A good deed and $20,000 Cache : Update

Capt, don't forget to tell us how Day #1 goes!!!

this sounds like it could be very interesting indeed. :happy1:

A 50/50 split is not unusual! You may have to spent days looking and not find a thing. However if you should get lucky you want an agreement between you both at that point. And the way I deal with the property owners is this! If a find is made we will split the find right then and there. YOU DON'T HAND THE PROPERTY OWNER THE FIND HOPING HE WILL DO YOU RIGHT LATER! You stay outside his home and open the find and you make 2 piles, with the property owner taking 1st choice of the piles. you take yours and keep it and he keeps his. Remember possession is 90 persent! So you dont give up what is then yours or you just may for sure loose it. If you both agree to this before hand there should be no problem. Good Luck.

I think you should find it for free.

The reward would be helping other people and making the find itself.

There aint nothin' right about a lawyer and no reason to even have one in the first place. IMO

If you even mentioned lawyers on my land I'd kick you off never to return. The fact that he didn't must mean he's somewhat of a nice man. Takin' money that has nothing to do with you isn't much fair to everyone involved.

His dad earned that money and it should go to the son/daughter 100/100

I understand that $20,000 is a lot of money, but you got to fight those greedy feelings and go with what you know is right. I understand it's a long drive out of your way and everything, but he already tried to pay you for the wallet and you said no. You asked for permission to hunt the property instead. He didn't hire you, you volunteered. I'm taking that as you weren't going to make him pay you gas money to come back and hunt his property until you learned that he might have some money stashed away.

Your story started nice with the wallet and everything, but took a turn for greed when you found out about the cache. I find it hard to believe that a man who offered a reward for finding his wallet would not reward you if you found his dads cash and deed.

Best thing to do is keep everything on the up and up. Be honest always, no hiding or sneaking, dipping off the land with the cache and sorting it yourself. Just be honest and kick those lawyers to the curb.

There aint nothing in this world worth more than honesty and love. You have those and you're rich.

You go squabblin' over money and material goods Mr. and you're dirt poor.

You stay honest and love your sisters/brothers. You take what's coming to you and it'll be worth a lot more than all the paper money in the world.

I'm sorry, I must be slow or something....

IF this guy believed his father (which, why would his father lie to him on his death bed?) why wouldn't the guy just look for this cache him self?
20K and the deed to the property (and who knows what else could be in there) would be worth buying a metal detector.

He's got the land and all the time in the world right. He knows where his father said he buried it, so why the heck would he need anyone else to find it and dig it up? lol...and then to split it 50/50? For what, why? And why hasn't this guy tried finding it before now?

So, either this guys father had dementia during his final days and the guy knows it, so doubts there is anything buried...or, the guy has so much money he doesn't care that 20k is out in the field somewhere....

Reading very strange to me anyway

Update, please?

Interesting story. Just think about how many other people are/were out there like this guy's dad. I hope I find a pickle jar full of goodies someday.

13rannon, this guy going through a lawyer is/was the right way to go for the protection of both parties involved. When talking about the amounts likely involved an agreement is needed with witnesses. Backwoods logic is not always the best route and does not always apply. Don't shun someone for looking out for themselves as well as others.

Keep swingin! :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft:

Yes an update would be nice...

Again though, there would be no reason to hire a lawyer or come up with a contract if the owner of the property just simply sought the cache themselves. It all makes little sense to me

Think about it. Logic rules here...how many of you would tell someone, "Sure, go a head and look for the treasure my father buried. In fact, I'll even show you where he said he buried it. If you find it I'll split it with you 50/50 too"!

None of you would do that, or feel the need to do it. You would simply use your own time and detector. You might invite a friend to come search with you and tell your friend you'd give em a little reward for finding it if they found it....

If anyone here would be willing to give away 50% of their father's or a relative's $20,000.00 cache, without looking for it themselves, then you have far more money then I and are far more generous then I too...

Any more progress or updates? How many times have you been back? Find it, or anything else of value yet?


Are we talking about paper money or coins? 50% is fair for both parties, always get it in writing.

Any new updates????? We would like to know what happened or you never went, thanks

The wallet story was great!! Hope you can update soon about any other finds

I don't know about taking 50% of a families inheritence, just doesn't set right, maybe a 3-10% finders fee, or/and help the dude get a MD and have a MD buddy for life.
Sorry to rain on your parade, it's not like a chache that has no living relatives attached to it, this is only one generation. But good luck, if the guy lets you back on his property.

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