Hi All,

I am 1,200 miles away taking care of an old friend here in Bloomington, IN. I will not make it to Rondezvous this year and I am not happy about it one bit. I have been working on my book and it should be ready in about six months. The upcoming winter weather is here and will get worse; how I miss the Arizona desert. Do not let Bob Schoose drink too much and keep the politics to a minimum.
Our Choice is really quite simple...

See you all next year if God is willing.

Ellie Gardner

G'morning Ellie: Coffee in the patio? Ever try to recover the bell in the Rio Fuerte at Tubares? I can't make the junta either, as usual .

Don Jose de La Mancha

G'morning Ellie: Coffee in the patio? Ever try to recover the bell in the Rio Fuerte at Tubares? I can't make the junta either, as usual .

Don Jose de La Mancha

I found a bell at a garage sale that fits the description... There are a few cups left with your name on um.

We'll just weep together as I am tired of running to the john every 20 minutes.

Keep the sunny side up and the greasy side down.

Ellie B

I will bring a big cooler with assorted beverages, water, iced tea etc, if you know of anything specific to add, let me know
Expenses beer. Thank you.


Posted by Randy on the LDM Forum this morning:

I hope Looney gets better soon!

Also I need to make an announcement that no pets will be allowed at the camp site during the event.

Randy Wright
Hobbiest LDM seeker
Mesa, AZ

"I don't care if it has electric windows. I don't care if the door gaps are straight, but when the driver steps on the gas I want him to piss his pants."
Enzo Ferrari


Wow - the weather looks like it's going to be great. In fact, it might even get cool at night! Looking forward to getting away from work for a couple days and seeing folks again.

Cool at night, it's been downright CHILLY, anything below 75 is cold.

I'll make sure to pack my long johns for a good night's sleep. As far as anything less than 75 being cold, I refuse to put on a jacket until it gets down into the 40's - I don't give in to the winter too easy :)

When it hit's 80 in Lake Havasu Carolyn and I are looking for our sweaters.

I posted a link to Tom Kollenborn's article on the Rendezvous, without realizing it was for last year's event.

The correct dates for this year are, Oct. 26th, 27th. and 28th. Sorry if that caused any confusion.

See you there,


Wayne posted this on the LDM Forum today:

"Pets are allowed in camp. Horses kept in upper camp/parking lot. We do ask no pets during the saturday evening event at the ramada. Both boys are coming out this year. They have early release, so I should be in earlier than usual.

Jake isn't doing too well, he is lame on one of his back legs, so chances are he won't be coming out."

I'm sooooo confused.

On the other hand, I do hope that Jake makes it. He's a goood boy!:icon_thumright:


Early release? From?

I plan on arriving at Don's camp late Fri morning. Though it will be a hell of a trip from W Mesa. If anyone that's flying in needs a tent for the weekend drop me a line. May have a extra cot or two laying around also.

I'm so bummed. One year ago tonight I was kicking back enjoying the sunset from the Dons camp accompanied with perfect weather and good people. Couldn't make it this year...really sucks when work interferes with my playtime. Really enjoyed meeting everyone last year along with the great conversation. Even got to meet BB! Joe, sure could use a bowl of your chili right about now....dipping down into the low 40's tonight here in San Antonio. Hope everyone has fun, and be safe. See y'all next year!!

The gathering was very interesting this year. It was great seeing everyone again. Joe Ribaudo received a well deserved award this year. A great guy. Dr Glover gave a very interesting talk. He has a new book that will be out soon. It will be a must have. Bob Corbin told me the truth on the Dutchman will be exposed. Can't wait to read it. In my opinion some of the most interesting people in Arizona and elsewhere attend this event. I enjoyed talking to everyone!

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Well I take it the truth of the LDM didn't make it out this time.
It is a shame I had to stay home and couldnt make it.
Especially since I am only a half hour away.
With these bad times the tweaker's and cock roaches of the night are out, and I have to watch my house closely in this town, since they have me surrounded.
Man I need to move out of here.
And one of my pitbull's is getting old, and I have to watch her since she is on meds. May have to put her down if she doesn't get any better.

Anyway, next year I hope.
I was hoping to meet everyone,and especially Joe, and Somehiker.
Good you got the award Joe.From all my reading,you deserve it.

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A very good rendez-vous - they just seem to get better and better.
A big kudos to Joe for starting it all - his prize was most deserved!
Other than that - I sure l-o-v-e to meet other 'nutty' people (that is my wife's description of us all!) - a big thank-you for all who came and made it just so entertainable!


Many thanks for the kind words, but I was just in the right place at the right time. Nothing would have worked without Carolyn. I think most of you realize that.

There were also friends who helped to organize the first event, and many helping hands along the way. There were also
a number of people who did their best to destroy the idea before we could even get started.

If anyone has some pictures of the event, please post them here, or send them to me at havasho@frontiernet.net

I didn't take many, but here are three of my favorites:


As you can see, we had the very young, including a baby.

Two people who are welcome in any man's camp:


One very fine lady, bending the ear of a real gentleman:

That last picture is one of my favorites.

It would be nice to see many more pictures posted. Lets see who took the best picture.

Thank you to all 103, or so, attendees.


Just want you all to know I enjoy the news, pictures, and stories. I probably will never make it there, however, I do live a vicarious fantasy of hiking the supers with you all and can't express how much I wish I was there. Please share all you can about the experience with those of us who aren't able to attend, your sharing is all some of us have to experience our dreams.
I know Oro and Mrs Oro don't post here anymore, always loved their input, were they able to attend?

By the way, up here we don't put on a jacket until the dog dish is froze solid. From the frozen north, thank you all! T

More pictures:





I know there were other cameras in camp, so how about sharing your pictures???

Take care,


Good morning Proghorn: Yes, I too would have loved to attend the campfire junta, if nothing else to get my steak that was long ago promised by el cactus jumper, although I see that he is now attempting to squirm out of it, what's a few years of being late Joe ??? yer too pickish. sigh.

Los Oros and I have been in commncation, but we have yet to meet in person, that was my forlorn hope for this year, but Business arrangements on the Tayopa complex kept me away again.

I remember that you and I had some rather spirited posts with each other, your post sounds very human, and a person that I would like to meet and be friends with.

Join me in the patio for coffee? The temp. out there is delightful right now, down to a cool 75*

Don Jose de La Mancha

Sorry I didn't make it, had planned to, but unfortunately this has been a rough month with family things.
Joe you certainly deserved an award, great pics!!:hello2:

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