Hello Sandy1,
Perhaps you are right, perhaps you are not. One can only look to find what is seen. Some pointers lead to others and so on. The first one led to this one and to the next and thereafter. Who is to say which is right and which is wrong. I was asking if others see what I see. I don't expect anyone to drop what they are doing to find them. I only asked that they look.
Thank you for your insight as what you believe in regard to treasure hunting.
Just curious, have you started at the beginning & studied the actual guide pages of this thread?
Also, it's more likely you'll get more responses, if you start your own thread & ask for your pics to
be viewed. However beware, that even the best actual stand alones, & combo markers pics, are often
very much thoroughly studied & scrutinized. Disagreeing with a legendary successful Vault Treasure Hunter, who's conceived & arranged much if not all of the code, studied & written a free book,
is not really the best way to get help.
If you have something along the trail that leads to the right markers, you will learn to definitely
know it, & most likely not have to ask anyone, other than maybe sandy.
Your best chance is to: Read the thread & aura study guides, not kinda' hijack with your own stuff,
& then get undiplomatic with self comments. We've all seen too much of this for days & years...
Just sayin', a few've been here, done that & more, & still the guide hasn't changed, at all.
Think about it... Good luck with your research.
