cyzak....well I don't guess at anything, it could cost me or somebody else our lives or a lot of useless digging. I'm not ready yet until I have more confirmation and I have already set up a Pentax but I have to wait for a confirmation which takes some time depending how my pictures come out. There's deathtrap signs everywhere surrounding this site, which is good because that means it's there, I've identified 2 traps for sure, then 1 more maybe and then the pentax site which is clear as far as I can tell. See the really neat pictures of the Flares shooting straight up that I posted here that Barton commented on, well that's like where their mines where the vault is, is like 300 yards away or where I'm at right there's a mine area....then 300 yards away is the vault....I'm not going to go into all of the degrees and measurements like sandy1 has already did but he is very correct about the 3's and the 1...2...3's and the variations of them and the mathematic's of them, in fact sandy1 is so right on in his postings, hee,hee, he would love this site....understanding that this was like 200 years ago, plus, all of this activity happened and I am comfortable in even pinning down the exact time frame within a month of when they finalized these last remaining signs as in the one I just posted on and you just commented on or in other words it was about this time of year or within the next 30 to 45 days this marker was finished. I know this cause I've patiently have been watching and recording this sight for the last 9 years. All of their shadow signs occur before 1 p.m. after that nothing, not even in the evening, for 9 years I've been watching this, this shadow will be gone after Feb. and will not occur again until Dec. 15th, 2021. So that last pic is of my buddy Clay leaning a bit against the rock, just above is hand is a Bird Sign, then the shadow of the F, then then the niche shadow of St. John in his robe, what you can't see in the pic is the top of the rock of which is a Heart and Clay is looking in the correct direction. This next pic is of Clay's son Wyatt and we're inspecting a possible area of which I now believe is a Baited Trap and I say that mainly because of the Red Flare I caught with my Kodak, I'm always very careful taking my pictures and sometimes I'll get anomalies like this one and I am very aware of how digital camera's can catch these flares, years ago I bought a book from David Villanueva about this and even corresponded with him and yes I have found gold in other locations using this method, quite a few years ago now out in the desert. Anyhow, I don't think we are going to dig there, it's too risky. Then I'll post a few of the Tombstone,

Then the last pic is going to be of this Half Heart that's Cracked or has a seam.