A desperate son and a father with no answers.....HELP!

uberlapis said:
I've bought so much stuff off of ebay and I always forget to look there half of the time for stuff .

But anywhy thanks Floater your the man.

And did thoughs headphones come with a warning about neck injury or strain?


ROFL Yea they did come with the warning. He!! I remember when they were the hieght of fashion.LOL :D It was my first photo shop experiment. I had the old stereo headphones and then enlarged them in Photo shop and then put it on my mug. Great stuff. Later. HH

Alright my friends, the olive oil bath has begun on 10 of my thinest and flakiest encrusted coins. I will experimenting on my most encrusted coins using electrolysis tomorrow. Ill be cooking the coins with 9 volts. Is there anything I need to know before I start? Wish me luck. Thanks again for all the info guys.

your loyal fan, gator6romeo

Gator keep the coins in the electrolysis for no more than fifteen minutes before checking them and gently rinsing them. Then determine if they can take another fifteen and so on. Also if they do start to flake then start the manual process but be very carefull, then some more electrolysis but only 5 minutes or less and watch them very close. Good luck and post some pics.HH

Will these suckers fry if they are cookin' too long in the electrolysis? What am I being careful to watch for? Im paranoid now floater!


gator6romeo what are you using for your power unit?
and what is the amps or should i say mA rated and is it DC?
and what are you using for an electrolyte?
and if you have a multi meter to test in the water to know exactly what the coin is cooking at.

Another thing I'll have to take a pic of a cheep power unit you can get at radio shack for around $6 they work great for me and that cheep you can buy a few get a few plastic tubs some anodes and cathodes and your cookin a few coins at once. You can cook more than 1 coin in the same tub but only do it if they are the same metal. With these coins being crusted like they are you can't really tell the metal composition so one in at a time is the best way to go. so a couple units cooking at once will speed up yous cleaning.

I'll try to get the pics up tonight.


Im going to use an electrolysis that hooks up to a 9 volt battery. As far as electrolite solution, I dont know. what should I use? what would happen if I didnt? I hate to keep asking all these questions guys but im sure you all understand the reason for them. Thanks guys, Uber.


Sorry right now most people would get mean and maybe anoid. I'm not going to do that though you seem like a nice guy and I myself is also a nice guy so I want to help you out. Its just that I know for shore I told you to read floaters posts 2 times and I think Floater even gave you a link just click and read pretty simple, but there are a lot of post there from a lot of people that you have to sort threw so I'm going to spell some thing out here as clear as I can.

1: use distilled water (if you use any other water it is conductive because all of the iron and minerals in it they will deposit on the coin and make it all kinds of dirty and even electro plate it this stuff that makes it conductive is called microsiemens)

2:electrolytee you can use. ( you need an electrolyt because believe it or not water is not conductive its the minerals and metallic crap found in water that is but there is none of that crap in distilled water so you need an electrolyte to make it conductive without introducing metals and minerals that will give you problems)

-salt (not iodised it could give you a problem)

-baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) I'd say this may be best over the salt if your just trying to use stuff around your house

-Soda Ash (sodium carbonate) This is what I use and is what floater moved on to using as far as I know. You can get this fairly cheep at a pool supply store I use "Aqua Clear brand (but brand dose not matter) pH increaser" and the ingredients is what is important look at the ingredient's you want it to see
"ingredients: Sodium Carbonate......................100%"

-There are other things to use but this should be enough info for you.

3:a non conductive container like plastic or glass (plastic folgers can right Floater ;) someone posted to you about they tried it with a metal can and they or there buddy touched it and got shocked)

4:anode and cathode I'd say the cheepest and easiest is Stainless Steel other metals can give off stuff that can deposit on the coin or eat it away. There is other stuff like the conservitor uses platinum wire (not cheep or easy to find)
I make cool things out of stainless at work cause I'm a machinist but for you the easiest thing is to get some silverware that is made of stainless steel try the dollar store, good will, or some type of thrift shop to make it really cheep

5:power unit the rectifier is awesome and I'll be getting one in a few weeks when I might have the money (thanks Floater) But this here in the picture below is a great cheep reliable unit you can pick up at radio shack
here are the specifics on this unit in the picture below:
-the name of it is, Lead-Acid Lantern Battery Charger (radio shack brand) it plugs into a standard 120vac house outlet
The output is 6 volt DC and 500mA
cost here in PA is $6.99 thats what i payed for the last one here in the picture
and the ends are the alligator clips that is how it comes I did not modify in any way at all.

500mA is on the high side for electrosys but factor in the variables like the electrolyte consentration and type, the size of the object, and the distance of the cathode and anode I always check mine with a digital multi meter (radio shack also) and in the solution I can get anywhere from 200mA up to 350mA that shown on the multi meter is what the coin is actually cooking at I just play around and get it were I like.
This unit works very well and is very cheep so you may want to buy a few and cook a few coins at one time all in separate tanks and if you get cheep SS silverware you could get extras also. do not do more that one coin at a time if you do not know what metal it is the more noble metal will eat away the less noble metal this will leave you with an eaten away coin and another that is plated with the metal of the now junk coin so that plating will make that one pretty much junk also. this setup i give you here should be cheep enough to have a few electrolysis set ups going at one time to clean single coins each and get done faster. Your coins are encrusted so knowing the metal comp is not really happining some one at a time is your rule to fallow (or one per setup ;) right?)
Good luck and let us know how you do and will help with all of the ?'s but I'm telling you to read Floater's posts please read them before you ask anymore ?'s. If you have a problem not understanding something when you read it just ask no problem just ask. but please read them.

hope this is clear enough to help you.


  • DC charger.webp
    DC charger.webp
    24.2 KB · Views: 865
I got in trouble guys.

Thanks for your patience. i apologize for my hesitance and repeated questions, i just dont want to destroy anything over 1000 years old. Ill look forward to revealing my results when finished. Thanks Uber.

- gator6romeo

Post along the way and pictures would be even better if you are able to do so.
don't just wait till your all done than post the resalts let us in as you go it makes for a much better thread.

And by the way your not in trouble (yet) I'm not one to get mean but some people out there will see you ask ?'s that were already answered like if you went to floater's thread or the link he provided and read it all, most would have bin answered.? Some people out there may (and I've seen it happen on various forums)? think "man I spent my free time helping out this person I don't even know and he wants to know more of what was already answered.? man I'm done helping this guy its a waste of my time he dose not use what was already given to him why should i do more work for him"

the "" are not from me just theoretical one of what it seem some people think and stop posting to help.? All and all this place has very nice people and are very helpful in every way we can be and it goes all around and everyone wins in the end.

And earlier I said "not in trouble (yet)" the yet is for, if you don't post how it is going along the way of your cleaning endeavorer, and just wait to sum it up at the end? if you wait till the end you will be in trouble then. >:( ;D

No sweat I think of you as a new friend on the boards and I'm here to help when I can.

Good luck and let us know as you go!!!

Sorry I wanted to say something earlier I'd guess that is you in the military pic under you name.
Looks like your holding a metal dispenser not detector, awesome they are great to I have many more of them than detectors anyway.

But I'll have to say thanks to you for putting yourself on the line and serving for our country. And doing your part to keep the USA the best place to live.

Some people have there problem with this and that over petty stuff. But if you think like me and look at the big picture and the good things, I get to go treasure hunting and look for old coins I collect for fun and as a hobby. I could live in some other country were a hobby would be the last thing on my mind and have to use my metal detector to find land mines so my son could play in the yard kind of safely. And that is if you can even get or afford one living in a place like that.

So the least I could do is help you and your son out in any way I could. I know I just got a little extrem there but I think some people out there need to stop and think about how good we have it here.

Thank You!

Hey thanks for that Uber, you know, I started my interest in roman coins in Iraq. A professor at the University of Baghdad gave me a small roman coin he had found when we went to the university for one of those "win hearts and minds" missions. We are very lucky to be Americans. But being in the military I learned that we as Americans are all fighting the war. Even those who dont agree with it could be a casualty tomorrw in the next terrorist attack. Supporting the troops is so important. Wether its a box, letter, seeing supporters on t.v., or just a pat on the back, it can really turn a soldier around. Anyway, Ill post some before pictures today. The last thing I want is another a$$ chewing :D (hehehe)! Thanks again buddy. Tanke care.

- gator6romeo

Allright gang. Sounds like a lot has happened since Friday.

Uber those posts were excellent and concise for Gator. Sorry I didnt post but was offline working all weekend :(

Gator definetly post some shots as you go with your process even if you do make a mistake. God knows I have and the pictures really help.
Im off to bed but good luck and keep posting. I will try to get on tommorrow. Later guys.

Hey Gator How are you makeing out witht the coins so far?
Or maybe you have bin buissy, But if your getting somewere update us we would like to know and see how your doing.



Sorry to disappoint you guys but I had to go out of town unexpectedly and will not be able to start till I get home on Friday. I will definatly keep a step-by-step update for my other brothers in coinage. Take care guys, seeya later Uber.


Sounds Good Gator. I have been Slammed myself and only able to post a few minutes each day if that. Looking forward to whatever ya got goin.HH

Hello guys,

My apologies but I am still away with work. Its looking like Ill get back the week after next and will be able to get started. In the mean time, Ill still be training the troops. Take care and pray for our boys in uniform.

- gator6romeo

No prob.

Keep up the good work!
and share this with every one around, Thank You! You guys & girls (I know 2 woman that serve I didn't forget) do a great job!

Take care and be safe.

Hey Gang, Sorry I ve been a no show but a little hurricane came our way.

No power for fifteen days and the Computer crashed at about the same time. Lots to catch up on but I am back online. I'm posting some stuff on Wilma in Everthing else . A lot of pictures and its pretty wild. Talk later.

Gator I have your coin done. Not bad but it is definitely not the best condition. I will post on it later this week and send it back to you. I know you have been busy too .

Thanks for your service and a Belated safe veterans day too you and all that serve and served. Later.

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