3 swim beaches, 2 tot lots and 200 miles before 1:00pm


Hero Member
Aug 16, 2008
Bryant Arkansas
Detector(s) used
Tesoro Euro Sabre, Vaquero, Silver Sabre uMax and 2 Compadres
Well old Ike is bearing down on us and I wanted to get some
MD’ing in before he gets here… So I drove up to Hot Springs
to hunt a small swim beach on Lake Hamelton… I heard they
Were lowering this lake before the rains of Ike.


There was about 12’ of beach exposed that was under water
the last time I was there….. All I found there was some small
brass beads and some clad.

So I went to a tot lot on the other side of Hot Springs. I did a
little better there. I found part of a silver chain and a bunny
charm and a hart thingee.

I wasn’t ready to quit. Ike haden’t shown up yet so I drove to Arkadelphia and went to Lake Degray.


This lake was way up!!

I hunted the big beach first and didn’t find much.


So I went to this smaller beach where I found a gold chain
and a silver ring not long ago.

Here I found a broken silver chain and a nice silver thing
that I don’t know what it is.


After I left that last beach, I hit a tot lot in Arkadelphia. Nada.
Nothing but a few coins.

Sorry but all the stuff got thrown into the same bag. Here’s
The whole shooten match.


See that flash light?????? It was 8” deep, and no telling how
long it’s been there at that beach. It was below the water
level in wet sand.

It still works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! Has no brand
Name on it??


Here is the chains and stuff.


Here’s a close up of this silver thing. Any one know what it
is??????? It looks old to me?????



I tell ya, I’m a tired Tabdog.

Guess I’ll just wait on Ike for a while now.

Thanks for checking out my Saturday morning hunt,


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