View attachment 1606412

Just wanting to get your guys opinions. What kind of paint would the Spanish use to paint a dagger on a rock that would last hundreds of years??? There are no trees above and it has not changed in the couple years I have seen it.

You sure that's a dagger and not a cross where some of the paint is missing? Look more closely. IMO, the heart is way too symmetrical and perfect to be natural, although it is leaning. You may need to take a closer look at your own image. I think you're missing something.

If you guys see this thread has slipped into the abyss of T-net obscurity, please bump it every once in awhile so the new folks can see it. Thanks

Voted Banner on this Gem. Thank you so much for this info man.
Great work

Chadeaux that's kind of what I thought. Maybe a cross, maybe a dagger. Not sure. Why is it painted and not carved? What kind of paint could last that long? Its still pointing down?

Here is a better pic of the whole boulder.


not sure why it saved it horizontally. If any one can fix it that would be great.

Hello wisdomkeeper,

Several colors are made from different compounds. Examples include the following: Black and Red Iron Oxide, Yellow or Red Ochre, Cupric Chloride, Silver Chloride, Copper Sulfate. All of these are mineral salts that will not break down over time unlike vegetable and animal dyes that will loose their color and dissapear and in this case hundreds of years. Just in case you were wondering? Hope this helps.



Hello again wisdomkeeper,

I see two 7’s one backward and one forward and two squares with black dots in them and a third unknown symbol to the photographs far left mid center. I also see the absence of color on the lower portion of the rock that appears to be Bell shaped although it is lying on its side aside from the Heart that was previously mentioned.



I thought Sandy would appreciate this little tid-bit story from the "lost mines of the great southwest" by John D. Mitchell. Maybe you have all ready read it but for those who have not I will not post the whole thing but give a brief synopsis then quote the end.

This is the story of Don Felipe and his gold and silver mines in Santa Barbara near the turn of the century of the 1800's. Don was a Spanish overlord and very wealthy. Two to three times a week burro trains would bring gold and silver shipments from the Guadalupe mountains to Don's hacienda. Twice a year he would send his royal fifth to Mexico city of his spoils. Around 1810 the revolution broke out and Don was killed by a Yaqui indian. No one could find Don's stash of gold and silver. But as the story goes and I quote.
"No one knew where Don hid the bullion after it had been unloaded in the patio. The Gold mines at Sobia were relocated and produced a large amount of gold. The Guadalupe Silver mine has never been found. It was sealed up with all the tools inside. Rumor has it the the treasure was buried in an underground room inside the walls, AND THAT EVERY YEAR A STRANGE LIGHT APPEARS IN THAT VICINITY. Th Mayo Indians believe that there is something about buried gold and silver that causes it to glow in warm weather when the ground is wet. So every year when the warm june rains begin, they look for the strange lights to appear." Can you say Aurora!!!!

Hello All,

Here you go two books on Treasure Aura's:

The Successful Treasure Hunter's Secret Manual: Discovering Treasure Auras in the Digital Age Paperback – February 10, 2009

by David Villanueva (Author)

Finding Treasure Auras: Combining Science and Parapsychology Paperback – 1996

by Louis J. Matacia (Author)

One of the two is stupid expensive or someone thinks it is on amazon.

This is why some people can take photographs of orbs or auras 's treasure sites. Gold is the best conductor of electricity that is why the Spanish always looked for lightning strikes. A prime example is Urraca Mesa in New Mexico it has the most in the whole state.

Silver leaches into the soil due to the chemical composition of the mineral salts. That is why a potential cashe site of silver may appear larger especially in wet ground. Its something to think about?

Best regards and be safe


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Hello All,

Here you go two books on Treasure Aura's:

The Successful Treasure Hunter's Secret Manual: Discovering Treasure Auras in the Digital Age Paperback — February 10, 2009

by David Villanueva (Author)

Finding Treasure Auras: Combining Science and Parapsychology Paperback — 1996

by Louis J. Matacia (Author)

One of the two is stupid expensive or someone thinks it is on amazon.

This is why some people can take photographs of orbs or auras 's treasure sites. Gold is the best conductor of electricity that is why the Spanish always looked for lightning strikes. A prime example is Urraca Mesa in New Mexico it has the most in the whole state.

Silver leaches into the soil due to the chemical composition of the mineral salts. That is why a potential cashe site of silver may appear larger especially in wet ground. Its something to think about?

Best regards and be safe


I have tried both of these methods with very limited success mostly due to the fact that you have to be right on top of the treasure to catch an aura from it which is why my method of aura capturing is from a distance in order to cover enough ground to actually find something, having an aura close up is nice but you need to narrow it down to a specific area first.

The aura on the cover of Louis Matacia book has been covered in this thread as animalrooster41 is the one who actually caught that aura and it was not actually caught with the sx70 as Louis Claims but with a different model of poloroid camera.
Read from posts 815-823 on this thread PAGE 55 to get the real info on that aura.

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I have a copy of that aura as well from animal rooster, and it was discussed on a private forum a couple years ago, which was all deleted or rather left to expire,..which sandy1 was a member of as well as I and several members of this forum. I vaguely remember the discussion, but it was from an old polaroid camera.

Hello All,

Thought you would like to see the screen grab from g-string earth. Tell me what you see? New eyes always have a different perspective than mine.

What I see from left to right is a small shadow "e" next to a shadow "x" a capital "N" for a North direction (note the direction indicator at top right corner), two white eye catchers in the background, a large capital "G", a mushroom, an Owl, an eyebrow with spot to the left of a Lion's face, a "T" shaped cross with 3 number 7's and a large round cave in the center, a shadow pack mule and man and a gigantic heart with an aura/orb at the crux of the heart.

Lots going on here folks.

Please let me know.




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Comes up invalid attachment. FYI

Hello All,

Thought you would like to see the screen grab from g-string earth. Tell me what you see? New eyes always have a different perspective than mine.

What I see from left to right is a small shadow "e" next to a shadow "x" a capital "N" for a North direction (note the direction indicator at top right corner), two white eye catchers in the background, a large capital "G", a mushroom, an Owl, an eyebrow with spot to the left of a Lion's face, a "T" shaped cross with 3 number 7's and a large round cave in the center, a shadow pack mule and man and a gigantic heart with an aura/orb at the crux of the heart.

Lots going on here folks.

Please let me know.



View attachment 1608038

Lue-Hawn, this is a prime example of what NOT TO DO while treasure hunting, looking at a mountain and finding multiple markers is absolutely the quickest way to fail at treasure hunting, the real treasure markers are few and far between and are always Standalone, By Themselves and Singular, the important markers will Never Ever be just part of the background cliffs and they will always stand out above everything else around them.

Hello Sandy1,

Perhaps you are right, perhaps you are not. One can only look to find what is seen. Some pointers lead to others and so on. The first one led to this one and to the next and thereafter. Who is to say which is right and which is wrong. I was asking if others see what I see. I don't expect anyone to drop what they are doing to find them. I only asked that they look.

Thank you for your insight as what you believe in regard to treasure hunting.



I don't want people who are following my thread failing due to all the background markers that are carved everywhere instead of looking for the actual Real Treasure Markers that are standalone and not a part of the cliffs.

The people coming back from Europe to retrieve the treasures would not be looking at cliff faces or small rocks in order to relocate the caches, they needed markers that really stood out and are not going to be a part of the background noise.

It becomes completely overwhelming how many markers are carved if you cant single out the actual treasure markers from all the carved markers that don't have anything to do with treasure.

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Hello Sandy1,

Perhaps you are right, perhaps you are not. One can only look to find what is seen. Some pointers lead to others and so on. The first one led to this one and to the next and thereafter. Who is to say which is right and which is wrong. I was asking if others see what I see. I don't expect anyone to drop what they are doing to find them. I only asked that they look.

Thank you for your insight as what you believe in regard to treasure hunting.



Just curious, have you started at the beginning & studied the actual guide pages of this thread?
Also, it's more likely you'll get more responses, if you start your own thread & ask for your pics to
be viewed. However beware, that even the best actual stand alones, & combo markers pics, are often
very much thoroughly studied & scrutinized. Disagreeing with a legendary successful Vault Treasure Hunter, who's conceived & arranged much if not all of the code, studied & written a free book,
is not really the best way to get help.

If you have something along the trail that leads to the right markers, you will learn to definitely
know it, & most likely not have to ask anyone, other than maybe sandy.

Your best chance is to: Read the thread & aura study guides, not kinda' hijack with your own stuff,
& then get undiplomatic with self comments. We've all seen too much of this for days & years...
Just sayin', a few've been here, done that & more, & still the guide hasn't changed, at all.
Think about it... Good luck with your research.8-)
... :sunny: :fish:

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