Yes an update would be nice...
Again though, there would be no reason to hire a lawyer or come up with a contract if the owner of the property just simply sought the cache themselves. It all makes little sense to me
Think about it. Logic rules many of you would tell someone, "Sure, go a head and look for the treasure my father buried. In fact, I'll even show you where he said he buried it. If you find it I'll split it with you 50/50 too"!
None of you would do that, or feel the need to do it. You would simply use your own time and detector. You might invite a friend to come search with you and tell your friend you'd give em a little reward for finding it if they found it....
If anyone here would be willing to give away 50% of their father's or a relative's $20,000.00 cache, without looking for it themselves, then you have far more money then I and are far more generous then I too...