"I recommended to Mr. Hall, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Sherman, and those of Bolivar to keep to our promise and distribute the gold to the indicated places."
In the above statement we, perhaps, learn some important things, beyond what might be obvious. First, the statement is simply a
recommendation suggesting that "they all" keep to their promise. In this statement perhaps we learn that while acting as independents they were all beholding to the same promise, to the same source. Hold this thought.
Sometime after the Camp de Asile episode Riguad made a public complaint that Lallemand had failed to distribute the funds to the survivors of Camp de Asile as promised. Now hold this thought.
During the era it was common to divide up the remaining capital of concluded enterprises into shares, this still being common today. All of those people at Camp de Asile and Bolivar were probably entitled to some portion of this remaining capital, as were the investors in those enterprises. So, think of it as the transporting of this remaining capital to, "the indicated distribution centers" instead of simply, "indicated places". So at the very least we know there was likely more then one distribution center, or indicated place.
With what we've collected so far, no doubt the Bedford area was one of these indicated places.