Funny, but you should vary your typing style , grammer gives you away, you make the mistake of not capitalizing your "i's" (as well as sometimes not spacing your commas).

Here's some capital "eyes" for you staring at me while I'm kneeling down on an ancient crypt.View attachment 1816860

Your right, i make a lot of mistakes. When i first saw GA's post, i was like dang that dude post just like me. Its close, i give it a B+. I had thought it might have been u when i first saw it, because it was done so late. But when i saw todays post i knew it wasnt. I even like how GA took it easy on me. He didn't want to dig with me. Now that hurt my feelings. That photo aint one of those Dimak goat staring photos is it? I can feel my heart starting to skip beats. Dang it.

Just a creepy face watching over from beyond the grave. Even has a mouth, kind of uncomfortably grinning.

Just a creepy face watching over from beyond the grave. Even has a mouth, kind of uncomfortably grinning.

You aint kidding, that thing gives me bad vibes. To me thats one of those site i go way around.

I would say not dangerous but they bring deception with them they are real pro's at this they hoover above the treads and drop in when they feel they can influence the population. Here you have a man truly dedicated to the profession SANDY that is trying to rise above and teach the true interested treasure hunter in learning how to navigate thru this tutorial on vault treasure hunting with his experience's and knowledge and has to put up with the sentinels.
Man how true that one was.

Man how true that one was.

Your right cryzak, we need to stick together and listen to what sandy1 has given us all,because he has risen above all else .We to need get that guide and follow his advice to the letter. Its the only way we have a chance at making recoveries like him. Dont let all the sentinels bother you our try and guide you away from the true path. Their only backstabbing mockers,trying to keep all the treasure for themselves , right on brother.

There was guy about 3 years ago that posted his finds for about 12 hours or so and took them down cause his buddies probably flipped a lid. I forget his name, I could probably remember it, but I respect that he deleted it all. I think the take was around 600k for a couple months work with maybe 5 or 6 people looking, he had the stuff on the back of a 4 wheeler he showed. They found it by metal detecting the monuments, I recall it was only one cache , so about 100k for a couple months work.

Not bad for just paying attention.

Actually a couple of those guys you are better off that they are gone. There is absolutely no way you would find a treasure trying to follow what they were posting, you would be led around in circles. They did identify some of the markers, which anyone can do, but they never had any idea how to use them. Sandy1's stuff is pretty straight forward and can put you right on top of a treasure, even starting from a mile out.
So true Q we need some more of the people to go out and find treasure with sandy1 way you can not fail.

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Not bad for just paying attention.

We cant by into that story cyzak,we know its not true. Sandy1 told us to use metal detectors.When i asked if thats the answer, then why are all these threads are on here about trying to find caches . Wouldn't it be easier to just buy a metal detector and go to the areas and detect it and dig the cache up. He said he didn't mean metal detectors,he meant equipment.He probably never knew what a metal detector was when he said that. Plus he says there will be no monuments or markers any where near the caches so we know that story is false.We have to stick with what sandy1 says brother and not fall for these false stories. Dont let the Sentinels change your mind. Stick with the true vault info. No markers, monuments or detectors. Stay true brother .

I don't want to spend all my time walking over hell's half acer looking for a vault I can catch an Aura do the math and get me real close. Then all I have to do is bring the Gem in and nail the spot.

Dtth, man, you've always been a good guy in the years past, but you need to take a step back here and just get out in the field and do your thing. If you find something that goes against Sandy's stuff that's great, I have my own like that, but you can't teach that stuff that comes with many years of failures to get it right. Most people just give up after a couple false or already worked out spots. You can't lead them on with knowledge you can't teach. I'm not sure I can teach even what I know, because I don't know if it is the same in other places. I don't know why I even post other than an outlet for common interests, you go nuts not talking with anyone about it all.

BTW very few places a metal detector will work, but ... If you are on flat ground it's possible, but unlikely, (probably iron rich rock will set it off) . If there is a flat spot over the tunnel, it's possible, tunneled into hillside, flat spot above , maybe 10-15 feet back. Regular hillside tunneled, no flat spot, it won't work. The metal detector will have to have at a minimum a 3-4 foot coil pi. , but better off with something larger like an 8 foot coil requiring 2 people to use (those 12 inch coil detectors you see on tv don't go anywhere, no depth whatsoever in these type places and are a joke). The 2 box detectors can go like 4 feet on a large ammo can sized object , but they are ineffective for very deep stuff unless the soil conditions are perfect. GPR , I don't have experience with, but it may useful for finding a tunnel.. Most all these spots that you can track down with markers are tunneled into a hillside so detectors are basically obsolete. The guys in the 70's and 80's already worked those spots with large coil stuff.

With that said, there are places they can maybe work. That makes about 1 out of every maybe 30ish spots. But I still wouldn't hesitate to try them. Depending on terrain. If nothing else it will make you use a camera for auras.

Been doing alot of stock market stuff, and following a very good day trader, who knows the manipulation, can foresee market a day in advance sometimes to a couple days to 85%correct, Have checked it, anyways the guy is kind of a conspiracy nut as well like some of us, I have some inside scoop on the virus. Can say it all, but really, I would say go dig your spots if you have them. Everyone is inside their house now. Best time ever.

Looks like there shutting down the National Parks and Monuments now BLM and Sheriff office here mad because trail heads are overcrowded with people going out now.

Dtth, man, you've always been a good guy in the years past, but you need to take a step back here and just get out in the field and do your thing. If you find something that goes against Sandy's stuff that's great, I have my own like that, but you can't teach that stuff that comes with many years of failures to get it right. Most people just give up after a couple false or already worked out spots. You can't lead them on with knowledge you can't teach. I'm not sure I can teach even what I know, because I don't know if it is the same in other places. I don't know why I even post other than an outlet for common interests, you go nuts not talking with anyone about it all.

I think you need to take a couple steps back from the wholesome goodness Q, and get out in the field and look for some truth. My no good self is doing ok with the field time i can fit in fit in.

Well, still hope for the best for everyone. I'm still getting over my cold/flu/whatever it is. Went out last weekend though to a place I hadn't been for about 6 years or so. That pic I posted was from one of 3 spots I pegged. They all formed a straight line, 77 feet between first and 2nd, 88 feet between 2nd and third. They all have alignments coming from the sides and few other things. You can see the backfill on one. 2 crypts , maybe one vault or a 3rd crypt probably tunneled under an 88 foot alligator monument. Perfect compass alignments of markers relating spots all over site, quads of 225/45 and 315/135, and regulars 240/60, 210/30, 180/0, 270/90, 330/150, 300/120. Private land, know the owner, might get interesting.

Well, still hope for the best for everyone. I'm still getting over my cold/flu/whatever it is. Went out last weekend though to a place I hadn't been for about 6 years or so. That pic I posted was from one of 3 spots I pegged. They all formed a straight line, 77 feet between first and 2nd, 88 feet between 2nd and third. They all have alignments coming from the sides and few other things. You can see the backfill on one. 2 crypts , maybe one vault or a 3rd crypt probably tunneled under an 88 foot alligator monument. Perfect compass alignments of markers relating spots all over site, quads of 225/45 and 315/135, and regulars 240/60, 210/30, 180/0, 270/90, 330/150, 300/120. Private land, know the owner, might get interesting.

Sweeeeet a private land excavation possibility, mine always end up in the boon docks hope you get to felling better so you can do some digging good luck.

I know your are being sarcastic, butt, The middle finger gesture is an old entrance and "warding" sign, on yours the big finger is the ear of a huge lambs head or some modified animal head looking down and to the left. Your phallic symbol is actually fairly common and relates to an entrance (ancients used alot of things relating to the womb, birth canal, sex organs , etc.) So on that one there should be a gunsite over to something on the side of the phallus, it could be a sideways notch or a crack you look thru. On the Butt, as far I know it's just a butt, but it could make for a high level political gathering place.

Well, you deleted the post. I wasn't trying to be mean. You know another spin on that butt monument you posted, I've had some people post similar ones as a joke. I don't think someone spent the time to make those to be funny. The effort would be a ridiculous amount to make it. It's possible that they were made as an ancient desecration monument for someone that was hated or inhospitable over the grave. It would be typical of some of the things they did in ancient times.


I also see a bird sitting/nesting it'sfqce is on the left side looking at you. Also a dog looking down in the middle. I would definitely detect or dig at the base of the dogs head.. maybe a metal clue buried there. If you look at the pac man rock it shows the exact same rock in white with a few more clues as to what you should do next.
I would dig at that spot to find clue/ something of value.
Sorry, I'm computer STOOOPID
This was the correct picture.

View attachment 1686951

I also see a bird sitting/nesting it'sfqce is on the left side looking at you. Also a dog looking down in the middle. I would definitely detect or dig at the base of the dogs head.. maybe a metal clue buried there. If you look at the pac man rock it shows the exact same rock in white with a few more clues as to what you should do next.
I would dig at that spot to find clue/ something of value.

I see the bird, don't see the dog. That rock is in a perfect north to south alignment with another set of rocks at 82 or 83 feet away from each other. Found what might be the cris cross spot with 5 difference alignments, but haven't dug, no aura. Detected the xx spot but didn't get a hit. Maybe ill detect that rock this weekend, I know something is there but have kinda given up as there is too many trees to be able to catch an aura. I've never had any luck with my detectors.

It's like 82.5 feet which is 30 varas.
You can't get the exact spot without luck or maybe auras, even then most of the time you need to find the actual entrance which is most important and often difficult to find. I don't know what to say anymore, the info here is not foolproof, but rather a basic system to get you on track. That's all it was ever meant to be, there is no all encompassing system. It is what it it is. It was meant to help you get very close, but you have to put a large effort in the end to make things happen. But you are better off reading about it and incorporating it in ways that you go about locating these sites. Sure there's other ways, but you won't figure them out in a couple years time, but maybe 5-10 or more , or never. It can be a short cut to help you out or more.

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