Is there any backing historical documentation to support any of this? I constantly read about what all the Spanish did in hunting for treasure (such as dowsing) and hiding treasure but it all seems to be completely unsupported by any real evidence. Genuinely curious.

There ya go, Carl: asking obvious, rational questions again about the "myriad of Spanish caches all over the West." Enough of them, as promised on this thread, "To make all of us rich."

The heavily-regulated and documented Spanish contractors, before the American occupation of the Southwest, were mining the world's richest metal deposits all over central Mexico (continuing even today). At that time, this was their northernmost region of settlement and security. Then, while nobody noticed, dozens of operators decided to sneak into North America, six or eight hundred miles beyond their Northern Frontier, into uncharted Native American land (including those helpful Apaches). There, without security or any kind of logistical support systems, they discovered, mined and recovered vast wealth at numerous sites. Not just at a few sites, which were arguably quite real and off the books, but hundreds of them, all over TX, NM, AZ, CA, UT, and CO. No record of this anywhere in Mexico or from the various tribes in the US. Here's the best part: after all this trouble, all the miners decided to bury their hard-earned wealth, go home to Mexico and never return to recover any of it.

Make sense? Not to me. Yes, there are caches in North America. They have nothing to do with the Spanish, but are American in origin and are not likely to be recovered except by those who own them - if and when the world returns to metal-backed currencies.

Unfortunately the powers that be (people who know about these treasures/sentinels) are not only Not talking about the treasures but are also doing what they can to discourage the idea of these treasures existence and the seeking of them in every way possible.

What I have not explained on a public forum is that the Sentinels have left me (messages) at my sites (including the one that I just drew the triangle on in #3718) that in no uncertain terms are telling me to not mess with what they consider their treasures, and the last occurrence happened just a few months ago.

I’ve run across a couple things in my research that mention outlaw setups. The best was in a book Banditti of the Prairie. It describes a simple site of three markers that were used to hide money from a robbery. Charles Kenworthy wrote books that described Spanish treasure hiding techniques. Some people question his research but I have seen some odd things, in the field, that he describes. If you are lucky enough to find a place, in the field, that has some of the things our posters share, you can see how your site compares with others.

I believe outlaw loot is likely still recoverable in certain midwestern regions - notably OK, MO, TX, KS. I held a twenty-pound gold bar in my hands that was recovered by an old cowboy from a post-hole bank (I believe) near the NM-TX border. This happened 50-60 years ago. I'm not sure the outlaws used any sort of uniform methods of caching unless you move the discussion to the James-Younger gangs and the KGC.

I wouldn't be surprised if Kenworthy (intentionally or not) wasn't publishing KGC-related information. I say "information" because some of his stuff can indeed be found in the field. But in reality, it's "disinformation" because those clues were designed to deceive, IMO. By the way, I have the complete set of Kenworthy books for sale - mint condition, most signed by the author - if anyone is interested.

I believe outlaw loot is likely still recoverable in certain midwestern regions - notably OK, MO, TX, KS. I held a twenty-pound gold bar in my hands that was recovered by an old cowboy from a post-hole bank (I believe) near the NM-TX border. This happened 50-60 years ago. I'm not sure the outlaws used any sort of uniform methods of caching unless you move the discussion to the James-Younger gangs and the KGC.

I wouldn't be surprised if Kenworthy (intentionally or not) wasn't publishing KGC-related information. I say "information" because some of his stuff can indeed be found in the field. But in reality, it's "disinformation" because those clues were designed to deceive, IMO. By the way, I have the complete set of Kenworthy books for sale - mint condition, most signed by the author - if anyone is interested.

The Mormons might have had a uniform method of concealing treasure, and if they did, it could have had heavy Masonic influence. The cache I mentioned was setup by a group of bandits that operated out of Nauvoo, Illinois. Nauvoo seemed to be the staging area for a lot of criminal activity, at that time.

I love the way some folks can make accusations that THEY can't substantiate by documentation or evidence, but they just can't help themselves.

Yeah, it's just like, THEIR OPINION man. Best part though, it's worth every penny we pay for it ... nothing.

I really wish you guys would go peddle your speculation HERE. That is the correct thread, not this one.

Be well.

All my knowledge has been pretty much self taught tell i came across this post and what a learning experience it has been, I feel very fortunate that a true experienced person is reveling it to us.

I can see Sandy1 you are putting your safety on the line here reveling this info on a public forum i was always told to keep my mouth shut. Believe me i for one really appreciate the info you have given us and i hope that you keep it coming but i can tell there is individuals on here that want it shut down.

Interesting Sandy1 is the only one on this website discussing/bringing up triangles and ways to use them. I guessed more would know/tell about them since they are at most every site in one way or another for pinpointing locations and were used even before the Spanish.

Are you talking about the ancient right triangle, 3 4 5. How have you seen this used. I’m guessing something important at the 90. Or maybe just outside the 90.

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Hey, cyzak. I answered your pm, but I have a feeling it didn't go through. If not, let me know and I'll try again.

Great read. Thank you for sharing this knowledge with me.

Are you talking about the ancient right triangle, 3 4 5. How have you seen this used. I’m guessing something important at the 90. Or maybe just outside the 90.

There's many renditions. The sacred/holy triangle represents the trinity and is used extensively on these sites. The trinity goes way back before Christianity, starting with Horus , Isis and Osiris. So you will have both older and newer renditions. The newer ones, it can really go anywhere from them. The older ones will often have multiple alignments from any one individual larger boulder triangle, but often using combinations of the diagram I am attaching. They are more for alignment purposes, but will have set distances that repeat and often have holy numerology involved, as well as with specific bearings, perhaps to remember easier, but there is alot of sacred type stuff on these sites. Often you will have a set of triangles leading to one spot (like a cross spot), one coming in from the side of the line you take from the one you are standing at.

Even Old Dog had a method for some of the older type ones , which was basically straight thru a leg, but most of the places he was digging at were already emptied out. He did mention he had quit trying them and there were younger people he knew that were still going after them on occasion as the old triangles generally led to deep tunneled spots and were too scary to crawl into except for younger guys that were a bit more risk taker type.

I also attached an example of a way to use them , being the 15 degree off a corner/side, this is a smaller one but not uncommon in my areas. There is another one a little ways out of the picture that comes in from the side actually to the end spot as I mentioned can happen. The white box is where I edited my friend out of the picture though. This one has a "helper" stone out away from the triangle as many will depending your area, perhaps not so much down in the southwest though .
some triangles.webpTriangle 15 degrees off a side.webp

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There's many renditions. The sacred/holy triangle represents the trinity and is used extensively on these sites. The trinity goes way back before Christianity, starting with Horus , Isis and Osiris. So you will have both older and newer renditions. The newer ones, it can really go anywhere from them. The older ones will often have multiple alignments from any one individual larger boulder triangle, but often using combinations of the diagram I am attaching. They are more for alignment purposes, but will have set distances that repeat and often have holy numerology involved, as well as with specific bearings, perhaps to remember easier, but there is alot of sacred type stuff on these sites. Often you will have a set of triangles leading to one spot (like a cross spot), one coming in from the side of the line you take from the one you are standing at.

Even Old Dog had a method for some of the older type ones , which was basically straight thru a leg, but most of the places he was digging at were already emptied out. He did mention he had quit trying them and there were younger people he knew that were still going after them on occasion as the old triangles generally led to deep tunneled spots and were too scary to crawl into except for younger guys that were a bit more risk taker type.

I also attached an example of a way to use them , being the 15 degree off a corner/side, this is a smaller one but not uncommon in my areas. There is another one a little ways out of the picture that comes in from the side actually to the end spot as I mentioned can happen. The white box is where I edited my friend out of the picture though. This one has a "helper" stone out away from the triangle as many will depending your area, perhaps not so much down in the southwest though .
View attachment 1658577View attachment 1658578

This is a good post. Thank you for the picture and drawings. Makes sense and would be very easy to set up. I like the posts you have written about the ancient setups.

Hey, cyzak. I answered your pm, but I have a feeling it didn't go through. If not, let me know and I'll try again.
I did not get your pm try again.

Seem things become so obvious after being pointed out and "tuning in". I noticed the wolves are back. So I figured I missed something important. Sure enough, I missed most of page 248 somehow. The triangle info.
I would like to thank the sentinels again for helping me along! Keep up the good work!

Unfortunately the powers that be (people who know about these treasures/sentinels) are not only Not talking about the treasures but are also doing what they can to discourage the idea of these treasures existence and the seeking of them in every way possible.

What I have not explained on a public forum is that the Sentinels have left me (messages) at my sites (including the one that I just drew the triangle on in #3718) that in no uncertain terms are telling me to not mess with what they consider their treasures, and the last occurrence happened just a few months ago.

I for one would like to know what messages were left by the Sentinels out at your Kings site I believe you are putting yourself at risk out there and people need to know.

Sure Carl, there must be many college textbooks written on the subject of treasure recovery for the modern man...

Your response is very appropriate for this forum: Completely unserious.

For years people who discuss dowsing point to the Spanish in the Americas as an excellent example of dowsing success. Yet I've never found any historical reference to the Spanish having dowsed anything; in fact, the historical record is pretty clear that they just plundered and stole what other people had found. The only references I can find for Spanish dowsing are in dowsing books, which are notoriously unreliable.

So for years I've asked, here and elsewhere, for any genuine historical references to Spanish dowsing in the Americas. No takers. I assume, like other assertions in dowsing books, that someone just fabricated it and it got passed down through subsequent dowsing books by authors too lazy to do their homework.

My question here is similar. Claims are asserted that the Spanish did such-and-such, with absolutely no backing other than "I said so." It's not unreasonable to question these assertions, though few people here seem inclined to question anything. Folks repeatedly say, "Thanks So-and-So, that's great information!" But is it? Is it truly useful for anything, or completely useless? Does anyone care? I'm curious.

Charles Kenworthy wrote books that described Spanish treasure hiding techniques. Some people question his research but I have seen some odd things, in the field, that he describes.

I have all his books and don't consider them to be the least bit legitimate. A lot of his stuff is just a bunch of drawings, not a single photograph, as if he never actually found anything he was describing. Plus, his success at using the stuff he describes was incredibly underwhelming. I'm guessing he made it all up, or copied it from people who made it all up. Like books on dowsing.

If you are lucky enough to find a place, in the field, that has some of the things our posters share, you can see how your site compares with others.

That's why I asked Sandy for a field trip. I'd like to see what he sees. Appears Sandy doesn't want that to happen. Maybe someone else has something to show-n-tell.

Unfortunately the powers that be (people who know about these treasures/sentinels) are not only Not talking about the treasures but are also doing what they can to discourage the idea of these treasures existence and the seeking of them in every way possible.

What I have not explained on a public forum is that the Sentinels have left me (messages) at my sites (including the one that I just drew the triangle on in #3718) that in no uncertain terms are telling me to not mess with what they consider their treasures, and the last occurrence happened just a few months ago.

Where there's a conspiracy theory, there's usually not much else. Since I don't have the slightest belief in sentinels, they don't scare me in the least. Unless you have a particular need to maintain this as an alibi for the lack of success, I'll offer to personally remove the treasure while you watch and hand it to you 100%, no charge.

I for one would like to know what messages were left by the Sentinels out at your Kings site I believe you are putting yourself at risk out there and people need to know.

Since you would like to see what the sentinels left for me while I was gone here is one that I found at my site just recently (this is the site I showed with all the alignments and 130 foot triangle)

When I returned the first thing I noticed was that this palo verde tree was laying across the path just a couple hundred feet before reaching the crisscross spot.
This is just saying stop/go back

They had apparently pushed it over

They did a couple more things at this site as well.

It looks like to me they might have been also moving something to and giving the warning you need to stay frosty when on this site.

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Your response is very appropriate for this forum: Completely unserious.

For years people who discuss dowsing point to the Spanish in the Americas as an excellent example of dowsing success. Yet I've never found any historical reference to the Spanish having dowsed anything; in fact, the historical record is pretty clear that they just plundered and stole what other people had found. The only references I can find for Spanish dowsing are in dowsing books, which are notoriously unreliable.

So for years I've asked, here and elsewhere, for any genuine historical references to Spanish dowsing in the Americas. No takers. I assume, like other assertions in dowsing books, that someone just fabricated it and it got passed down through subsequent dowsing books by authors too lazy to do their homework.

My question here is similar. Claims are asserted that the Spanish did such-and-such, with absolutely no backing other than "I said so." It's not unreasonable to question these assertions, though few people here seem inclined to question anything. Folks repeatedly say, "Thanks So-and-So, that's great information!" But is it? Is it truly useful for anything, or completely useless? Does anyone care? I'm curious.

I have all his books and don't consider them to be the least bit legitimate. A lot of his stuff is just a bunch of drawings, not a single photograph, as if he never actually found anything he was describing. Plus, his success at using the stuff he describes was incredibly underwhelming. I'm guessing he made it all up, or copied it from people who made it all up. Like books on dowsing.

That's why I asked Sandy for a field trip. I'd like to see what he sees. Appears Sandy doesn't want that to happen. Maybe someone else has something to show-n-tell.

Where there's a conspiracy theory, there's usually not much else. Since I don't have the slightest belief in sentinels, they don't scare me in the least. Unless you have a particular need to maintain this as an alibi for the lack of success, I'll offer to personally remove the treasure while you watch and hand it to you 100%, no charge.

Why would you even bring up dowsing that is not and option here,the true way it is figured out is how it is engineered. One thing also you keep hammering on Kenworthy and you never even meet the man and you want to be judge, jury and the executioner here. Now you want a true treasure hunter to take you out and show you it does exists just for your benefit after criticizing the way it is figured out.

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