IMGP2311 (2).webp

This is the best aura I have caught, I think anyway. Its the cropped version. Its got "wings" too. I wont dig there, steep, lots of truck size boulders over your head and d.t symbols and d.t's near by. As far as I can tell, there is a hidden tunnel atleast 30 ft long to get into to it. The land owner has let me dig on it, do what I want. I think its an old mine.

Nice. I am currently working on an agreement with a landowner atm. Will see what happens with it, I am holding back on everything else until I get something in writing as I have a another giant aura on his property, and know the approximate location to focus on. If I don't get the agreement , I'll move on to another one.

One is more obvious than the other. But dont waste time on Pics like these. If you are in a good area, the bird/bug auras will run you into frustration, as there will be puzzle pieces that you are sure will fit if you could just figure it out. They can be real markers, just not marking your accidental bird/bug "aura".
Bird caused aura.webpbird aura.webp

Another thing, there are natural metals in the ground such as ore pockets/veins that can produce auras, you just have to go investigate whats happening on the ground with markers and alignments to see if there is a possible human made cache there.

Just a quick note to say:

I wanted to thank all of you who showed Auras on page 322, and actually took the time to learn and use the camera method for catching auras (hopefully this will show others who come to tnet searching for treasure that I am not the only one who has caught auras and that they are in more states than just AZ)

After catching these auras the next step is to go to the auras location and see if there are multiple (2) boulder alignments that are coming in from different angles to a crisscross spot (most times the boulders are within 200 feet of the cc spot, and the auras are always within 30 feet of the cc spot from what I have found)

Very Important (No Markers No Cache, even if there is an aura, because the aura could be caused by natural ores in the ground)

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Just a quick note to say:

I wanted to thank all of you who showed Auras on page 322, and actually took the time to learn and use the camera method for catching auras (hopefully this will show others who come to tnet searching for treasure that I am not the only one who has caught auras and that they are in more states than just AZ)

After catching these auras the next step is to go to the auras location and see if there are multiple (2) boulder alignments that are coming in from different angles to a crisscross spot (most times the boulders are within 200 feet of the cc spot, and the auras are always within 30 feet of the cc spot from what I have found)

Very Important (No Markers No Cache, even if there is an aura, because the aura could be caused by natural ores in the ground)

Thank you for that complement my friend you have taught me a lot in the last couple of years. I found once I took the time to get the camera programed and setup right to photograph it is very enjoyable and extremely addictive and exciting I like looking thru all the photos it is relaxing and takes my mind off the crazy times we are dealing with now very therapeutic for my mind and body.

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There's a lot I'm not quite sure about even with all of the research that I've done and reading and learning from others, but I've found that this Thread or Subject that Sandy1 has provided to all of Us to be such a Great Learning Tool and Much Thanks to Him for His Postings. With that said, I offer a few pic's of the EAGLE sitting or nesting as viewed from behind it or as if you were creeping up behind it.....then possibly the WINGS ? With a Number 3 slightly inverted ? These are a few of the things I'm working on. 100_4603.webp101_9043.webp

There's a lot I'm not quite sure about even with all of the research that I've done and reading and learning from others, but I've found that this Thread or Subject that Sandy1 has provided to all of Us to be such a Great Learning Tool and Much Thanks to Him for His Postings. With that said, I offer a few pic's of the EAGLE sitting or nesting as viewed from behind it or as if you were creeping up behind it.....then possibly the WINGS ? With a Number 3 slightly inverted ? These are a few of the things I'm working on. View attachment 1887242View attachment 1887243
Very good photo HT55 I have one of an eagle to looks like you have a pretty active place there. Keep reading what Sandy1 post he will keep you on the right path to recovery.IMG_4661_LI.webp

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Happy Trails 55, Post # 4819

If I may ask you some questions, I would appreciate your taking the time to help me understand how your took those very nice photos.
1) What camera was used? 2) What was the time of day? Or since you have multiple photos what times where the photos taken? 3) HOW CLOSE TO SUNRISE OR SUNSET were the photos taken? 4) Did you use solar activity to schedule the taking of the photos? 5) Were any or all of these TREASURE AURAS visible to the naked eye ? 6) Did the Camera catch these Treasure Auras--but you could not see them visually? 7) Is there anything I forgot to ask you --that you considered important in taking these photos.? I simply would like to learn from your experience; I try to learn all I can. Thank you, Barton

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Barton, I just take the pic's, I am not computer literate enough to even understand how other people can manipulate pictures, I hear all of the terms like cgi, I have no idea what that means, hee,hee....I'm Very Old School, but I did learn a long time ago to take pictures of what I was looking for and to take hundreds of pic's in a setting, before digital camera's this was and still is a very expensive hobby. I use 3 camera's, my little Kodak Digital that I've had for 15 years, a Polaroid Spirit 600 and a Old Flatbox Polaroid SX-70 (see pic's)....Yes Polaroid still makes the Film, I buy mine from a firm that's on ebay. All of my pic's were taken 15 to 20 minutes before sunrise, the day before I do this I always scout out where I'm going to stand with my back to where the sun rises and I have a good layout view which mostly entails all of the signs & symbols I had found previously. It helps to know where your going in the dark and what creatures you might encounter. And yes I do believe strongly in Spirits, Ghosts and such although it doesn't bother me, it's just more of a fascination. You could say that I was gifted at a early age, people call this being psychic but I'm not, I only see Spirits & Ghosts upon occasion, it just so happens that when hunting or prospecting around all of these old treasure site area's your going to be bumping into these Spirits, some are not very nice....anyhow....that's a whole different subject, sorry...I'm not a religious nut either, hee,hee....My Indian Buddies would just tell you that I'm just like Spiritual and open minded but still very down to earth. But I'm going to share something here in my next post after this one that should have everybody scratching their heads (me too) of My "Alphabet Pic's"....These are a puzzler, make sure you watch for101_8890.webp101_8892.webp101_8893.webp101_8895.webp101_8896.webp101_8897.webp it....101_8857.webp101_8857.webp101_8858.webp

These are My Alphabet Pic's..........Please Scrutinize Them and let me know what your thoughts are...I took these with my little Kodak Digital Camera on a Tripod, I took 114 pic's of the same hill and 4 pic's came out with these alphabet anamolies. LOOK AT THE TOP OF EACH PIC, the first one has these P's, M's and a few #3's.....these are located in the pic along the ridge of the hill in the trees, bushes, skyline...the following 3 pic's also have them but not entirely all the way across the pic's, they're either to the left or right. I took these 10 minutes Before Sunrise with my back against the sunrise. I just had a feeling that something was there so I took these pic's....101_8932.webp101_8933.webp101_8934.webp101_8936.webp101_8936.webp

These are My Alphabet Pic's..........Please Scrutinize Them and let me know what your thoughts are...I took these with my little Kodak Digital Camera on a Tripod, I took 114 pic's of the same hill and 4 pic's came out with these alphabet anamolies. LOOK AT THE TOP OF EACH PIC, the first one has these P's, M's and a few #3's.....these are located in the pic along the ridge of the hill in the trees, bushes, skyline...the following 3 pic's also have them but not entirely all the way across the pic's, they're either to the left or right. I took these 10 minutes Before Sunrise with my back against the sunrise. I just had a feeling that something was there so I took these pic's....View attachment 1887993View attachment 1887994View attachment 1887995View attachment 1887996View attachment 1887996

That dead snag out in front may be some type type of marker/bearing tree, but the other stuff I don't think you could count on anything , being so blurry. I'd stick to the stand-out boulders and geographic features for the most part. Circle the whole area, and see what points out what. Go right over to any outcrops, or skylined outcrops, out of place or stand-out boulders, Y shaped trees or trees with limbs that are U shaped or squarish. Sometimes there's peepsites or small square or "v" notches or pointers around that give some added clues or insight.

cyzak....well I don't guess at anything, it could cost me or somebody else our lives or a lot of useless digging. I'm not ready yet until I have more confirmation and I have already set up a Pentax but I have to wait for a confirmation which takes some time depending how my pictures come out. There's deathtrap signs everywhere surrounding this site, which is good because that means it's there, I've identified 2 traps for sure, then 1 more maybe and then the pentax site which is clear as far as I can tell. See the really neat pictures of the Flares shooting straight up that I posted here that Barton commented on, well that's like where their mines are....now where the vault is, is like 300 yards away or where I'm at right now....so there's a mine area....then 300 yards away is the vault....I'm not going to go into all of the degrees and measurements like sandy1 has already did but he is very correct about the 3's and the 1...2...3's and the variations of them and the mathematic's of them, in fact sandy1 is so right on in his postings, hee,hee, he would love this site....understanding that this was like 200 years ago, plus, all of this activity happened and I am comfortable in even pinning down the exact time frame within a month of when they finalized these last remaining signs as in the one I just posted on and you just commented on or in other words it was about this time of year or within the next 30 to 45 days this marker was finished. I know this cause I've patiently have been watching and recording this sight for the last 9 years. All of their shadow signs occur before 1 p.m. after that nothing, not even in the evening, for 9 years I've been watching this, this shadow will be gone after Feb. and will not occur again until Dec. 15th, 2021. So that last pic is of my buddy Clay leaning a bit against the rock, just above is hand is a Bird Sign, then the shadow of the F, then then the niche shadow of St. John in his robe, what you can't see in the pic is the top of the rock of which is a Heart and Clay is looking in the correct direction. This next pic is of Clay's son Wyatt and we're inspecting a possible area of which I now believe is a Baited Trap and I say that mainly because of the Red Flare I caught with my Kodak, I'm always very careful taking my pictures and sometimes I'll get anomalies like this one and I am very aware of how digital camera's can catch these flares, years ago I bought a book from David Villanueva about this and even corresponded with him and yes I have found gold in other locations using this method, quite a few years ago now out in the desert. Anyhow, I don't think we are going to dig there, it's too risky. Then I'll post a few of the Tombstone, 101_9090.webp101_9091.webp101_9092.webp101_9080.webp101_9082.webp101_9096.webp Then the last pic is going to be of this Half Heart that's Cracked or has a seam.

I see you have some time invested in this site I hope it all goes well for you and you have a good recovery with everybody safe that’s what’s most important.Thank you so much for posting your photos most people won’t do that they definitely had some time invested in this place or they wouldn’t have done that many carvings.

Quinoa, in reference of my post here (# 4840), yeah I know they're blurry, the question is, why am I getting Letters and Numbers ? I have only one explanation for this but your not going to like it, hee,hee...I'm not even sure about it myself... After searching around it's the only thing I could come up with, so bear me out before you tear into me (hee,hee)...I get these vibrations often, I say I'm not psychic but then something like this happens to me and has many, many times in my life, so this is another and quite recent time. I just had a feeling that I needed to take a lot of pictures of this hill after I got done with my Polaroid Camera's. So to rehash the pic's # 8932 has these P's, M's and a few # 3's....pic # 8933 has what looks like U's....pic # 8934 has like little boxes ...and pic # 8936 has little O's....now you have to enlarge these pic's or zoom in on them to see them, they're all on or close to the ridge or skyline of the hill in the trees and bushes. So I found this Historical Story online and I've known about it for years on end, gosh I don't know, maybe 40 or 50 years but this is the 1st time I've seen it in print from a Local Historian that wrote this article in the San Luis Obispo Tribune Newspaper...The "key" points I take away from this is PADRE Father Luis MARTINEZ 1830....And Padre's hide Gold in their Robes....Enjoy...101_8960.webp101_8961.webp101_8962.webp101_8963.webp101_8964.webp101_8965.webp

No, I've seen stuff later that I couldn't explain, but I've seen stuff that really wasn't there as well. You just have to sort it out and go with what you think you can confirm as well as actually use. I've seen close friends go to far, and have my self if not for at least a short time trying to sort things out. At some point you have to go back to what's concrete , and that's well established markers like large boulders and how they measure out in distance and bearings so it becomes math. Math doesn't lie or deceive as often. When stuff adds up, it's often worth looking into.

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