$8000 per oz. silver??? Read all about it!

Saw this exact thing in my last issue of coin world magazine.

I bet it doesnt that soon.


And I personally sure hope it DOESN'T.

Sure, I could sell my silver dime for a few hundred.... but how will I be able to afford buying for my collection!

It is just increased inflation. I find a 90% half, sell it, and buy 2 colelctible 90% quarters. Wheather silver is at $10 or $10,000, the 90% half will always pay for the 2 quarters.


I don't see it happening, right now there is so much silver sitting un... lets just say un collected or un processed, because at $8 an ounce or even $15 an ounce (ok being very generous) it's just not worth whoevers time to take. Many mines abandoned with known silver in them. Just look at electrical breakage as an example and silver plated electrical waste. all not recycled because it's not worth it to recover the silver. (although the copper is worth it now and the silver might be done as a byproduct). tons of brazing rod BCup5 alloy gets thrown away, because refiners dont want to waste their time on a silver alloy of only 15% in it.

If silver hits 20 or 30 an ounce (without a stunt like the hunt brothers back in the 80's) trust me, folks are going to start winding up all kind of operations to recover, reclaim, recycle and sell silver because it's now going to be profitable for them again.

$8k silver... ok whatever and gold will be what $54k, platinum $137k? break the entire worlds economy.... yah ok go eat some more of them magic shrooms .

Ill sell my teeth if it hit's 8k because with the silver in them, ill be able to afford the ceramic teeth, and if I accidentally bust and swallow a filling..... get the cheesecloth :o


"Can you imagine a $1000 face value bag of 90% silver coins valued at $5.70 million?"


and Imagine what a tank of Gas, or even Loaf of Bread
would cost if inflation hits that hard.

that $5.70 Million would last a month if your lucky.

Start purchasing your Wheelbarrow's now
at low prices.
You'll need one when you take your money
to the store for Toilet paper.

I cant see it the way our economy is.

Personally I think he is smoking that grape flavored crack!! ;D ;D ;D

jeff of pa said:
"Can you imagine a $1000 face value bag of 90% silver coins valued at $5.70 million?"


and Imagine what a tank of Gas, or even Loaf of Bread
would cost if inflation hits that hard.

that $5.70 Million would last a month if your lucky.

Start purchasing your Wheelbarrow's now
at low prices.
You'll need one when you take your money
to the store for Toilet paper.

Be sure to take your bike chain to padlock the wheelbarrow outside the store. It'll be worth way more than the money in it. ;) ;)

of course 3 or 4 Morgan dollars in
your pocket may get you that same roll. ;)

That is if you didn't get knocked off on the way to the store :D

Ascholten said:
$8k silver... ok whatever and gold will be what $54k, platinum $137k? break the entire worlds economy.... yah ok go eat some more of them magic shrooms .

Ill sell my teeth if it hit's 8k because with the silver in them, ill be able to afford the ceramic teeth, and if I accidentally bust and swallow a filling..... get the cheesecloth :o


I can't see prices ever hitting that high but you never know. The feds better watch out if it does cause if all the CRH's cash in, we would break the fed.
Pepperpump :D

You won't need to cash in... that's when you bring things back a century or two and start using the precious metals as the new currency. Forget worthless paper.

Bran <><

MR: Jason, please give us a brief background of yourself and your career.

JH: I have a BA in Psychology from University of Colorado at Boulder. I developed an interest in gold and silver and made extremely successful investments in silver stocks.

Sounds to me like he wants his investments to be more successful by influencing the market. JMHO Charlie

savant365 said:
MR: Jason, please give us a brief background of yourself and your career.

I am assuming this is in reference to me and you may have misunderstood my statement which was my opinion only as I was making it as a joke. I have no intention cashing in and changing the market but I assume it would be common place that people would cash in their silver at 8000 an ounce. I agree with Bran cause it would be the new currency at that price. I never intended to appear to be a market genius as I am someone who fixes cars for a living. My investments happen to involve the stock market and I am the last to give stock advice so saying I want to influence the market to my benefit is a total crock. I do not see anyone else questioning my statement and or career as such. Personally, I am quite offended if this questioning was aimed at me as I have not only been put on the spot but my career is in question like that really matters. I have never been called MR Jason on this site as I a only 27 but in doing so grabs my attention and everyone elses on the site. Sorry if I vented a little and if this post was not aimed at me but if it was, I think my reaction is justified. For those that have been on this site as long as me and know me by my posts and talking to me via the PHONE, I apologize 100%
Pepperpump (NOT MR. JASON) >:(

Ooh do I smell a repeat of the Hunt Brothers trying to corner the silver market again??

better grab them silver bars while you can, .. buy this week, retire next week, .. or go bankrupt the week after if you wait too long.


savant365 said:
That was not aimed at you pepper, that is a qoute from the article about the guy that predicted $8000 silver. He said he was invested in silver. It seems he might want to influence the market to make his own investment more valuabe. sorry for the confusion. Charlie


I apolgize as well, thanks for letting me now. I missed the qoute.
Pepperpump :-\

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