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nice, make sure to pre soak the cups it will save you sometime. they are fun to use

Yup, just 1 gallon...or u can drop the lid with hose attached in a bigger bucket of course. Had mine out sucking creek bottom today before sunset :D

Blynch, I'm sure he did, yes!

Okay, now that I have had a chance to examine things up close and personal, I am curious about a few things. I see immediately that GG is probably right about relocating the anti back flow valve to the boomerbox. Gold-n-sand should offer that as an add on kit, and/or as an option outof the box. So GoodGuy, can you fill me in on how you modded yours and where you got parts? And are you running the same diameter hose as stock, or larger? I think you might have made everything from scratch...

Kevin, looking forward to hearing news about what you get in the mail from the silicon hose supplier. And I don't think a semi-flat or flat hose would have any problems with blockage in low points that couldn't be solved onsite with a couple of rocks. And has anyone ever anchored a row of floats (liter bottles or empty milk jugs)across the water with the dredge hose hanging below/downstream from them? Of course not all sites have that much depth and or slow enough current.

Who here has made DIY variants of this hand dredge system? I would love to see them. I am considering ways you could have human powered pumping going on with a second prospector pointing and placing the suction nozzle. What if one person stood off to the side working the pump part, with a hose running from the bottom to the suction nozzle held some distance away by another person? Would this simple pump pull that off? If you replace the output fitting on the pump and replace it with a T fitting, the bottom end would easily sit on the ground, and be a flow through pump design. If you use a short section of pipe below the T, you could use that as a fluid bed catch for nuggs and larger pieces of gold. So one person runs the pump, and the other uses a long PVC suction nozzle pipe to get behind boulders and down at cracks deep under water.

Lots of people in CA would like to be able to get around dredging laws right now...

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i would like to see if the hose kevin ordered will work, you would think there has to be a smooth hose out there that will flex without a kink and doesn't weigh a ton.

hay unclematt have you had a chance to get that pump wet yet? if so how did you do.

also i sold a few things today and if my mini bazooka or my A-52 sells ill have enough to get the ca sluice box hand trommel has anyone had a chance to see or use one.

i would like to see if the hose kevin ordered will work, you would think there has to be a smooth hose out there that will flex without a kink and doesn't weigh a ton.

hay unclematt have you had a chance to get that pump wet yet? if so how did you do.
There is snow dumping on my prospecting grounds in the San Juans right now. Won't have a chance to do anything till next spring thaw. Goes with the territory

also i sold a few things today and if my mini bazooka or my A-52 sells ill have enough to get the ca sluice box hand trommel has anyone had a chance to see or use one.

You may want to take a look at the $50 DIY version: Hand Crank Trommel

So GoodGuy, can you fill me in on how you modded yours and where you got parts? And are you running the same diameter hose as stock, or larger? I think you might have made everything from scratch...

I modified a 1-1/2" check valve from Home Depot and installed it in my DIY Crash box. The hose is 1-1/2" sump pump hose.

hay goodguy i did look at some hose like that its kind of heavy and doesnt flex that great but as long as you have a pretty straight shot to your bucket or boombox it will work. And that is a nice setup a bucket trommel do you find that running your trommel to your bazooka speeds up the processing.

unclematt sorry to hear your snowed out.

If it didn't snow up there, no gold would ever weather out of any veins, so I don't mind. And the place is less likely to burn up in the summer, which can really cramp my prospecting fun.

GoodGuy - thanks for the parts info. My creative juices are flowing in the dead of winter, which was the whole idea.

hay goodguy i did look at some hose like that its kind of heavy and doesnt flex that great but as long as you have a pretty straight shot to your bucket or boombox it will work. And that is a nice setup a bucket trommel do you find that running your trommel to your bazooka speeds up the processing.

I do not run my trommel into my bazooka. I run it into my modified Keene A-52 sluice. ie: Clarkson style riffles over vortex mat with diy fluid bed gold trap mounted at the end of the sluice.

I doubt the bazooka could handle the volume that my 15" trommel produces. But now that you mention it I'll have to give it a try and see what happens :icon_thumleft:



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goodguy nice i like the set up.i have a question

do you think a sluice with just v-matting and a 1000g bilge pump on that small hand trommel would work i was thinking of making my own folding sluice 4-5' long with just deep v-matting.i was thinking i need a new smoker and my old one has a nice stand if i take the smoker off and mount the trommel on the stand with wheels i could make it more stable and be able to mount a sluice kind of like yours but not as large.
ca sluice box hand trommel - Yahoo! Search Results
here is the smoker i have now 07201560_Silver-Smoker,-BBQ,-and-Grill_main.webp

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goodguy nice i like the set up.i have a question

do you think a sluice with just v-matting and a 1000g bilge pump on that small hand trommel would work i was thinking of making my own folding sluice 4-5' long with just deep v-matting.

A 1000gph pump will produce enough flow to run 1/8" or less material down a 10" wide sluice with either vortex or ribbed mat.
You would also need to use 1/4" or smaller hardware cloth on the trommel.

That setup is pretty weak for any type of serious production though.


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ok thats what i was going to order was the 1/4'' how wide should i make the sluice?

ok thats what i was going to order was the 1/4'' how wide should i make the sluice?

No more than 10" wide.
8" would probably be best for the scale you are working with.

Don't expect it to be a real workhorse. You are building a mini outfit.

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In order for life to be pleasant when rolling equipment over rough rocky ground the wheel diameter needs to be larger. GG's wheels are something like 6" to 8" in diameter making it relatively easy to roll it over rocky ground. The wheels he put on his washer plant are about 18" in diameter and I would guess that outfit is a pure and lovely dream to wheel over rough ground. Jump right in here GG..............63bkpkr

ya i bet most of my spots i walk right up to nice and smooth but i see your point.

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