8 inch gravity sluicing

el2014 016.jpg Classifiers removed

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el2014 017.jpg First section goes in separate bucket to test it,retained about 60% of total gold ,similar to keene 3 stage that first section is inspired from

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sluice the day after waterbomb-thanks dizzy for the help with the posting,
cheers,emilio el2014 027.jpg

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hello john,i suppose you mean the flow of the river,not the flow in the sluice. Well it was a strange year here in northern italy/switzerland/france/germany region ,it was just autumn thru all the seasons,rain,rain and rain,to the point you woul,d kill for some sunshine.You never know what you get here,it could be that the same river you see in my post in next summer is reduced to a little creek only suitable for a 4 inch setup,but like you mentioned,we don,t give up:icon_thumright:

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Lots of luck in the EU. Crazy weather has become the norm everywhere but at least you have water to mine. A little rain this am,first in about 6 months but they say we need 47" MORE asap :icon_scratch: I Like my 4" as ez to setup and for sampling absolutely great. Mine is a over/under classification to get the micro pieces as I AM greedy and want it all. Picture is the trinity river by Douglas City up here in extreme northern california,about 20' deep as pounds of lead from fishermen every 15 minutes so had to clean off the top layer sic sic sic-Hope ya have a grand time and find tons a au 2-John


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Whoa john,i,m gettin depressed when i see the beautyful sites you guys have overthere and then look out of my window,all i see is concrete and autumn is there,i have to stop diving because i have no hws ,not allowed cause that would involve a motor,also my best sites are 5 hours away with the car,so even a weekend trip becomes problematic with the days getting shorter and shorter.I could go to nearer places but the more gold theres is the more the laws are designed to keep the goldseekers away.Often pushed by fish and hunting departments,they want the sandbox for themselfs .But also from the communities.For example in switzerland all the communities can make their own rules about mining.The rule is ;the more gold there is to be found the moore restriction there are;for example,no motors, no mechanical,no ropes ,no winches,no sluice box over 4 feet or 6 feet,depending on communitie,not even goldpanning on sundays ,bank holydays and from sept.to may.These are worst areas,but with the biggest gold to be found.Also in these communities Ther are areas there where -with enviromental pretences-they forbidd also goldpanning now-but the same communities are evaluating to give permission to a big company for underground mining,involving mooving thousands of tons of material that would be brought to italy where with cyanide and stuff they would get the gold,where the cyanide waste goes after i don,t want to know.Immagine a comparison ,co,2 footprint or heavy metal/poisons usage study between a goldpanner or even dredger and a operation like this,like you said we remove the heavy metals from fishermen and hunters(,by the way i like to fishing too and would like hunting for shure).It shows what is happening all over the world-precautionally principle,dreamed up by some ecologists,maybe with a good intention.But to what does it lead?Big companys who can afford to make a enviromental impact study can avoid that "precautionally principles "are applyed to them,and for the small scalers...sorry.But enough of that negativ stuff-i thinked about over -under too,but having no throttle i,m afraid to not have enough water when working in places with just enough drop to run,so i applyed your KEEP IT SIMPLE AND STUPID rule.But-i made the sluice so its easyly convertable to a over and under or double classification if i should find a site with much gold and plenty of drop someday.For over and under a aluminum sheet on top of last section of classifiers over expanded,and a set of riffles above,for double classification a aluminum sheet on top of last section classifiers ,some half inch high riffles on the sheet and a half inch openings classifier on top of all. But really i don,t know if i will do it as it adds much weight to a already bulky set up.I did not test the sluice in a fine/flower gold (2000-3000 specs for a gram)creek i know yet,if it turns out to not hold the small stuff maybe i try it.One thing i do,nt know about over -under,should the under section be sealed airtight from classifier entry on,so it works like a gravity dredge hose sucking material from flow above? Thanks for the AU blessings john,wish also to you and some rain too.

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WOW and I though our insipid government had some draconian rules. They say a picture is worth a 1,000 words so I'll go that route on the undercurrent flow application. Thanx MUCH for all the info.The bent lip where the 2 sizes meet keeps all oversize mateials out of the bottom and maintains the needed height above the first smaller riffle to clean out the larger rocks-dual purpose as KISS always applies-John


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hi armchair prospector.I wanted the hose in grey ,like my 4 inch.My hosesuplyer told me that would coast special edition extra bucks. But then also i thinked; Where i go i have a permitt,i,m not gonna hyde.Also it had the nice side effect that it helped finding my hose after the waterbomb,i saw my hose shining red under the water.But you are right,around here where i live there is no dredging culture,but there are "dutyful people"and whats even worst also "dutyful panners and sluicers" ready to denunciate you when they see a piece of equipment like that .Unfortunately here there is no organization that fights for these issues,The general politics of goldseeker societys here in middle europe is to bend over and stay calm because of fear that the comunities/governments shut down every activity regarding goldprospecting.Many of them have also a codex of honour you have to subscribe when joyning them, that you don`t use motorized equipment and so on.But i did not help,like i mentioned in the post before they have shut down also goldpanning in some areas now.I,m also a mushroom collector and i want start telling you the regulations about that,its incredible,you get criminalised for the most natural human behaviours.Everybody wants the goldring for the wife and mushrooms for dinner,but those things shall come from another continent or only be exploited by big companys,then its ok.So i go only where i,m allowed too,without the camo,shocking people and rangers ,gettin denunciated and controlled,but then i take a piece of paper out of my trouser pocket..silence reigns. regards;emilio

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By the way a pic i took from my grandma,s balkony during a building refurbishment where she lives showing two types of heavy duty polyurethane 8 inch hose followed by hdpe tubing .I use the medium duty because it,s more lightweight (and coasts less).The pump/dredgetruck stands below in the yard and pumps up the gravel.015.jpg This types of hoses are used also in roadconstruction instead of backhoes thats why they often come red or orange colored for safety reasons.

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