Kurt Painter,
You wrote this on DUSA:
[A few members of Double-Jack will be showing up Saturday, I hope Joe is going to be there Saturday, Badger, Looney and I have talked allot about who we want to say hello to and Joe is on top of the list....Joe, Double-Jack wants to have a go at your directions. Badger and I will talk to you at the Camp.....There will only be 5 or 6 of us from the crew out there. (We are coming to listen to your stories). Double-Jack members will not discuss any on going works... There may be a person or two who may try to start problems with members of Double-Jack. We ask that if any of you have a problem with me or my crew to leave it home..We avoid large crowds because of threats we receive constantly from the forums, that is why we don't often post on the main pages...We have a facebook page one is open the other locked to members and friends only...
Please let us have a Great time out there...
Thanks Double-Jack
Kurt Painter]
This is the ninth year for the Rendezvous. In those years we have had a number of people show up who have serious problems with some of the other people who attend. We have never had a problem......ever. Anyone who express's animosity is told to leave their problems at the gate. So far, that has worked fine.
You and your crew will be welcome at the event. I will be happy to walk you, and others, through my Stone Map conclusions and answer any questions that arise.
Look forward to meeting you and the other members of "Double-Jack". Believe you will all enjoy the event.
Joe Ribaudo