4 Month Reflection And Thank You To TNET Members


Gold Member
Oct 15, 2013
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Golden Thread
Topsham, Maine
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
Teknetics T2 SE w/15' SEF Coil/ Minelab GPX 4500/2 Garrett Pro Pointers/3 Sets Killer B Headphones/ Koss Headphones/ Detekniy Wireless headphone Adapter
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
The snow is flying here in Maine today and it's going to be extremely cold all week. So instead of being depressed I decided that I would organize all of my finds from the first 4 months of my metal detecting journey. I had no idea that this hobby would have such a profound impact on my life. I have met some great people, seen places I certainly never would have seen and learned so much about the history of my area. I have also been fortunate enough to meet some great people on this forum. Countless members have helped me with i.d.ing of items as well as giving advice on hunting techniques and everyone has been very positive and encouraging. To those of you that have helped me in any way I just want to thank you all. The icing on the cake has been some of the items that I've dug in my first few months of this hobby. I'm happy to have met you all and wish everybody nothing but success in the future. Here's a few of my personal favorite finds. Thanks for looking. Sincerely, Abe image.webpimage.webpimage.webpimage.webpimage.webpimage.webpimage.webpimage.webpimage.webpimage.webpimage.webpimage.webpimage.webpimage.webpimage.webpimage.webpimage.webpimage.webpimage.webp

Upvote 24
Wow! I'm so glad to have found your post. As I sit here looking at my new, unused rig and the 8 inches of snow outside (still coming down) and the prospect of not being able to start using it until March (that's an exaggeration...we usually get a complete thaw in a couple weeks) well, anyway I am so pleased to see a newcomer have the kind of experience I hope I have myself! I am revitalized!
So glad it's worked out so well for you! Hope it does for me as well...if this snow and ice ever goes away.
Thanks for your post. Happy hunting.

Great finds this year! Def addicting isn't it! Haha

Ahab8, It looks like you've been bitten hard my the metal detecting bug. Congrats. they are some great finds.

Time Machine,
I have got it pretty bad for sure! I'm in love with the research as well as the digs which as a bit of a surprise to me. It's fascinating to learn about the struggles and chaos that a brave few went through to gain our independence.

You did great for someone new to the hobby. There are many who have been detecting for years and haven't found a 2 cent piece. I've only found one, 30 years ago. You'll find that the more experience you get, the more you'll find. You'll get a feel for those deep signals you should dig as well as get a good handle on where to start when you go to a new site. Good luck for the coming year.
Those are some very impressive coins you've dug doninbrewster! Hoping my winters research can put me on some hot spots next spring and I can find some of similar caliber.

Well said Ahab. It's great to have passionate members like yourself here on Tnet. I joined Tnet in 2007 and was out detecting daily. I just couldn't get enough of it. I even dreamed about detecting. :tongue3:
You have made some fantastic finds in your short time. I love that heart heel plate. :thumbsup:
Winter is a great time to get your relics organized, labeled, and put into display cases.
Looking forward to seeing what you dig next seasonDoug in NC
Thank you Doug. I don't do anything halfway either my friend. I completely throw everything I have into whatever it is I'm passionate about. I believe if you choose to do something you will only get out what you put in. This site has been such a pleasant surprise and a huge help to me being so new. The level of respect on here has been such a breath of fresh air in a world that lacks in common courtesy. Btw that heel plate was one of the first things I found and I though it was part of a front door or something. :-). After feeling like an idiot I was amazed at what I had found and the great history behind it. Thank You

You are off to a great start and your words about this hobby are definitely true! In the course of your research and pursuit of the past you will go places you never would have went, and meet people you never would have met. You will learn things about the history of your area that older people that lived there all their lives don't know. Good luck next season :icon_thumleft:
Steve thank you and yes the best part of all of this has been the aspects that I never knew would be part of this. Great people, great places, amazing knowledge of local history and that feeling every time you know you found something interesting. Best of luck out there

Ahab you summarized what many of us here feel about this addictive hobby, I have had many different hobbies over the years but none as fullfiling as this. I will go out when its 20 degrees and when its 115 here in Vegas to scratch this itch. I get that same wonderful feeling the same way I did 18 years ago when I dig up a silver coin, marble or token. And have met alot of nice people along the way. I look forward to looking on this site everyday. Where a bunch of nice folks on this page share there joys, and there defeats. Thanks for reminding us how great this passion to this hobby means to us. Happy Hunting.

Ray a huge thank you to all of you as well for showing a new guy this great community of like minded people. This hobby would not be nearly as fulfilling without all of you on this site . It truly makes all the difference to me. Happy hunting my friend

Wow! I'm so glad to have found your post. As I sit here looking at my new, unused rig and the 8 inches of snow outside (still coming down) and the prospect of not being able to start using it until March (that's an exaggeration...we usually get a complete thaw in a couple weeks) well, anyway I am so pleased to see a newcomer have the kind of experience I hope I have myself! I am revitalized!
So glad it's worked out so well for you! Hope it does for me as well...if this snow and ice ever goes away.
Thanks for your post. Happy hunting.
Bruce I am really happy that you saw my post! You are exactly where I was just a few months ago. I can just give you a bit of advice and that is as follows. You will get out of this hobby only what you put into it. I spend tons of time learning my local history and studying old sites. You also have to be extremely patient and realize that some days will be a bit disappointing. You believe that you put yourself in a great place and the earth just doesn't want to give you it's treasure! Go slow and be methodical and the good stuff will come . But you have to put yourself in the right places and be passionate. You can have a $2000 machine but you won't find anything if you're not in the right places. You can have a $200 machine and look like a veteran if you can get yourself into great places. Can't wait to see all of your future success. Go get em my friend!

To anyone I missed I gotta go to work but I appreciate you all and wish you all the best out there. 18 degrees here this a.m. Rrrrrrrrr :-)

I to echo your sediments concerning this site and the folks who respond and post. It IS very fun, entertaining and educational. I believe you did VERY WELL... I can't hold a candle to your MD finds yet. But I sure did have fun exploring the cave out back this summer and sharing it with everyone here on TN. This spring I'll continue at the entrance with shifters to look for artifacts. And I wish you and everyone here on TN the best of luck exploring and sharing.... Brad

You're off to a grand start, congrats! Some nice old coins and cool relics. :icon_thumleft: I really like the heart heel plate too. Thanks for the great post and thoughts; good luck out there next year. :thumbsup:


II will be living vicariously through all those that can still get out there and hunt so go get em! I will be right here freezing my tail off checking out all your cool digs!

I to echo your sediments concerning this site and the folks who respond and post. It IS very fun, entertaining and educational. I believe you did VERY WELL... I can't hold a candle to your MD finds yet. But I sure did have fun exploring the cave out back this summer and sharing it with everyone here on TN. This spring I'll continue at the entrance with shifters to look for artifacts. And I wish you and everyone here on TN the best of luck exploring and sharing.... Brad

Brad it sounds like you are having a great time out there and that is by far the most important part. The good stuff will come eventually. I was researching sites months before my girlfriend bought me a T2 SE. So I had some great spots all lined up and knew there was lots of history to discover. Keep at it my friend!

It will only get better, and maybe a whole lot better. Several years back I most likely said that to someone else who was still fairly new to the hobby and didn't have many decent finds under his belt. You may recognize the name. :)


Iron Patch,
Very cool indeed! That's what keeps me going my friend. Seeing all of the incredible items that some of you dig and post on here. You and some of the Nova Scotia boys were the first to really welcome me aboard and I appreciate that more than you guys know. Btw, that place here in Maine that you sent me some info on is high on my radar! I have done a ton of research on that place and the history is absolutely staggering, military and otherwise. I have a good friend that grew up there and have him lined up as my tour guide next spring. If I hit it big there I owe ya my friend. Thanks for everything!

You're off to a grand start, congrats! Some nice old coins and cool relics. :icon_thumleft: I really like the heart heel plate too. Thanks for the great post and thoughts; good luck out there next year. :thumbsup:


Thank you Anne. Yes it's been an exciting start and I'm super excited to see where the rest of this journey goes. The greatest thing for me is that I have all of these fantastic sites and I swear I'm the only one around here that's serious about this. I've honestly never seen one other person swing a detector within 200 miles of me. Not sure what it is but I'm happy bout it. Hopefully people don't follow my lead :-) good luck out there and thanks for the nice words

Great finds this hobby has gotten ahold of me also. I love finding history and getting out in nature.

We all gotta start somewhere. You're finds in the first 4 months were much better than mine were in my first 4 months, twenty years ago. :)

This was a great post to see and read. You've done well, and as IP says "it's only gonna get better." I on the other hand, have peaked, because I won't be able to top this year, ever. But that's ok...because I'm going to try. ;)



We all gotta start somewhere. You're finds in the first 4 months were much better than mine were in my first 4 months, twenty years ago. :)

This was a great post to see and read. You've done well, and as IP says "it's only gonna get better." I on the other hand, have peaked, because I won't be able to top this year, ever. But that's ok...because I'm going to try. ;)



Thank you buddy it's truly been a pleasure seeing your incredible finds and reading your very well written and thoughtful posts. Your finds are just incredible but your knowledge is perhaps the most impressive thing to me. This winter I am dedicating myself to becoming more educated on what certain relics are gaining a broader understanding of historical items and there uses. I have fallen in love with the research, it absolutely fascinates me and makes me appreciate the struggle that every day life was in the not too distant past. Thanks again and congrats on an amazing year!

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