Here is the link to the purpose made leather pieces that Red Wilcox himself said he designed and patented.
Either way, I think we can agree leather is better... Gold Prospectors Parts by Gold-N-Sand

:icon_thumleft: Leather is definately better!

I've seen his leather cups, just didn't see any patent for them :dontknow:
There are plenty like them on the market, wonder what makes his different?

Oh well, if Red says he has a patent on them, then he must.


ya that xstream was the one i was looking, at does any one have one how much better if any is it from the standard model?

I have it. The key thing is that it can work at any angle and even totally under water. With the original you have to keep the output line pointed to your left for the output valve to work right...and keep the pump top/handle above water or it is hard to pump. The X-stream you could take scuba diving...hmm interesting idea now that power dredging in Cali is illegal - this would work great as an extreme sniping tool with the operator on a hooka line!!

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thanks kevin so there is only one way to go the xstream.

I've used my X-Stream the whole summer and it works great.

im hoping i get one for x-mass.

@Astrobouncer - thanks for this. I was wondering about the details of your mod...having noticed it in other videos. Do you find that you have to manually clear the grizzly more this way? In other grizzlies with cross bars/wires, I have found that more material binds up in the grizzly...

@Astrobouncer - thanks for this. I was wondering about the details of your mod...having noticed it in other videos. Do you find that you have to manually clear the grizzly more this way? In other grizzlies with cross bars/wires, I have found that more material binds up in the grizzly...

Well yeah it does mean a little more work clearing it you are right. But really its not too bad. I can drop 3 large shovel scoops on the bazooka then clear em all off at one time.You can also use the shovel to push the big rocks and the small ones will roll on out. Also with this mod you can setup the bazooka in even faster water then normal and let the current do most of the work for you. The mesh+ the stock bazooka grizzly will slow down the fast current coming in from the top so you dont have to worry about blowing out fines.

Sounds good, I'll give it a try!

PS: just thrilled with how it's running in my local creeks...had it out for an hour at dusk yesterday, sure worked great!!

well i got the go ahead and just orderd the x-stream thanks guys for you input.:occasion14:

Congrats, you'll love it I'm sure!

Funny you would mention that, I just got the Gold-n-sand Xstream to go with my Bazooka. I've used the original model quite a bit (a friend has one) so I know their stuff works much better than what you can build yourself (they designed their own plunger seal and got a patent for it). between the Bazooka and the Xstream I feel like I now have the very best (non-powered)gear for me :-) Time to get to diggin'!!

Kevin, I just ordered the Xstream to go with my new bazooka based on your comments. Thanks for the input. I am already working on extensions to allow me to extend it down into very deep channels I find up in the Vallecito River canyon in SW COlorado. Too deep and cold for wading.

well gold-n-sand just got a nice little boost they should cut you guys a check kevin/nugget.

Guys, my bazooka has been delayed in the mail, but got a question/observation. I looked at quite a few bazooka videos on youtube, and it appears the ideal angle for best results occurs when the grizzly area is almost completely level, with perhaps a very slight rearward tilt (if any). This seems to be producing the best water flow rates for good production through the sluice, and keeps the grizzly clean too. Any thoughts for or against this perpective?

Added later: I just realized if we get the perfect angle figured out, I can just use an app I have on my smartphone to set the bazooka properly in the water flow to that perfect angle. Assuming of course part of the bazooka is high and dry, the phone is placed on top of an edge and displays its orientation angle on the screen. Adjust as required. Hmmm, now that I think about it even if it is submerged, you can used a rectangle of wood to do this measurement and keep your phone up out of the water.

I am also looking at building a stand like I have seen some do with adjustable height legs. And just for grins and giggles, later on I am going to mess around with some magnets too...

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Congrats on your choice UncleMatt...you'll love it! Good idea on the custom tips to suit your local needs :)

As to angle of the Bazooka, it works fine over a range of angles. If you watch the demo videos on the manufacturer's website you will see him run it at a fairly steep angle!! Having some angle helps the larger rocks clear the grizzly on their own, that is the only advantage I can see. Otherwise flat to slight drop seems best to maximize the size of the active fluid bed in the trap. What I have obeserved by running it is that it's pretty tolerant of a range of angles so don't sweat it too much...just dig like a mad man!!!

I am also waiting for the stream maiden I ordered from Russia. That way I don't have to pump the X-stream, I can just kick it with a nice cold one, and watch the action.

Sounds good, I'll give it a try!

PS: just thrilled with how it's running in my local creeks...had it out for an hour at dusk yesterday, sure worked great!!

How about a picture of the sweet Colorado color:icon_thumright:

How about a picture of the sweet Colorado color:icon_thumright:

You bet...go look up this thread to November 24th...I just fixed that post to properly include a pic. My results over the last week since then (two more short trips) have delivered similar results. Having the Gold-n-Sand Xtream to clean the bottom of my hole is really paying off!

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