****Slowly raises hand, from the back row of class in Honors History******
The Professor's "slant" finally pissed me off, after about 20 minutes....
After his "PowerPoint of the 70's," including European Terrorists.
Ah, hell no.
You're in my wheelhouse now.....
When he finally,
reluctantly, called upon me,
I stood and said:
"Yes, I was in Germany then.
Yes, I was an American Soldier.
I know more about European Terrorists than whoever wrote this textbook.
I learned to "Work" under many different musical genres and personas.
And with several other Foreign entities.
And governments.....
Wherever I was assigned."
"Name some Clubs you went to.
Or, like me, is that info still not classified?"
"Yeah, Teacher, of your 'Academic books,' and "PowerPoint" presentations,"
"Know this....
"I was there. I served. I know the truth.."
Where were you?"
Bunkers on Christmas Eve?
Your only Friend....
Your M-16....
90 rounds and pray.....
"Tomorrow, if you live, who can you now trust but yourself...."
And then I sat down.
The class went silent for quite awhile.....
That Professor was a Liberal. I found joy in confronting him, seeking discourse.
Perhaps I pushed,,,,
Pushed too hard?
Worst grade I ever got in College.
But, I learned
SO much.......Dig?
NEVER call out a Professor during Class.
I was nearly expelled from My Collegiate goals.....
We also had a "disagreement" about the 60's a week previous.....
Guess I'll never learn to keep my mouth shut.
Thank God!
Honors History? Pshaw!
I preferred "Honors Philosophy!"
Gotta keep my grades up for the Scholarships!
(And I Did!)
Yeah, I could move on the floor.....
Once upon a few years ago.....
Maybe still?
Sporting an afro, wearing a silk shirt, nearly unbuttoned, platforms and a bucket of self-confidence,
I "worked."
My mind says YES!
My body sez, "Have you finally lost your mind? A hole in your marble bag?"
Then, my mind says,
"Maybe......Stick around and find out........
I still have one more mountain to climb. Let's see where we can go....."
Body says, "Umm.. OK. Let's do it!"