28 Tons of Gold in New Mexico???

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I don't know anything about 28 tons of gold, but the 17 tons of gold
has been found. I don't know the treasure hunters who were search-
ing, but I do know the dowser who found it for them. Save yourself
a lot of trouble and expense on this one.


Bummer. Another dream potentially dashed to pieces. Can any info be shared on the supposed finders, and the means of locating? The dowsers I spoke with are so sure of themselves that they take for granted that the location they dowse is where a treasure is recovered, without even seeing it. I had hoped the lack of known info meant it had not been recovered. What say you?

I would like to know of a place where you could hide gold and it
could not be found by a dowser. That is a challengable subject
and I love challenges when it comes to dowsing.


To Jeff Davis,

I could care less on what you believe about dowsing. I'm an
onerous old cuss and I have offered to locate gold for several
members on this form (I believe you were one of them) and I
received no replies. Now, I don't like to be shunned. If you don't
believe that, ask the FBI.
I wouldn't locate one for you even if you wanted to pay my fee.

Have a good day with your thoughts,



Well you guys, I don't know if dowsing works or not. All I can say is that I have worked with at least four different dowsers, on some different projects that I had going.

There were no exact locations or recovery made as a result of dowsing. ??? ::)

Bob T.

A.O., I didn't intend to re-direct this thread to the accuracy of dowsing. I just noted the dowser's extreme belief in themselves, with results that I have not seen. However, I admit to being a skeptic. Let's face it. Dowsing involves some unseen, mystical power that an empirical person has difficulty with. A skeptic is not a disbeliever, though. I'd just like to see the results. How about a test. I have a post in another forum, Treasure Legends, on the Bolton Farm cache. I also have a period map of Bolton. If I send you a copy of this map, do you feel you could located the chest in the farm well, with the $50,000 gold in it? If so, I'll forever be an advocate and supporter, as well as offering a sizable reward. How about a test? Besides, I've got nothing else to go on. This is a perfect opportunity for a test. If so, PM me with an address to send this map.

Dowsing does not work. If it does prove it to me.

A) It "does" work, but too many that think that it works for them, are mistaken, their recoveries demonstrate this, and they tend to reinforce a Shibboleth/belief against dowsing.

As for proving it to you, or any others, no-way, I have "no driving interest" in doing so, It was sufficient to have proven it to myself.

However, I will post data from time to time in the dowsing section which demonstrates that it is & has, been done successfully, is so-far as a posting alone can do.

It will be done only for information purposes, since to convert an anti-dowser into a pro-dowser, would be far more difficult than converting a Muslim to Christianity or vice versa.

Till Eulenspeigle.

How bout we get back to the subject at hand.....kinda sorta.....gold cached/lost in NM?? Like maybe Ben Sublett's lost mine in the SE part of the state in the Guadalupe Mountains (maybe??). Or the lost Mexican cache around Rattlesnake Springs in SE NM?? Again in the Guadalupe Mountains?? Or maybe a little cache or 3 on the old Gilbert farm just outside Artesia??

I live about 20 minutes away from the Guadalupes and 35 minutes away from Artesia. So, any dowsers out there want to do some map dowsing?? I'll be happy to help with the locating part! Also, anyone want to come on down and do some treasure hunting?

I've not posted here for quite a while cuz I've been getting started gold prospecting. The last few weeks have been spent acquiring a new detector (Minelab Eureka Gold), a mini sluice, experience using both the Eureka and the sluice and meeting up with experienced gold prospectors in central NM and gettin' educated in "how to" stuff to find gold. I figure there's just GOT to be some nearby in the Guadulupes....either raw gold or cached. I ain't picky, I'd take a few lbs of either....or BOTH! LOL

Anywho, how bout it? Anyone interested??

HH, ya'll!


This is my first post guys and in reference to everyones invites I'm ready to go lets do it. However I just recieved word that I am heading to the big desert ..... yes Iraq for Marine Corps duties. I will be back may of 2007 so I will catch up with you then. Oh yeah I am a 22 year old with a real strong back and an eager mind so I think that counts for something LOL. Maybe I will get lucky overseas and find a treasure ill bring my MD LOL

Hey Devil Dog... If you make it to Okinawwa, give me a ring! 625-2233 camp Schwab

With modern search techniques, it might be possible to find old ben's lost mine. Rolth always said that it wasn't in the Guadalupes, but rather in the Organ Mountains. he said it was within 5 or 6 miles of a particular spring.
I pay this no nevermind. We have all read the descriptions of the mine canyon. using a gyrocopter to fly over the area and take some swell photos both regular and infrared could be interesting. Ben's "lost mine" is within a short distance of other legendary lost mines or ore shows. I surmise that they all belong to the same ore seam.
But I could be wrong.

grizzly bare

I'm willing to take a chance with my research and your dowsing!
I've sent you a PM.

grizzly bare

If you look at the facts, I know of only 2 long running posts
of so-called documented posts of caches that were not found
until recently-17 tons of gold in New Mexico and the Beale
treasure in Virginia. Richard Walburn posted that the family
of Beale found the map inside a family bible. If you want to
get on the Victoria Peak treasure legend--while I believe there
was a treasure there, I have never seen the proof. Think about
that. Another thing, I don't care how good a dowser is--he can
not find gold if there is no gold. If some of you want me to look
at a map, send it by E-mail. I am not going to look at a map the
size of a page of a newspaper no matter what you think is there.
Another thing--don't send me a private message. My name and
E-mail address is clearly identified. I don't hide from anybody. If
you want to get on my case--you won't be getting a cherry. It's
still a free country and you can vent your frustations.

May your treasure hunts be rewarding.

Al Osborn

the doc noss treasure was also on unsolved mysteries. and i have also heard alot of stories about people comming out of the cabillo mountains with bars of precious metals. i just wonder why its one or two. possibly they do not have detectors??? think to yourself tho, would you want all the "attention" of certain higher officials on you??? i think it will be only a matter of time untill someone makes that huge spanish trove discovery in the cabillo mountains and make it known.hopefully in my lifetime. the spaniards trails always went by them in this area. im only a hour and a half from them, if i only had the time i would put every second into those mountains.

Why waste the tim/money of a copter when the gov't has 6 satallites in orbit that can do the same thing for free?
Just a thought

try to google earth those mountains, its not very helpful

so is there any proof of the 28/17/14 tons of gold being found? I read about this a while ago, the gold near the 4 corners...sounded like fun.

I also read about the gold in the caballo mountains. Seems like it would be one of the easier cache's to find no?

i dunno, pics are always good. easy i dunno, mountains are still mountains and you can only cover so much at a time, ya know???

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