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What happened to the 90% of American's who the Pres. and the media reported favered stricter restrictions?

What happened to the 90% of American's who the Pres. and the media reported favered stricter restrictions?

Same place probably a majority of his voters are,the cemetery :laughing7:

Battle is not over, keep contacting your reps, make sure they understand their careers will depend on how they vote....

Contact them all no matter how they voted......:thumbup::thumbup:

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I concur with treas. We cannot let up. It is not all about the 2nd, it is all about reviving America before we have declined past the rubicon.

90% of that 4% wanted some kind of action, but the rest of the country knows that there are much more critical problems to deal with. But today was important for drawing a line in the sand and stopping what one Senator said about passing laws like this and starting down a slippery slope that will lead to other major changes in the Bill of Rights. I had a little "senior moment" too. I recalled, and I blame you Treasure Hunter for making me think about this, that in my freshman U.S. History class in college decades ago, I was FORCED to read a lot of the Federalist Papers. I seem to recall Jefferson arguing or stating briefly that the "Bill of Rights" should be adopted and stand forever to guarantee individual liberty. Treasure Hunter, I think you are right(I didn't before), but those first 10 amendments were considered part of the original Constitution itself and were never to be touched. I am so happy that the majority of the Senate appears to see it that way also...

Heck ya Austin,God bless Texas.

Did anyone on here bother to read the actual poll the OP is citing?

The poll asked "What do you think is the most important problem facing the country today?” and then gave a list of 16 choices. So out of 16 choices, only 4% of respondants ranked gun control as "most important". The poll does not rank 2nd most important or any other factors - only most important. HIGHLY biased and a very good way to badly skew results.

To take results like this and make an argument like "only 4% of Americans think gun control is important" is like saying 1 + 1 = 3.

Not to mention that cnsnews.com site is a right-wing news site.

Did anyone on here bother to read the actual poll the OP is citing?

The poll asked "What do you think is the most important problem facing the country today?” and then gave a list of 16 choices. So out of 16 choices, only 4% of respondants ranked gun control as "most important". The poll does not rank 2nd most important or any other factors - only most important. HIGHLY biased and a very good way to badly skew results.

To take results like this and make an argument like "only 4% of Americans think gun control is important" is like saying 1 + 1 = 3.

Not to mention that cnsnews.com site is a right-wing news site.


Did anyone on here bother to read the actual poll the OP is citing?

The poll asked "What do you think is the most important problem facing the country today?” and then gave a list of 16 choices. So out of 16 choices, only 4% of respondants ranked gun control as "most important". The poll does not rank 2nd most important or any other factors - only most important. HIGHLY biased and a very good way to badly skew results.

To take results like this and make an argument like "only 4% of Americans think gun control is important" is like saying 1 + 1 = 3.

Not to mention that cnsnews.com site is a right-wing news site.

Did you hear the senate voted DOWN the gun registration bill?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

poll conducted by a university, I would love to hear how they worded the question. Unbelievable.

yes I would like to see both. yet then again hmmm lets see gallup? or some college. Gee I thought gallup was to be trusted? ha ha.

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