4 Black men urinate on white woman - Liberal response

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May 22, 2013
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Looking forward to the insane responses from the left on how this is the womans fault. How many of you heard this story? If it were all turned around, this would be the biggest story in America if not the world. Facts are Facts and I know you lefties hate those pesky facts!!!!!!

Charges: Woman Robbed of iPhone, Urinated on in St. Paul | News | Ramsey County News

These are not humans, these are animals.

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if you want to have a political bashing of those you oppose, it has to be on the second amdmnt forum
NO politics here, read the rules

We should by all means read the rules...so that we know what's in it.

I wonder what her age is. In Minnesota you have to be 21 to get a carry permit. I was in the military at 17....go figure. More people need to arm themselves and the animals will think twice before they act.

Trayvon! Trayvon!!!

That woman was obviously a racist hooker who was soliciting those christian boys and sought revenge when they refused. After all, they were only asking for directions.

DeepseekerADS, that had me rolling. They commit 80% of the predatory type crime. 93% of the Blacks that are murdered loose their lives at the hand of another Black but Whites are portrayed as targeting them. 4 times more likely to murder a White than visa versa and again you have to take into consideration that Blacks are 13% of the population. Now our Federal Justice website has taken down those statistics as it supposedly portrays blacks in an unfair light. Would someone explain statistic to them. "All men are created equal" ........ I am OK with that, but the culture has gotten so out of hand that it mind boggling. And our media takes great pleasure in blasting us with the :censored:that they are victims to the rest of the worlds violent ways. Gets kind of old.

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DeepseekerADS, that had me rolling. They commit 80% of the predatory type crime. 93% of the Blacks that are murdered loose their lives at the hand of another Black but Whites are portrayed as targeting them. 4 times more likely to murder a White than visa versa and again you have to take into consideration that Blacks are 13% of the population. Now our Federal Justice website has taken down those statistics as it supposedly portrays blacks in an unfair light. Would someone explain statistic to them. "All men are created equal" ........ I am OK with that, but the culture has gotten so out of hand that it mind boggling. And our media takes great pleasure in blasting us with the :censored:that they are victims to the rest of the worlds violent ways. Gets kind of old.

Well, I didn't see any liberal response here, and this thread did need a liberal response :)

Yep, the truth apparently hurts as per the actions of the Federal Justice Website dictate. How can they portray a race or culture as a victim when the glaringly obvious truth contradicts the fact. As a matter of fact it would indicate that the VAST majority of times Blacks are the predator and the rest are prey. Again another blatant move by the Obummer administration to make sure the truth has nothing to do with things. I have nothing against any person who contributes to society and provides for their family. I just awfully tired of the lies. :BangHead:

and since I have left you alone since I was warned to, don't start with me ok?

Settle down Jeff - and keep on the topic. I put this on "General" ......I don't believe the Second Amendment is "the right to urinate on someone"

Though please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks!! :occasion14:

Well good to know all is well since the man was charged but yeah,I could definitely see something like this getting turned around to where the perpetrators were the victims.

Were they whispering Don't get excited "It's just raining" Learned that from the guy We voted for:laughing7:

Jeff, we love you man!!! Where else can we find a personality like you have? You have friends.

And Red, we love you too, so don't you go off the deep end on us, we need ya around!

You want a liberal response, you got it!


You want to know what is wrong with America? Look in the mirror...

The right hand of Justice (Crispin)

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You're alive Crispin!!!

excellent return :)

Edit here.....

Ooooooo.... Didn't notice the attack on Ringfinder..... I should pay attention and read everything and think before I post.

Apologies to all.

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You want a liberal response, you got it!


You want to know what is wrong with America? Look in the mirror...

The right hand of Justice (Crispin)

Warning, do not attack ringfinder, this site nor it's members..

Ringfinder said nothing racist by calling the men who committed the crime animals.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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You're alive Crispin!!!

excellent return :)

Edit here.....

Ooooooo.... Didn't notice the attack on Ringfinder..... I should pay attention and read everything and think before I post.

Apologies to all.

I liked it better when Crispin called himself grand poobah elf guy. The new hand of justice thing is a bit too flashy, among other, obvious wierdness.

Come back to us crispy!

Settle down Jeff - and keep on the topic. I put this on "General" ......I don't believe the Second Amendment is "the right to urinate on someone"

Though please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks!! :occasion14:

well since you asked, My complaint was your begging for liberals to attack your story. I understand that anything political is not for the everything else or general discussion.
and seeing that it has been moved apparently someone else agrees.

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