💵 FOR SALE 60 Year Collection For Sale - Books, Magazines

Randy Bradford

Hero Member
Jun 27, 2004
60 Year collection of treasure hunting, mining and western materials for sale. This is a very large collection and a unique opportunity for someone to start their own collection or bolster their own. Lot is too large to list individually, email for details, but includes full or nearly full collections of every popular treasure and western magazine, as well as hundreds of books and other forms of periodicals. Included is also a large number of books on Jesse James. Price is low five figures and interested parties will have to pick up materials on site. This is a single sale, no parting items out. Interested parties should email for specifics at: [email protected]

"Plan B" (if you get no acceptable offers) might be to donate the collection to a local library and take the deduction. That way you will still have quick access to your collection.
Don in SoCal
Not sure what net gain that would garner.
Usually the amount comes off the gross earnings.
So for example a person earned $60K. The tax receipt is for $10K they would then pay tax on $50K.
If the tax rate was 25%, a person would net $2500 for the gifting.
Pulled this off the tax ruling.


So 29% of $10K =$2900 @25%tax rate= net $725.00

It gets watered down real quick.

Randy, I think you knew Jim Fariello in Colorado. I met him once at a treasure show, he died in 2020. Do you know what became of his massive treasure library?

60 Year collection of treasure hunting, mining and western materials for sale. This is a very large collection and a unique opportunity for someone to start their own collection or bolster their own. Lot is too large to list individually, email for details, but includes full or nearly full collections of every popular treasure and western magazine, as well as hundreds of books and other forms of periodicals. Included is also a large number of books on Jesse James. Price is low five figures and interested parties will have to pick up materials on site. This is a single sale, no parting items out. Interested parties should email for specifics at: [email protected]
Very interested if you still have these.

Randy, I think you knew Jim Fariello in Colorado. I met him once at a treasure show, he died in 2020. Do you know what became of his massive treasure library?
Lasst I knew his sons acquired his collection and wanted to keep it. I never saw what he had, but if some of the freebies he sent me are any indication, he likely had something pretty substantial. I can't speak to contents or quantity though. He was a great guy, his passing was a huge loss for the community.

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