🥇 BANNER 6 seated spill (2 CCs and a key date)and a shield


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Jan 7, 2013
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6 seated spill (2 CC's and a key date)and a shield

My best coin spill to date! 6 seated and a shield all in one hole right here in Idaho! Aaaand... I FINALLY scored a CC. Not one but two! It gets better! Look up 1854 "Huge O" seated quarter! Amazing day with Bill Hines​​ Cody Holmes​​ and Ryan Jamison​​

Here it is! The video you asked for! 6 Seated in one hole. My best coin spill yet! Carson city seateds, a key date and more! Please share! Thanks!


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Upvote 73
Opee- Start mapping some places and expect to spend a ton on gas ;)

Dr Tones,one EPIC hunt for you guys,congrats! Great looking pieces from what I can see!.....

Dr. Tones... Thought i might share with you and everyone else, that i read your post in the voice and calm tone in your videos on The 'tube... Haha... Kinda like when you see a picture of Morgan Freeman with a quote on it, you read it in his voice... Haha!:tongue3:
And yes, of course... KILLER find!!! Research = results. :thumbsup:

HOLY WOW!!! What an amazing spill to find!!! Congrats yet again!!

I was kidding around . Here for work. Idaho Falls.,Pocatello then utah. But I do have my detector with me. Great finds by the way. Did you find them at a park or?

Here's the vid!

Great video... Glad you posted it here too...
Was waiting to see it!! Now i can go get some rest............ For work....:sad11:

Can you BANNER an entire hunt? Because this one deserves it! A breathtaking group of coins!

Wow...just what the Doctor ordered !!

Incredible spill find.

That's one for the record books.

Awesome video! What a rush! I found a 76 CC dime last year and about jumped up out of my boots! I couldn't imagine digging a spill like this! I wonder if the buttons were on a change purse or wallet and not a pair of pants. Great job man!

Thanks guys! Hope you liked the video! Please feel free to share it!

Wow, a dream coin spill for sure! Plus two CC's, you lucky dog, Congratulations!


Loved the coins.. and the first post, but the video just made it 10X more amazing. Watching this unfold was riveting. I think I told you this before, you should consider network TV. Your vids show the true spirit of our hobby.

That would be an amazing opportunity silver seeker, maybe some day. Until then ... We shal dig! Hahaa!

Excellent treasure hunt, I am happy for you , keep us posted on your next spill

AMAZING spill. My banner vote is in.

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