🥇 BANNER 5 Minutes: 1700 Halfcrown! Plus Beach Silver


Hero Member
Oct 22, 2009
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🥇 Banner finds
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All Treasure Hunting
The wife wanted to head out for a drive early this morning to look at the fall scenery, and the deal is I get a few minutes to detect while she listens to music. I noticed one of my beat sites was cut as I drove by, so I stopped to get a couple minutes in. Left the car, and made a beeline for the foundation in the center of the field. Within 5 minutes I hit a high 80s signal, popped it out expecting junk but I was pleasantly surprised! Once again the plough gave me some goodies from a beat spot. I was so happy with the find I decided to just move on and save the spot for patriot and I to hit later this fall. One target dug and it was 314 year old silver!
Then we stopped at a beach - and within fifteen minutes I popped out the 1945 silver dime and tiny sterling stamped butterfly. Turned out to be a nice drive!

Upvote 45
outstanding coin for sure. congrats!

a HALF CROWN!!! What a killer coin! You just don't see British Silver that old being dug in the states, let alone that BIG of a denomination! Wow! Stunning coin, and not cut! Wow, Wow, WOW!

I can't believe it isn't up top yet. a coin that big and old deserves recognition. I give you my banner vote as well. the md gods were smileing on you.

That is a Banner find for sure. Much harder to find than an 8 reale or a Capped Bust half. Putting my vote in now.

WOW! That's an AMAZING find!

I thought this would get up before my piece of toast, odd.......

It's definitely a special one for me, and knowing the rarity to find makes it even better. I'm amazed it was never found before, I guess I have the deep plowing the farmer did in the spring to thank for this one! And finds like this really get the detecting juices flowing and make you want to get out as much as possible.

Other than the two 1630s hammered half crowns my buddy and I recovered a few years ago here in Virginia, this is the only other one of that denomination I've seen on the forums. And yours is an early milled example which are extremely difficult to find here in North America due to English laws prohibiting the export of all but small quantities of this type coinage to the New World. In fact, out of the 170 colonial silver coins I've recovered, only 2 are British milled silver and one of those was a pewter counterfeit. So in my opinion this is indeed a rare and outstanding find. Nice going!

I can't complain, the coin itself is a pretty good reward. :D

I thought this would get up before my piece of toast, odd.......

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To think your rookie a$$ is now tied with me for banner finds. Where is the justice!

10 Pages and only 6 recorded on the UKFD :notworthy: I have had a quite a few shillings, including a York mint but never a big old Half Crown....congrats on making the Banner...PS IP you won't make Banner's sat at the computer...get out in them fields.


That's an amazing find!

To think your rookie a$$ is now tied with me for banner finds. Where is the justice!

well by the looks of how you much he gets outs, he'll have another one on the way before fall ….

Wow! Makes me wonder if someone skipped over it because of it's large size. I've heard stories of guys getting overload signals and nearly walking away!

That's a great find.

well by the looks of how you much he gets outs, he'll have another one on the way before fall ….

Yep, only has to do a few more 5 minute hunts!

Congrats on your amazing 1700 Half Crown Silver find bud! :occasion14:
Wish my wife was understanding as yours about our passion for detecting! :laughing7:


Congrats on the silver and the banner, it's not an easy one to dig on either side of the pond.

Congratulations on rhe Banner! I agree with Crusader, hard to find these UK or anywhere else. Great find :notworthy:

A pirate may have once owned that piece. :thumbsup:

I seen this thread yesterday on my cheap two year old phone, never did get the pix to load up, in turn never knew what you had found. Congrats on a spectacular find! I know the feeling I got on my big silver (of course mine was only 92 years old) I have been hoping that my first 1700's silver would be a BIG 8. I was working on a couple permissions yesterday that would put me in areas to find something in that range. Of course I would need an old outlaw to have broken the rules to find what you did. That has to feel so good! Do like Ace did, go back there and find a few more, 5-10 feet within that one!

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