Good Catch, cyzak, this is basically deathtrap city there are dozens of holes that they put boulders above all over these cliffs with all kinds of enticers (carved markers looking into or stuffed in the caves and holes) to get you to dig everywhere especially when your this close to the entrance, so my point is that they will put up huge amounts of markers that are false advertising trying to get you to dig everywhere the hard part is figuring out which markers are the important markers out of all the BS ones, but the ones that are important wont be looking directly at the entrance.

I know I did not get a good enough pic of that last spot it is a 4 hour hike in to this place and I will be going back there shortly maybe this month.

Look for a place you don't have to hike to and close to home I know for a fact that there are plenty of treasures in your area.

Hey great Job cyzak I marked it in red for you.

View attachment 1612168

So now to understand why I posted all of this, first the window and the three fingers are all in a spot that should look dangerous to anybody, there is a reason for that they really want you to dig there, so now lets take a look at all of the boulders stacked directly above these markers (circled in purple) can anybody guess what will happen if somebody were to dig around the window rock?

Avalaaanche! Lol

A, did you see the horse its circled in red on post 2788 cyzak found it.

I have been all over Colorado but this is a big one Sandy there is something hidden here that is worth the hike. I believe this was one of there main trails and an Indian attack to place here something was buried in a big hurry. These expeditions are never easy I have never done something that is so hard to figure out I can not believe how smart these Spaniards were. It takes a lot of patience and work to figure this out it is funny because some people think it is easy but I am here to tell you it is not easy and its dangerous to. When out in this country you better have your head on a swivel and be prepared for any type of condition.

A, did you see the horse its circled in red on post 2788 cyzak found it.

Sure did amigo. I was looking at that rock but couldn't see it shaped like anything. It's funny how once something is confirmed and you go back and look at it, your mind can quickly see the shape. Can't wait til you show what markers align with each other that go to the dig spot!

One more thing, is the "window" that I first circled that was wrong, was it indeed a squared "U" on the mountain or does it just look like that in the pic?

cyzak, just follow any major river and you will have a high probability of coming across a kings storage with the markers I have shown, usually up on the bank of the river/wash.

The Single Boulder I circled in blue is the boulder that marks this treasure but it is not an alignment it is straight below the entrance or vertical straight up the hill, this is the same idea as the one at the base of the hill going straight up the hill as well.

There’s a lot going on in that picture different types of markers. If you scan over it there’s several things that try to lead you astray.

O, There are markers trying to get you to dig in the wrong spot on nearly every ledge of this mountain, even if the markers don't go to a deathtrap they will keep you digging until you give up from frustration.

I can see that. The square block is the stick out thing. Is there any more up the hill. Or is it a align with the triangle

The path that comes down from the top has an important marker as well (a conglomorant) directly above the entrance its the kings throne with an owl a diamond a cat etc.

I circled the two important markers above and below the entrance.

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This trail went from beginning to end. You showed the signs you used and showed the signs that are to confuse. What I’ve noticed on this one the signs you used are the obvious stand out ones. Thanks for the walk through sandy.

So now that I have shown you guys what markers are there would you like to see the aura that got me to this spot in the first place?

Here is the aura that got me up to this treasure location in the first place.

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Here is the aura that got me up to this treasure location in the first place.

View attachment 1612174

So the Aura is like ghostly white smoke coming out of the small cave entrance? The white string line, is that showing a trail that leads to the main aura or is it randomly part of the manifestation of the aura with no significant purpose?

With no alignments to lead you to the entrance, was the aura the first thing you found, and then proceeded to go investigate up close, then found all of the markers, and then you could see a small cave entrance directly where the aura was?

Then you confirmed it was directly uphill from the eagle head boulder and just a few feet from the rectangle/ square marker? Does the eagle boulder and the rectangle/square marker make an alignment to the entrance?

Sorry Sandy1, I know it's a lot of questions but I just need to get all of this experience from you in my head. It's all good food for the brain lol.

Thanks in advance for all your help.

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Sandy I can see now why it is so important to stand in the correct place to decipher these signs you have showed me more in just a few lines and pictures than I have done on my own in years. This is why I joined this site it is so hard to learn these things on your own with so little people out there that are interested in this type of research. I have tried to keep my info so secret for fear of some one else discovering it that I have really only hurt my self. I have been called crazy for trying to explain my discovery's but I now it is real I am a true believer that vaults do exists weather they are small or large. Next time I am out on expedition I will take way more time to go over these areas of interest I am definitely not doing enough research in the field.

This also points to your spot. It has the squared u. A shadow pointer.2018-07-16%2010.10.58.webp

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