420 grains of .999 fine from 1878


Jr. Member
Nov 24, 2013
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Hartford county
Detector(s) used
Garret AT Pro MineLab ETrac
Oh my god thank you my lord for this amazing coin find. Today I went to a house built in 1694 and found this amazing piece of fine silver. I almost passed out from excitement it was very deep about 24 inches or so almost gave up on it but then an edge of shine came from deep in the earth so I carefully excavated it out this is what I got I love my garret at pro





Thanks any info will be appreciated

Sent from 420DIGGER420 using TreasureNet

Upvote 6
Yeah would have to have a MM. The 1878 trade dollars minted in Philadelphia were all proofs about 900 were minted.

I got two and they both turned out to be fake. One of them was made (faked) in China at least 100 years ago (its been in our family a long time).

Brought to coin dealer today has been confermed to be a real us trade dollar so happy it's not a fake what a find of a lifetime

Sent from 420DIGGER420 using TreasureNet

nice story, good on ya

Did you happen to find out if it had an "S" or a "CC". on it. I'm sure you're not wanting to sell it. But, there is a slight value difference between the two. :icon_thumleft: Nice find! I'm jealous

Thats a real beut. Good job. :icon_thumleft:

Outstanding Find! You don't see that many of THESE ever get dug! Banner!

1878 P (no mint mark) were proof only with a mintage of 900 total. It is very likely a fake no matter how deep you found it.

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