3 gold coins solid gold? History? Date? Im lost!


Sr. Member
May 17, 2012
Can anyone help me out with info on these coins pls? I think they might be solid gold. They are very gold in color and also have the texture of gold (very soft surface) I think they might be Nepalese but I don't know??



Kathy (koolaidsmile) :-)

I believe "huntsman"is responding to my earlier post here:

Sorry but I did not see your earlier post! I don't read every Thread or Post and just saw Koolaidsmile's Thread and thought I would try to help since I am always intrigued and do a lot of searching online for informations and items. Since Koolaidsmile stated that she believed that they were Nepalese, that is where I started my search! I found a website with all of the coins and it took quite awhile to narrow them down by comparing her' coins to all of the coins on the website. With the different variations, I am not sure that I correctly identified the denominations that she has but hope they were correct! After checking your earlier post, I now see that the website that I found last night, is the same. I wasn't trying to step on anyone's toes and am sorry!


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Actually, the apology is mine to offer you.
Apparently, the OP posted on two different sites at about the same time; we each responded to a separate first post.


No apology necessary! We get that a lot here on TNnet...especially with the double posts and/or posting in two or more forums.


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Do you think they may have made a gold version of these coins? Is it possible? They just really have a soft gold texture to them I believe brass is usually pretty hard right?

Kathy (koolaidsmile) :-)

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Nepal already has gold coins that are distinctively different from those pictured above.
Can you imagine the US creating gold coins with the exact images of US pennies, nickels and dimes and the chaos that would follow; especially if the markings state they are only worth 1, 5 or ten cents? So, no, I don't think they made an exact version, in gold, of the same coins.

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That did happen with the V nickle until the word CENTS was added to the nickle.It use to be gold plated and tried being passed for the $5 gold piece.

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Not quite the same since the initial "V" nickel never had the denomination of the coin shown whereas in the scenario I described the denomination (1, 5 or ten cents) would, initially, have been on the modified coins. But you do bring out the point that chaos (my word) and fraud follow when such an act (plating with gold) is initiated; therefore, the quick change in the "V" by adding a more specific denomination word, CENTS.

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A quick acid test will tell the tale.....

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no thanks, not taking acid these days

Ah. Turn on, tune in, drop out. The electric kool-aid acid test and all that. Nihilism at it's finest hour.


No gold in the coins, unfortunately.

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Ok thought I'd ask anyway. They were attached to a really cool gurka knife I have that I posted months ago but forgot to ask about the coins. The knife has solid gold on it so I figured???

Kathy (koolaidsmile) :-)

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Kathy, you only need to handle a few gold coins and you will know forever what they feel like. They are very heavy for their size. If you get a chance go to a coin show or shop and handle some to get a feel for it. Better luck next time!!

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