sdcfia also believes in santa claus and snow white. no doubt he also believes in Billy goat gruff.

I have no idea what your statement means, but I do know I prefer my facts to be accurate.

I have no idea what your statement means, but I do know I prefer my facts to be accurate.
Believe me myself, an I am pretty sure the others do not want to here your facts go start your on thread on your factious fact finding sdcfia.

Sandy1 I have been reading thru the thread and it contains a mountain of info what I am trying to figure out and you say do not get caught on the carvings stay on track with the direction indicators keep following to the next one. What would be the longest distance you have had to go before you got to the site were there was a vault from when you came across your first monument sign or indication it was going to a site.

Sandy1 I have been reading thru the thread and it contains a mountain of info what I am trying to figure out and you say do not get caught on the carvings stay on track with the direction indicators keep following to the next one. What would be the longest distance you have had to go before you got to the site were there was a vault from when you came across your first monument sign or indication it was going to a site.

Since I use auras I am always standing basically on the treasures or within 50 feet from them at the most so as far as markers from the auras I have actually seen an owl at about 600 feet from the spot and most definitely marking and aligning to it I have also seen another owl at approx. 300 feet from the aura spot, however almost every site I have had an aura at the markers are rarely more than 100 feet away from the aura spot.

I am pretty sure I am about 600 feet away from were the vault is problem is my country has a lot of trees. I will be setting the camera across from were I believe the site to be at about a 1/2 mile away up on the hill side to try and get a shot down into the trees. This will be the first attempt to capture and Aura why the camera is working I will be looking for more direction indicators its seems they used a lot of triangles made out of rock a couple of hearts a turtle and a skull so far.

Believe me myself, an I am pretty sure the others do not want to here your facts go start your on thread on your factious fact finding sdcfia.

Oh, I'm way more than pretty sure.

Hey Sandy,

I am located on the Front Range in Northern Colorado, on the outskirts of the historically accepted range of the Spanish. However I had for many years noticed anomalies and what appeared to be markers in a canyon I frequently drive centering on a specific ridge. I finally decided to follow these a few weeks back and to my surprise finding many of the markers you outline in this guide. I got so caught up in the adventure and questioning if it could actually be I didn't think to take pictures till near the end of the trail. This area was a huge part of the heyday of the Colorado gold rush and is littered with mines and old mining camps dating to the 1820's late 1890's but to my knowledge no Anglo-Saxon miners marked there trails and mines in such ways. I will have to download the pictures off my wife's phone as well but would like your opinion on what I did managed to document and find after following a markers to the top of the ridge.


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Spanish Markers Northern Colorado

Hey all,

New to the forum have followed it for years as a causal observer but the lure of my intuition has got the better of me. I am located in Colorado but on the Northern outskirts of what is the accepted territory of New Spain and organized Spanish Colonial activity. Historical records indicate no large concentration or even known Spanish mining exploits/expeditions in this part of the front range. None the less, being somewhat familiar with this guide, and having frequently reviewed it I found myself seeing more and more coincidences and anomalies in rock formations that could not be easily explained by nature alone. So with that introduction I was hoping for folks insights with regards to the peephole/keyhole formation I found after following markers at this site, it sits on a ridge just littered with other markers and signs some of which I have provided pictures of below. This precipice is on a U bend in the river on the top of a vertical cliff, basic exploration of the area indicates at least three traceable trails converging on this area. I have read many things and done a lot of research, what I do know is no two sites are the same and that I have a huge concentration of markers in a relatively confined area fairly far outside the area these things are normally looked for and discovered in.

IMG_0141.webp This is a picture looking at the whole formation facing directly north. IMG_0118.webp This second picture is looking at the formation facing east.
IMG_0128.webp IMG_0139.webp IMG_0122.webp These three are looking through the peephole/s formed by the stacked nature of the rock formation. The two on the left center on the same rock formation which is directly below in the canyon. This formation almost appears as a carved native american head looking in the direction of where the third peephole centers in on which appears to be an old mine audit.

IMG_0117.webp This is a picture of the formation which originally drew me to the area. There are two vertical rocks on the cliff edge the one lit up and the one in shadow, notice the wedged rock in-between them which almost appears to be a heart. The rock on the left (in shadow) appears as a kings throne from directly below in the canyon however as you bend the curve going up the canyon it incorporates the second rock on the right (lit up) to form a cross at a very specific point in the bend. This picture is from above it on the ridge less than 40ft from the site of the above keyhole formation. From this angle second rock on the right almost appears to resemble a crude Jesus status.

Here are also some pictures of other anomalies in the same area just on the other side of the ridge some 200-300 yards away. The first one is on its side and needs to be looked at by tilting your head to the left sideways to see the lion. It is actually the back side of the rock pictured twice directly below it and to the right, which almost appears to have been carved to form the top of a skull, but I am open to suggestions. This skull or face and the other two rocks pictured which appear to have an eye and nose carved into them all point directly at the pile of rocks pictured bottom on the very bottom right. This rock formation itself is strange being that one can see how it was formed from three large bolder which had been split apart and laid out in a semi circle with the head stone resembling a snakes head.There was plenty more examples and weirdness up there but these are just a sampling for more experienced folks to observe and let me know if they think these are indeed authentic and offer any suggestions and insights they may have.

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Dauntless, first off welcome to tnet, as far as my opinion about your markers, they do look out of place but I don't recognize what they are supposed to be.
I have several suggestions first and foremost get out of the mountains and look for markers in the low lying areas around rivers, this is where they put storages, up in your types of mountains it is too difficult to navigate which would make the area more likely for mines and not storages (although if there were mines there would be temporary storages but not long term Vaults that may still have treasure in them, they put those in places easier to get too for the king)
Second don't believe anything that history tells you about these treasures as it has been proven wrong time and again,I know a guy in Missouri as well as another in Idaho who have all the same markers I have right here in AZ.
Third, look for turtles, owls and hearts as they are your best bet to know you have Spanish type activity as well as the best bet for a treasure.

Dauntless welcome to Treasure Net there is a lot of info on this thread to read please be safe mountain work is dangerous especially when your dealing with old working such being mines an they are no joke.

So many, if not almost all of the good 'ol timers are gone now... Burt Reynolds last week...
RIP Burt Reynolds, Gator and White lighting were great movies he did.

Here is what I meant about being stuck on the writings/graffiti on the rocks.

Many of the markers that you find in the field are used at multiple sites and will be in the same type of locations such as a base of a hill or in a wash, this was due to the fact that there were rules that were followed and therefore the people that came back for these caches knew what to do when they found a certain marker in a certain spot, in otherwords it was understood what to do once they found a Owl or Duck etc. in a specific area and there was no need for any explanations on the rocks/boulders themselves as too what to do next, this also prevents anybody outside the recovery people from figuring out what to do with the markers.

Now back to the picture.

The purpose of this boulder is simple, it is there to stop you as you are going along the base of the mountain and tells you to look up the mountain behind it, you might be wondering how I know what direction to look since there is nothing on the boulder that would indicate a direction to look, it was understood that the boulder is directly below/downhill from the Important cache that is up the hill from it and to ad to this info the closest 15 degrees on a compass that is going up this mountain from the boulder to the cache is 75 Degrees.

Here is the Boulder with the cache location, I am marking the cache location with a pentagon, this is how simple this stuff really is (until you get within 100 feet then it gets complicated), if you get hung up in all the writing/graffiti you will be completely lost and not even get close to where you should be.
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This is some of the best info I have ever came across thank you for this info.

Don't forget 9/11 we lost a lot of good people that day.

View attachment 1633375Thought I would post a photo of the color change up on the mountains in Colorado can not believe fall is already here.

Here is a story I thought I would share about a guy I took out treasure hunting.

This guy told me everything he thought I wanted to hear in order to go out treasure hunting with me, such as, I want to learn all about the markers and how they lead to the treasures so I can use the information to be a treasure hunter for the rest of my life and how super excited he was and so on.

So I took him out to a treasure location and of course we had to pinpoint him on an aura that I had previously caught, then after we pinpointed the aura spot we had to look for markers which meant cutting back brush, measuring and taking compass degrees, looking for pointers and alignments and document all of this information from the markers to the aura etc.

After a half of a day of work he started asking me when were we going to dig, so I explained to him that digging up the treasure was not the primary goal I was there to teach him how the markers work since he wanted to learn about how to be a treasure hunter for the rest of his life.

I also explained to him that the treasure is not legal and that even after digging it up that he would not be able to become a millionaire by selling the treasure as he would not be able to prove to the IRS where he got the money from and would be arrested for tax evasion. So the best he could hope for was to live frugally off of what he found or supplement his existing income.

Well to make a long story short, it turns out that the guy had no job and was looking for a fast buck in treasure hunting
(a complete con artist) he latched onto me like a leach, he knew I was the best person he could find with the best shot at digging up a treasure right away, once he found out that it wasn't going to be the payday he expected and that I was making him jump through the hoops of learning the markers first he dropped me faster than a hot potato.

The Moral of the story is this, There are a lot of Greedy Opportunists that are involved in treasure hunting and they are very dangerous as their only goal is a payday and they will take you down with them when they get caught selling or spending large sums of treasure money that they are not able to account for legally to the IRS.

So be very Careful when choosing a partner or helper and make sure they are not looking for a treasure out of financial desperation as that is the absolute worst motive to look for a treasure.

The best motive is to want to solve and understand how the treasures were marked (solving the puzzle) and then the treasure becomes a nice bonus at the end.

I also wanted to ad that the people who are only in it for the money don't last very long at treasure hunting, its the guys that are trying to solve and decode the treasures that are in it for the long haul.

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That is some real good information I believe in family with what I do there about the only one I will trust. I do have 2 brothers as partner's on a project but they are so out of shape they can not go out in the field. I had to partner with them do to get information they had on an area I have been searching in for awhile. Now they told me that they actually had a taped interview with a man that had been close to the location. Turns out now they can not find the tape that they promised me it is a live and learn experience now its totally on me.

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