a few questions about Rendenous ..

i have a motorhome and i wonder if there is a camp sites at the Rendenous for them .. if so how big are the lots and my motor home is self contained ,i would not have to dump waste or anything like that for the time i was there ..

can you give us some back ground .. i know you bring your motor home . is it easy to get in and out of there .. i know the road in and out but how about the don's camp it self .. the motor home is 27 ft ..i am going to try to be there and . my research is now over . so no more misleeding or confussion ... and i will not be makeing replys to the threads from here on ..

just answers and facts ...

i have a lot to work out before i know if i can get this beast down there . my brother wants to use it down in tuscon for the winter . so i will have to drive back before nov 1st on my own and leave my motor home with him ... and Helen is with me, if i go to the Rendenous .. you know how hard it is to find someone to take care of a storke victum ...

she is afrade to not have me around ...

so as i said i have a lot to do and some details to work out before i know .. but the information may help us make the best choices ...

let me know .. as i said i will be trying to make it to the Rendenous this year .. and thank you dustcap .. i would like to set down and talk with many of you at the Rendenous .. the site dose not do some of us justis .. and i am a nice and easy going person in real life ..

when i am not being question to death lol .. let me know joe ...thanks ... :coffee2:



I was told you had some questions for me concerning the Rendezvous. I will be happy to answer them.

There is plenty of room for your motorhome, but without seeing it, I can't say it will be able to make it into the camp. There will be plenty of people there to assist you, if needed. My guess is that you will have no problems.

I hope you will make it, and you can be assured that you will be treated with respect......same as everyone else.

Joe Ribaudo


cactusjumper said:

I was told you had some questions for me concerning the Rendezvous. I will be happy to answer them.

There is plenty of room for your motorhome, but without seeing it, I can't say it will be able to make it into the camp. There will be plenty of people there to assist you, if needed. My guess is that you will have no problems.

I hope you will make it, and you can be assured that you will be treated with respect......same as everyone else.

Joe Ribaudo

thanks joe ,

its a 1987 mallard ....27 or 29 ft ,i forget just how long it is , but it has good clearnce in the back with duels...i saw, there was a RV park near by so i dont know where we will go yet .. but i think i can only be there for the first day ..maybe longer . i have to go a few places before i get to AZ so i dont know when i will get there ..

its a long ways from here about 2600 miles ..

and we tow are run around ...we can un hook it to come into the camp ....

i have a generator on board and a nother 5000 watt colmen portable ...

i just got this motor home for expedition 5 .. so we are cleaning her up and got a few things to fix and get ready .. my brother is not good joe .. he can drive but his hearts not good these days ..

we have to be carefull ...

i will be on my best beheavior at the Rendenous ,,,i give what i recieve ,,,no matter how long i am there ..

Ron's daughter lives 3 hours south of phoenix now ..

at are age when we say we hope we can make it we really mean it ...lol

do they charge a fee parking and if so what is the rates ..?


The DUTCH HUNTER'S RENDEZVOUS sounds inspiring.
That is awsome that some folks meet up in the area and talk shop.
Hats off to all who created, maintained and participate in that gathering.

Hope it never evolves into some gigantic festival that completely
loses or even counters its original aims.


Joe :

i know we guest at Don's camps .. do you have a copy of the camps rules ...a list of any fee or guide lines ....

i really had plained to be there latter in the year . but with Helen being a storke victum i have no choice but to bring her with me , i was going to get a nurse to come in for two weeks .but its not going to happen ,to many things for the nurse to do .. so helen wanted to come along if she could and she has never been on a motor home before ..she has only been out of the state of ny twice in her life time ..

but these are the conditions i am working with so i have a lot of things to work on right now ...

the mallard is turn key but i want to go threw her first to make sure she is ready ..and to get all the gear in place for a safe trip for all of us ..

i hope we enjoy the Rendenous .. maybe with all the gold i can aford to come back next year ...lol

like i say we have a few issues to work out but it looks like go at this stage ...



These are a few posts from previous years melded into one :

Carolyn and I will provide stew and garlic toast 'til it runs out Friday night. Roger will provide salad. Anyone who wishes to add their own dish to the mix is more than welcome. We have an 18 Qt. Nesco cooker that we fill up, so that will feed a pretty good crowd. We ran out last year, so if your late, you may find an empty pot.

Saturday morning, we will have mom's Italian Sausage Gravy and home made biscuits. Same deal. We serve it 'til it's gone.

We bring a gas barbecue, and everyone is welcome to use it whenever they like. We always bring ourselves steaks for Saturday night, but you can all do your own thing. We will have shade and tables set up all weekend. We have a few extra chairs, but you should bring your own.

You should bring your own drinks, and a little firewood never hurts. We had more kids and wives last year than ever before. I believe they all enjoyed the weekend.

Wayne, Greg and Randy do us all a great service by setting this event up every year. Make your plans now, and don't miss out on the Dutch Hunter's Rendezvous.......again.

The gate for the Don's Camp will be open Friday morning for early arrivals. There is plenty of room to set up your camp, close to others or a bit farther away if you're so inclined.

There is plenty of shade, bring your own chairs. We will have extra cold water and a few extra chairs, along with tables set up by our trailer. Once again, the gas barbecue will be available to anyone who needs it. We will have Mom's stew, garlic toast and Roger's salad for those who come in Friday night. Should have enough for 75-80 people, but those who have reserved their dinner will be served first.

I should be able to feed a like number Saturday morning, same deal on who gets to eat.

Hope to see more wives and kids this year, as it's a good family outing. .

East on 60 to Peralta Rd. Left on paved......it turns into hard packed dirt. There will be signs at the Don's Camp entrance,(it's a left turn) but if you get to Peralta Trailhead, you have gone too far. Once you turn off Peralta Rd. come in a little ways and look to your right. The gate to the camp will be uphill from you.


Closer map:


You will need to bring drinks, lunchs, breakfast for Sunday Morning and Dinner for Saturday night. I would suggest you have something for Friday night as well as Saturday morning, as I will only have a limited amount of food. When I run out, you're on your own.

Joe Ribaudo


when things go wrong they really go wrong .. we set up the awning to let it try out .. why i was gone the wind picked up and destroyed the awning so bad its not fixable .. i have to remove from the motor home .. the damnage was heart braking to say the lest . i was fighting with it in the wind for more then hour before i could get it tied up till the wind died down .. it broke the spindle off the one end of the awning ... just to much damnage to safe it ...at this point i am so

mad about i don't know if i will even get to the Rendenous this year ..

wow you guys have a good time there i guess finding the LDM has very little to do with what it takes to prove it ...

maybe some year i will get the chance to go back and get the job done ... it just doesn't look like this years the year ...

don't worry i am so depressed about what has happend . i will walk away from the site for some time .. you guys don't need this ... nether do i ...latter :coffee2:


Blindbowman said:
when things go wrong they really go wrong .. we set up the awning to let it try out .. why i was gone the wind picked up and destroyed the awning so bad its not fixable .. i have to remove from the motor home .. the damnage was heart braking to say the lest . i was fighting with it in the wind for more then hour before i could get it tied up till the wind died down .. it broke the spindle off the one end of the awning ... just to much damnage to safe it ...at this point i am so

mad about i don't know if i will even get to the Rendenous this year ..

wow you guys have a good time there i guess finding the LDM has very little to do with what it takes to prove it ...

maybe some year i will get the chance to go back and get the job done ... it just doesn't look like this years the year ...

don't worry i am so depressed about what has happend . i will walk away from the site for some time .. you guys don't need this ... nether do i ...latter :coffee2:

BB, why would you let a broken awning keep you from attending the Rendezvous??

Rip that sucker off and hit the road! Pick up a pop-up tent on the way and you're good to go.

I'm sure plenty of the fine people there would let you sit under their awning.


WELCOME TO TREASURENET Cygnus X-1! :hello2: :icon_thumright:

Ditto to the words of wisdom of our new amigo Cygnus; you still have the camper to stay in, and can rig a tarp for extra shade if you like. Heck Beth and I (with three quarrelsome dogs) lived in a 7 x 7 pop up tent for 14 weeks straight last winter, with your RV you should be able to keep everyone pretty comfortable even without the awning. The shade tents for sale in Walmart and elsewhere are also good for temporary shade and inexpensive.

As Cygnus said, many others there will be happy to share their shade, and there are buildings besides where one can get out of the Sun.

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee:



Since the first Rendezvous, I have always set up plenty of shade. If someone wants to bring their own, we can sure add it to the site. In truth, lots of people just come out in their cars.

Paul, pretty much, predicted this kind of thing.

See you all there.

Drive safely,



cactusjumper said:

Since the first Rendezvous, I have always set up plenty of shade. If someone wants to bring their own, we can sure add it to the site. In truth, lots of people just come out in their cars.

Paul, pretty much, predicted this kind of thing.

See you all there.

Drive safely,


We look forward to seeing you as well, along with so many other friends. For anyone waffling on the fence whether to attend the rendezvous or not, perhaps it would be wise to remember that for most of us, when we reach the end of our days, will regret the things we did not do far more than the things we did. I know that I wish we had been able to attend the annual rendezvous years sooner, and like our friend BB I am rather anti-social and strongly dislike crowds. It is a different sort of crowd at the rendezvous however, not just a group of people but real treasure hunters. A treasure hunter is a bit of a rare thing today, we should not miss the chance to meet with a group of our fellows IMHO.

It is Blindbowman's call whether he will attend or not of course, and NY state is a long way from the Superstitions. If he can't make it, he can't make it; however I believe that in years to come he would regret not attending and missing the chance to meet someone like Bob Corbin or Tom K.

Take it easy Joe and will see you in a couple of months - oh and that book is excellent BTW! < :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright: 3 thumbs up>

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee:


Yes I too will be there in my faithfull 7x7 foot tent, and I will be very content.



Oroblanco said:
cactusjumper said:

Since the first Rendezvous, I have always set up plenty of shade. If someone wants to bring their own, we can sure add it to the site. In truth, lots of people just come out in their cars.

Paul, pretty much, predicted this kind of thing.

See you all there.

Drive safely,


We look forward to seeing you as well, along with so many other friends. For anyone waffling on the fence whether to attend the rendezvous or not, perhaps it would be wise to remember that for most of us, when we reach the end of our days, will regret the things we did not do far more than the things we did. I know that I wish we had been able to attend the annual rendezvous years sooner, and like our friend BB I am rather anti-social and strongly dislike crowds. It is a different sort of crowd at the rendezvous however, not just a group of people but real treasure hunters. A treasure hunter is a bit of a rare thing today, we should not miss the chance to meet with a group of our fellows IMHO.

It is Blindbowman's call whether he will attend or not of course, and NY state is a long way from the Superstitions. If he can't make it, he can't make it; however I believe that in years to come he would regret not attending and missing the chance to meet someone like Bob Corbin or Tom K.

Take it easy Joe and will see you in a couple of months - oh and that book is excellent BTW! < :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright: 3 thumbs up>

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee:

well said Roy

its not just the awning, its a few problems that still need to be addressed . like the main problem if something was to happen to me how would helen get back home ...if get killed thats a shame i died for what i beleive in , but Helen is my best friend and she is closer to me then my own mom is ..i will not risk her life or safty ...

as i stated i have no problem getting to the mine ..,,,what so ever .. but that mine is not worth her life or my own ...and i dont really care if there is a 1000 gold bars out the ,i wont change my mind about that ...

lets put it out there and lets see if it works

i will try to show at the Rendenous . i only want one thing from you Dutch hunters .. make sure helen gets home ...

if you can agree to do that for me if something goes wrong .... i will tell you everything about the mine and we can go to the mine and i will prove i have found the LDM ... you can call it what ever you want ...it wont change the fact it became the LDM .

i would like to recover some of my cost .. but i really dont care what happends to the mine after that ...

i found it ,and there will be no question about who found it from then on...

i got a lot to do today and my days start before sunrise and end after mednight ...

yes i hope i can make it to the Rendenous ...i can not take helen that far in a s10 so ether the motor home is ready or i wont make it this year ... i have to fix a brake line and do some other repairs before i get that far ...


Roy, your correct northern NY is about 2600 miles away , from Don's camp .. thats 5200 miles round trip ..about $1500-1700 in gas alone ..at 12-14 MPG...based at 13MPG ..so i have to make sure its sound and ready ,,...

its a nice motor home but it could use a new awning ...lol
so far almost every thing works . the inside is stock . both electric and LP ...the water is up and running . air and gen work fine , the engine is a 7.4 L with 66 thousand miles and runs like New ..a lot of power for this size motor home ..but AZ is a long ways from here ..and land is not flat...lol

you got to add i already put out of pocket about $4000 and it still needs to be inspected ..but it is reg and plated for two years

but i haveabout $9000 in expedition gear so far ..no jokeing ... it cost more then you would think ..but i am almost ready to...


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Oroblanco said:
WELCOME TO TREASURENET Cygnus X-1! :hello2: :icon_thumright:

Ditto to the words of wisdom of our new amigo Cygnus; you still have the camper to stay in, and can rig a tarp for extra shade if you like. Heck Beth and I (with three quarrelsome dogs) lived in a 7 x 7 pop up tent for 14 weeks straight last winter, with your RV you should be able to keep everyone pretty comfortable even without the awning. The shade tents for sale in Walmart and elsewhere are also good for temporary shade and inexpensive.

As Cygnus said, many others there will be happy to share their shade, and there are buildings besides where one can get out of the Sun.

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee:

Thank You so much for the warm welcome, Oroblanco! :hello:

I've been intrigued with this story since I was a wee lad. If I didn't work two full time jobs, I would be there with bell's on! I'm sure everyone is going to have a great time and maybe solve the mystery once and for all if BB show's up! :wink:

@BB: That is a very nice motor home you have there, Sir! If I were you, I would use a drill and take all of the screws out of that awning and remove it from the vehicle. After you remove the awning either put the screws back in place or fill the holes with some silicone until you can repair it properly.

Good Luck and have a safe and prosperous journey! I wouldn't worry about your friend. There are still good people in this world! :thumbsup:


i think your right i just got to take it off till i can replace it the right way .. last night i had a close call on my bike .. a lady was walking cross the road to get her mail and her mail back is surrounded by trees and she steped in to the road on the way back ,and did not hear by bike comeing over the hill , not like a HD you can hear for miles ,, i broke my all time brakeing distence, 60 MPH to 10 MPH in 50 ft i mist her by inches , she just froze in the medle of road in my lane she started srceaming and could move at all . i did everything i could to mis her . my leg is sore and i cant walk very well right now the bike was on the front tire the last 10ft before i got to her ,her hair hit my glasses as i past her. way to close a call with both our lifes ....i pull over and her husband came over to talk to me after he got her out of the road ..he told me he had never seen anyone ever stop that fast on a bike i told him i had never seen anyone brake that fast ether ...lol...if i would have hit her i would stopped rideing ...

too close ..way to close , i stood on the back bake as hard as i could , i am shocled the something did not brake off the bike ...682 lbs bikes are not design to stop that fast ,, i am glad this one was ...

i may ride a classic custom . but my brakes and tires are the best you can get for my bike ,and this is why ...if i had stock brakes and tires there is no way i could have mist her ...

i guess it wasnt my time yet or hers ...i guess i will be sore for a few days ...a small prize to pay for a life ..

your right about the awning .. i just was mad i dont see any way to fix it and its color matched to the motor home paint job , i like everything to work and work correctly ..i dont really care if its new or not .. but junk is junk no matter how new it is .... so far the its cleaning up good ...

some people like to rough it camping ,some have another idea of what camping is ...lol

i got a tent and its in that little bag thingy and thats where its staying ,,,if i want to rough it i 'll eat drive threw ...

i got some dishes to do and dinner to cook ,,latter .. :coffee2:


Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
HI BB use your alt means of transportation


OMG!!! :sign10: I really like the extra heavy duty chain and S hook holding the tailgate to relieve pressure on the cables, That will hold her for sure...........


Maybe Don Jose will show up with his rig......... ;D


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dont you think he might be a little over weight for that SUV ...? LOL

if he hits a bump , the front end is going to leave the ground ..and thats why i stop drinking ...lol :thumbsup:

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