't actually think it is part of a trap. Most likely part of a map though. Haven't figured this one out yet. It's almost big enough to qualify as an "alpha" marker.
Somebody dug that under the tree limb... Maybe try following the boulders as a turtle shell and turtle head off to lower left of picture.

Somebody dug that under the tree limb... Maybe try following the boulders as a turtle shell and turtle head off to lower left of picture.o
Or stand on the turtle shell rock and look back thru the tree crotch....

edit: this is the absolute first thing I would do here.... I just noticed the tree has an odd visible "v" pointing at crotch and an odd circle shaped thing near crotch. That's more or less what I call a "witching" tree... very odd.
This is the area where I would focus. look back thru the crotch to a spot on the ground and dig carefully, possibly only to find a buried marker that points......run a detector first for metal pointers, but I would just go straight down there and see what comes of it..

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Would you happen to have an opinion about the pulse induction Detech ssp 5100 and its 2 meter coil? Because it also has some pretty outrageous claims, but I have used it quite extensively and I have found it to be very effective at extreme depths.

Perfect Conditions Detecting

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Sandy1 thank you for providing the guide for everyone to learn the correct ways for vault treasure. With out it I would have been setback for quite awhile.

The most Informative Vault Treasure Hunting Manual just got updated. Wow from the new photos to the cad drawings to all the even more detailed explanations on how to locate the vaults. Excellent photos of the Owls, the Turtles the Hearts and on and on I really liked the explanation of the mouth monuments to, this definitely will make me go back and take a second and third look. Definitely with out a doubt gives the young treasure hunter out there a big leg up on this type of Vault Treasure location and how they were engineered I sure wish I would have had this in my younger years. You are a credit to the young and old treasure hunters out there and thank you for being my friend.
Sept 17 2018 035.JPG

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Whatley doesn't identify the "documents" because he wouldn't have been shown any, if they exist. The Natives have always placated Whitey strictly for their own benefit, which is to be expected. There are many rumors of "treasure documents" having been stolen from the archives at the Palace of the Governors in Santa Fe since the days following the 1680 revolt all the way up to the American occupation following the Mexican War, but there is no proof or descriptions. Just allegations, which to some extent may be fact-based on some level, but are only whiskey talk until some evidence is presented.

A Very Important Reminder, Taken out of the updated guide by Sandy1. Sentinels are on every treasure hunting website [online] and will try to either disprove or discredit any information that will lead anybody to a vault treasure which they are trying to protect. Or they will use online treasure site pictures to locate where your treasure site is at, remember they have been to most of the treasure locations before you and recognize them from your online pics. Be Careful Out there.

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A Very Important Reminder, Taken out of the updated guide by Sandy1. Sentinels are on every treasure hunting website [online] and will try to either disprove or discredit any information that will lead anybody to a vault treasure which they are trying to protect. Or they will use online treasure site pictures to locate where your treasure site is at, remember they have been to most of the treasure locations before you and recognize them from your online pics. Be Careful Out there. View attachment 2012205
I wonder if the sentinels are all in the Russian mob. Good reason to never try to recover one, eh? Safest bet is to stay home.

I wonder if the sentinels are all in the Russian mob. Good reason to never try to recover one, eh? Safest bet is to stay home.
Is that sounding like the advice an
'ol sentinel, or just a lil' joke of
very humorous optimist?

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