55 gallon drum of silver dollars

Dog, your statement would be more credible if you showed a valuable object found only by dowsing. Otherwise it is not factual.
Now I'm not saying underground water can't be dowsed. There is ample evidence of that. You would think by now someone, anyone
would prove they could find PMs or buried caches of silver or gold and silence the critics. Is that too much to ask ? ? ?

lastleg-Do you believe that you can find buried water pipes? How about phone lines? Power lines? If I or anybody else that claims they can dowse came to your house and could show you exactly where any of these were buried and do it with consistency, would you then believe it. As far as finding valuable objects, a metal detector works but how often does it find valuable objects as compared to finding junk? Junk is easy to find, gold, silver and diamonds is a lot harder no matter what method you use.

I have a location that is in someones yard. I had two different guys dowse seperate photos and both pinpointed the same spot for buried gold. This was twenty years ago. I found out some dowsers had approached the property owner years before as they felt there was gold in the yard in the same location as my dowsers. The dowsers were allowed to dig and found nothing. It was on the edge of a pond in the water. The homeowner spent some time looking and found some gold coins exactly where the dowsers said it was. Years later the pond was filled in.

I recently found out that the great-grandfather had found a pirate chest in a field. He became a very wealthy and successful businessman. Last week I took a couple of guys that I met through T-Net to this site. They had two different devices with them. One was a non-electric LRL and the other was a "crazy rod". The crazy rod is a modern day version of a forked stick used for dowsing.

I did not tell them the location of where the coins had been found. Both the LRL and the "crazy rod" led them to the EXACT spot where the gold coins had been found. They used their metal detector and it gave a reading for gold. The homeowner was not ready for us to dig that day. I have since met with him and we have an agreement to dig after the first of the year. I will post on a seperate thread what happens. I am going to give half of my share to these two guys. They are a father and son and T-Net members.

So here we have a situation where the same spot was located by four different groups of dowsers. I mean the EXACT same spot. So if we find gold would you all then believe in dowsing? Of course you won't. The non-believers will always be non-beleivers. Even if it were done right before your very eyes you would still deny it. I feel sorry for all of you.

I have already read the information in that link before. The only way a dowser is likely to pass a test is if he /she doesn't know they are being tested. Oh well, believe what you want, it doesn't matter to me. We will see who has the last laugh.

It's not about laughs, but proof. You haven't seen a valuable object dowsed with your own eyes or you would have said so. I know
you are an honest man and your principles would not let you deceive anyone by saying otherwise.

I have seen dowsing proven and can do it myself. If you think I am honest do you think I would lie to myself? We will be digging in my friend's yard in the very near future. We will find out very soon about the site in the Everglades. There are other sites that I will be digging. I am not afraid of being wrong. I will share the results if I am wrong. For the record I do not really feel the need to have to prove ANYTHING to ANYBODY on Treasurenet. But you know what, I will do it anyway.

I see...waterwitchin'...I didn't know it was called dowsing....I know a guy that can water witch..I've seen him do it...use a Y stick and make it out of black birch.,..make sure you hold it the right way and it works...using it to find gold or silver...don't know....but it does find water.

I have seen dowsing proven and can do it myself. If you think I am honest do you think I would lie to myself? We will be digging in my friend's yard in the very near future. We will find out very soon about the site in the Everglades. There are other sites that I will be digging. I am not afraid of being wrong. I will share the results if I am wrong. For the record I do not really feel the need to have to prove ANYTHING to ANYBODY on Treasurenet. But you know what, I will do it anyway.
Will you share with us if you are right ?

truckinbutch-I probably will. Of course the usual naysayers such as ECS, lastleg, maipenrai, etc will say I faked the pictures.

I have had a change of heart. I have been insulted too many times on different threads and have decided that I don't need to waste any more of my time on Treasurenet. I haven't found the treasure and maybe I never will but at least I can say I tried.

I have had a change of heart. I have been insulted too many times on different threads and have decided that I don't need to waste any more of my time on Treasurenet. I haven't found the treasure and maybe I never will but at least I can say I tried.

Bigdog, You just never see the forest for the trees. You think everyone is against you. You insult everyone and get upset because some people don't agree with you. I for one, envy you for your persistence in not giving up on looking for treasure. That is a great quality. What I don't envy you for, is attacking everyone that doesn't agree with you, your big ego and trying to take over every thread on TNET.

A Big Ego has to be earned by finding something. I hope you do find something. Then I will congratulate you. Then you will have earned respect. Until then, try and get a long with people, even someone that questions stories, methods, etc...
That's how we all learn about looking for treasure. No one knows it all, that's why we are on TNET. To learn and to help others. I for one, hope that you don't take your marbles and go home. If I insulted you ??? I apologize. Let's all try getting a long, dropping the egos and move forward. Yes, I admit trying to get under your skin the last few days. I wanted you to know what it was like, because you have been doing it to others. It was suppose to be a learning experience.
Now lets all look for treasure and help each other without taking over every thread and mocking each other. If you decide to move on, so be it. Whatever you intend to do, I wish you luck in your endeavors. I hope you find a cache someday and share your story on TNET. Good Luck

LOL... You also called me an oldfart in another post. I laugh about that, because you are probably right. I usually refer to myself as a Mean, Grumpy, Old Man. So you aren't far off.

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Old Man ,
Thank you for beating me to posting what many of us have been thinking . You put it very eloquently :thumbsup:


I am back, deal with it.

I see...waterwitchin'...I didn't know it was called dowsing....I know a guy that can water witch..I've seen him do it...use a Y stick and make it out of black birch.,..make sure you hold it the right way and it works...using it to find gold or silver...don't know....but it does find water.

I can witch water with coat hangers. An expert at dowsing for water showed me how. he also said that not everyone can do it. My wife and a son could not. I wouldn't know if I was witching water or gold, however. Anyone know how to tell the difference.

I think a good point is that in 1940 a coal miner made 800.00 per year ,so how long to save 3 barrels at 60000 each.no adjust for inflation a silver dollar is a dollar in 1940 for example.

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