4 Black men urinate on white woman - Liberal response

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well since you asked, My complaint was your begging for liberals to attack your story. I understand that anything political is not for the everything else or general discussion.
and seeing that it has been moved apparently someone else agrees.

Post moved because of use of liberal in title ...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I love liberals.......they makes us all laugh - thanks for the posts Jeff and keep it up!!!! Joker-s-Cards-insane-clown-posse-24128661-1024-768.jpg


Figured I would just cut to the chase and save everybody time.





Why isn't there an equal opportunity for non-right wing politics to be discussed like the right wing folks use Second Amendment Forum for? If T-net is really against bias, why do right wing folks have a section where they can post politics, but no on else does?

Bet you remember the good old days when you made all kinds of extremist lefty posts that no one was allowed to respond to?
That ran off a great many members. And some will not come back to this site even now. You should be happy, matt! There are now 2 sides to any position, not just yours!

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Well said Dave - The Lib's have attacked the conservatives for so long now without any consequence. Tired of these extreme lib tatics.

You want a liberal response, you got it!


You want to know what is wrong with America? Look in the mirror...

The right hand of Justice (Crispin)

The right hand of justice made 4 racists urinate on a woman, hmmmm, great response there crisp!!!

Read our rules. No attacks on individuals, how moderation is done or against TreasureNet.

Crisps post attacked Ring finder and TreasureNet so it was removed...

Do not attack how forums are moderated, if you wish pm a moderator in private, to attack moderation on forums is a major rule violation and can earn timeouts.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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Well said Dave - The Lib's have attacked the conservatives for so long now without any consequence. Tired of these extreme lib tatics.

Being attacked by a lib isnt the worst part.After the attack is over youre then blamed for the attack happening in the first place.LMFBO:laughing7:

Hey guys

I remember many times when Crispin understood our beliefs, and even admitted to agreeing with us.

We need to respect his comments and not just sometimes. He gave us the voice of reason more than a few times. And then as happens to all of us here and there, his world changed negatively.

He has a right to his opinion. This time he viewed this thread as racism. But perhaps he's not aware of the more than 500 racial attacks in the last 6 months - blacks on whites since Treyvon. MSM doesn't report them.

From my world, racism had disappeared from the caucasian standpoint. but race baiters continue to their own profit on every corner. So, just who the heck wants a race war? Certainly not me here!

I look back on this thread, and I understand just where Crispin was coming from. He was harsh - too harsh - in his condemnation of this thread. While all that had occurred was a reporting of the news - ignored by MSM.

Guys, it appears we are now approaching a struggle for our lives. Crispin will see that, and I'd welcome him in to my hole in the ground. Please don't mistake the man - he just has strong feelings just like we do.

When it comes time, he will stand with us in preservation of the nation we inherited. Maybe that's the way he saw it at the time

Ok, I call myself a Liberal and I will respond:
I don't think any conservative person on this post has said anything wrong yet. And I did go look in the mirror and cringed because I voted(twice) for the useless S.O.B that got elected president and started all this. The truth is the truth is the truth...

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Hey guys

I remember many times when Crispin understood our beliefs, and even admitted to agreeing with us.

We need to respect his comments and not just sometimes. He gave us the voice of reason more than a few times. And then as happens to all of us here and there, his world changed negatively.

He has a right to his opinion. This time he viewed this thread as racism. But perhaps he's not aware of the more than 500 racial attacks in the last 6 months - blacks on whites since Treyvon. MSM doesn't report them.

From my world, racism had disappeared from the caucasian standpoint. but race baiters continue to their own profit on every corner. So, just who the heck wants a race war? Certainly not me here!

I look back on this thread, and I understand just where Crispin was coming from. He was harsh - too harsh - in his condemnation of this thread. While all that had occurred was a reporting of the news - ignored by MSM.

Guys, it appears we are now approaching a struggle for our lives. Crispin will see that, and I'd welcome him in to my hole in the ground. Please don't mistake the man - he just has strong feelings just like we do.

When it comes time, he will stand with us in preservation of the nation we inherited. Maybe that's the way he saw it at the time

The post attacked TreasureNet, and Ringfinder and it was removed for that reason.... There is nothing racist in saying the trash who committed the act "are not humans, these are animals." ....

Ok, I call myself a Liberal and I will respond:
I don't think any conservative person on this post has said anything wrong yet. And I did go look in the mirror and cringed because I voted(twice) for the useless S.O.B that got elected president and started all this. The truth is the truth is the truth...

See austin,youre different from other libs.As I stated before in other words,you saw the light.Youre almost there buddy,you just have to get off the idiot box for a month or two.Clear your mind of the accumulated garbage the lamestream medias put there.Try it youll like it.

Just about any argument against the current administration is easily won with a simple look at the statistics of the decline since his election. Obama has done more to damage race relations in this nation than can be believed. With the "African-American Education Initiative" Blacks are given special privilege and protected from the same disciplinary actions as other students. How can any objective human think that when one race is singled out from the others that it is blatant racism. This Administration literally targets it's opposition with the accusation of racism any time they are criticized, but thank god they are pulling the horns in on that behavior as so many are calling their hand on it. I was going to include a link to the actual White House posting of the initiative and forgot the Chief Idiot has shut down the Government.:BangHead:

color had nothing to do with this senseless crime...
some people want others to believe it is all about race.
to fit in a preconceived attitude best left in the 1860's

True, just like color had nothing to do with George Zimmerman defending himself against a street thug, but the left sure tried to make it about race..

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk now Free

Pippen, they are EXACTLY THE SAME. Zimmerman's case was NOT about race, and yet he has been painted over and over by the left as a racist.

Urinating on someone isn't a violent act, but is a hate crime. If it had been the other way round as it was alleged before (remember Twana Brawley - hope I spelled her name right or Jessie Jackson might show up) there was an uproar because the alleged perpetrators were white and the little black girl said it so it must be true.

She later admitted it was a complete fraud a complete lie, but the damage was already done. Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton got a few more minutes in front of the camera but never apologized for the racially motivated attacks that occurred as a result of their inciting the black community to believe this girl's outright lies.

Hey guys

I remember many times when Crispin understood our beliefs, and even admitted to agreeing with us.

We need to respect his comments and not just sometimes. He gave us the voice of reason more than a few times. And then as happens to all of us here and there, his world changed negatively.

He has a right to his opinion. This time he viewed this thread as racism. But perhaps he's not aware of the more than 500 racial attacks in the last 6 months - blacks on whites since Treyvon. MSM doesn't report them.

From my world, racism had disappeared from the caucasian standpoint. but race baiters continue to their own profit on every corner. So, just who the heck wants a race war? Certainly not me here!

I look back on this thread, and I understand just where Crispin was coming from. He was harsh - too harsh - in his condemnation of this thread. While all that had occurred was a reporting of the news - ignored by MSM.

Guys, it appears we are now approaching a struggle for our lives. Crispin will see that, and I'd welcome him in to my hole in the ground. Please don't mistake the man - he just has strong feelings just like we do.

When it comes time, he will stand with us in preservation of the nation we inherited. Maybe that's the way he saw it at the time

i'd agree...but just get insulted some more.

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