Dell Winders said:
Dell Winders said:
OS, the Atlantis resort is located on Paradise Island, across the harbour from Nassau. You can see where it is located on Google Earth. Atlantis resort, replaces the Paradise Island hotels and casino that were there previously. I imagine it is a stock traded company with financial reports accessible to the public.
Bimini, was approved for a Casino, and may be suitable for a complimentary Shipwreck museum, because of it's close proximity to Tourist destinations in Florida, however when they dredged & filled to build the tourists resorts they seriously damaged the ecology of the area. Mass tourism to Bimini, would further damage the important, and fragile eco system. Personally, I would have liked to have seen Bimini, remain historic and primitive. They don't need Casino's & Golf courses to pollute and destroy the Eco system.
In my opinion, Conservation has to be a major consideration in any business plan, for the Bahamas. I am happy that only 5 permits have been issued because I am concerned that even Shipwreck salvage may be destructive to sensitive reef areas.
Of course, Archeology itself, is a destructive science. I see the proposed shipwreck archeology in the Bahamas as a salvage archeology, which is good. But, I would like to help develop, and employ methods to isolate the precious metals crucial to the economy, from the rest of the wreckage and surgically extract just the Treasure, minimizing damage and leaving the remains of cultural artifacts in place for further archaeological study. Dell
I'm sorry, my reply was posted before I was finished writing?? The remainder is included in the quote above.
Yes, probable evidence of Atlantis, has been reported in different parts of the world. This is little known, but written about in a Haitian newspaper article. Just a few years ago, the King of Spain, sent a ship with two helicopters, and armed mercenaries on a clandestine mission to Haiti, to find a Treasure cave known by a few locals, because he believed this particular cave contained the records of Atlantis.
I am sorry, this is detracting from the Bahamas, subject. Dell
The subject of Atlantis keeps creeping up in the Bahamas and specially Bimini. There is also the strange fresh water well in the ocean, neat Bimini. "The Fountain Of Youth" Did Ponce De Leon find it?
Chemical analysis showed abnormally high concentration if Lithium in that water. Where does that come from?
When we were searching for the shipwreck belonging to the 15th century anchors, near Eldorado shoals we got many mag hits. They proved to be anchors of every size and age.
However, one very large magnetic anomaly did not produce any iron object. We kept blowing and blowing, with 1100Hp of blowing power. In the end we had cleared the sand over an area over 100 feet diameter and still nothing.
We took a handheld cesium magnetometer down and I swam it across the bedrock bottom in every direction. There was no doubt about the size and location of the magnetic anomaly.
But there was nothing there. Just flat bedrock. Discolored to a color like darkish ashes, in stark contrast to the surrounding bedrock that had the usual beige-white lime stone color.
The size and shape of the magnetic anomaly indicated an object of several tons of iron, buried maybe 50 feet below the bedrock.
I thought of the possibility of it being a meteorite, but nowadays we know that this is not possible.
But what is it?
Jokingly, I called it the gates to Atlantis, because a few miles further south there is the famous causeway.
Off the subject? Not really. Our subject is to find a financially feasible business model. There is no rule that prohibits selling dreams and stories and legends, as long as the buyer knows what he is buying.
And what if somebody offers me 100,000 dollars to show him the place, so that he can knock on the door of Atlantis? Well, I tell him to bring a big hammer.
Talking about stories. I don't remember where I read about the Great Isaac massacre. It must have happened after 1856 when they built the light house. I seem to remember 18 people, including the light house keeper and his family. One morning all these people were found hacked to death.
Does anybody know this story? Where can it be found?
What are the circumstances surrounding the story? Why were there so many people on the island at that time? Was it maybe a guano recovery party? A Mystery. Tourists love to hear mysteries about the places they visit. Mysteries can be turned into cash.
There are many mysteries surrounding shipwrecks. It makes the shipwreck story more fascinating. It makes the digging or shall we say the excavation more exciting. Will we be able to solve the mystery with the information we uncover under the sand, between the ballast or under a cannon?
More often than not, we have more questions than answers that keep us awake after a days hard work digging. Is it really the questions that nag on our mind that keep us awake? Or is it just the sore hands with the multiple cuts?