To Pinoy THers: A horsehoe was found at 12 feet with its open end directed towards the east. After around 15 feet a huge boulder the size of VW Beetle was discovered. Exactly beneath a boulder the half the size of the boulder was seen. Underneath this smaller was found this rock. When we turned it right side up this was inscribed on it:

Any opinions?


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Yo Yammy baby what agenda is that? What's yours? Why are you in this thread at all? Are you a Yam THer yourself? Or were you involved in a botched purchase of a gold bar before that's why you're sore at people who have found some of this Japanese plunder? Are you and Valente one and the same or involved in that botched purchase? Like I said you should have done your homework. Come now don't be shy.

A fair warning to everyone: Not all Filipinos are honorable. A lot have dubious backgrounds. But NOT ALL of us are con-men and fakers. The same goes for any race or nation. I still believe there are a lot of good men out there, honorable and trustworthy and some of them can be found in this forum.

It is illegal for foreigners to purchase gold unless it is done thru the Philippines' Central Bank, and only upon their discretion. Filipinos are not allowed to hold gold but are encouraged to sell them only to the Central Bank. And the Central Bank pays at prevailing market prices (LMER) with cash (at the end of the day) and, if the volume is huge, by way of Bonds of various maturities (10, 20-year bonds). If you think you can better that deal then go for it.

If anyone is stupid enough to buy from a private seller, you do so at your own risk. It's now a matter of who screws whom. And if you got screwed then that is your lookout. Sound familiar Yammy?


Options open for Filipinos wanting to sell their holdings are:

1. Sell them to a reputable pawnshop/jewellers by the 100grams to 1kg tranches: Majority pay at 5-10% discount.

2. Sell them to a private buyer, usually a foreigner posing as official of foreign mining companies, : They buy by the bar of 25, 50 and 75kg: They pay at 30-40% discount. They usually do so by fooling the hapless seller (which are usually the uneducated natives) by scaring them that it's illegal to possess gold, which is a total falsehood. These foreigners will "promise" you and your families relocation to a third country.

3. Sell them to the Central Bank: at London Metal Exchange Rate. You have to go through a licensed precious metals seller with this. You only give 3% to use his license and "for the boys" and get to keep the rest. You get paid in cash and bonds. Government Bonds at 10 and 20-year maturities can be used as collateral in banking transactions because these are secured by the government. Commercial banks can buy these bonds at 10 to 20% discount. All in all your total discounts thru this option will only add up to 23% max. Which is still a lot better than 30% minimum you pay out to private buyers.

Central Bank will assay your gold for almost 6 hours (depending on how much you submit for testing) so you have to be there as early as 8AM. They will issue an Order of Payment which you will present at the Cashier. 1 million will be paid at the mint while the rest will be paid at the Roxas Blvd Central Office the following day. I believe this to be the safest option since after you sell this to the government your money has already been rendered legal and the Anti-Money Laundering Council will not question where it came from.

If you have questions about security I've heard of a group who can provide that. They're composed of former Special Forces men (their leader was trained by the Israeli's Mossad), mostly Christian, belonging to a legitimate private security group. They only ask a minimal fee upfront and a 5% commission on your net sales.

What you need to do before you sell it to the CB is to remove the hallmarks by using an acetylene torch. Torch it for around 5-10 mins. That way you remove all signs that will say it was a treasure find.

But before you do all that, take pictures of your find and post it here on TNet so that guy from Tampa and those like him will salivate with envy. :P


44 feet is approximately 13.5 meters...I didn't say at that time that those drums and steel boxes were filled with gold and silver because the mud was still 2 feet above those drums. We were still in the clearing operations when the accident happened. It was my detectors that says it was filled with gold and silver and i believe what registered on my equipment...
I know. deep in your heart you believe the existence of YAM TREASURES and you're just waiting for plausible evidences to be shown here but how can we consider pictures of treasure finds posted on this thread as evidences if we cannot differenciate the real and the fakes. The best thing to be done is for you to come over here in the phil to see for yourself of the gold find. Maybe, those YAMth's, who claims a treasure find and post pictures of it should invite you here all expenses paid for you to see. If and when I'll have a treasure find, rest assured, I will be inviting you and realde to come over here all expenses paid.......

I think Filomeno Luis was the former owner of PILO restaurant before the SEDANO's bought the restaurant. Pilo Restaurant has been existing for years but the new owners took over the ownership for just over 3 years ago and expanded it.


Say that to the american manufacturer of Accumeter Pro VI (accurate locators) that their equipment couldn't differentiate ferrous and non-ferrous metals then shall I say that Americans are scammers of electronic treasure equipment.....
not my fault but the american manufacturer if I have place the equipment into the gold mode and it was able to detect gold encased in drums and steel cases covered with asphalt.......at 13.5 meters deep


BADZ said:
Say that to the american manufacturer of Accumeter Pro VI (accurate locators) that their equipment couldn't differentiate ferrous and non-ferrous metals then shall I say that Americans are scammers of electronic treasure equipment.....
not my fault but the american manufacturer if I have place the equipment into the gold mode and it was able to detect gold encased in drums and steel cases covered with asphalt.......at 13.5 meters deep

BADZ Sorry but everyone knows a detector signal will
not Penetrate Metal. it Bounces off. That is what brings back the signal.

So it cannot see Gold inside Steel.

Any company that says it can is Giving false info.

SWR Is correct this time ;) :P


Jeff and SWR,
That's what I know about metal detectors that it can't penetrate drums or steel boxes but I am not sure with the accumeter pro Vi which works like a resistivity meter if it can. But if it can't, then maybe I just had a lucky hit or maybe some of those drums or steel boxes collapsed through corrosions which allowed the signal of the equipment to detect the presence of gold or silver. How i wished i had the opportunity to open myself those drums and steel boxes and see what was inside it....if I am wrong then accept my apology.....


BADZ said:
Say that to the american manufacturer of Accumeter Pro VI (accurate locators) that their equipment couldn't differentiate ferrous and non-ferrous metals then shall I say that Americans are scammers of electronic treasure equipment.....
not my fault but the american manufacturer if I have place the equipment into the gold mode and it was able to detect gold encased in drums and steel cases covered with asphalt.......at 13.5 meters deep

Now that's what I was inquiring about. Accumeter is a modified earth resistivity meter using only two probes at a time to test ground resistivity. It bounces off metal we know but how does the signal behave in relation to concrete? Voids? Tunnels? Is not the drop or rise of resistivity the parameter being tested? Is it safe to presume that the metals, gold in this instance, are in contact with the ground if the meter shows hits in the gold range?

We know that the Japanese buried their gold wrapped in tar or asphalt to maintain its form and some say as an 'anti-detection' device. Does anyone know if a ground resistivity 'carrier wave' signal penetrates this material or bounces off like they do with metals?


I looked over there Site & Saw nothing that said it would Penetrate.
It did say it can ID Certain metals from others which is true.
My guess you misread what it was telling you but was to your advantage
as you got lucky.

Nothing in my opinion to apologize for.

just a misunderstanding.


dred747 said:
BADZ said:
Say that to the american manufacturer of Accumeter Pro VI (accurate locators) that their equipment couldn't differentiate ferrous and non-ferrous metals then shall I say that Americans are scammers of electronic treasure equipment.....
not my fault but the american manufacturer if I have place the equipment into the gold mode and it was able to detect gold encased in drums and steel cases covered with asphalt.......at 13.5 meters deep

Now that's what I was inquiring about. Accumeter is a modified earth resistivity meter using only two probes at a time to test ground resistivity. It bounces off metal we know but how does the signal behave in relation to concrete? Voids? Tunnels? Is not the drop or rise of resistivity the parameter being tested? Is it safe to presume that the metals, gold in this instance, are in contact with the ground if the meter shows hits in the gold range?

We know that the Japanese buried their gold wrapped in tar or asphalt to maintain its form and some say as an 'anti-detection' device. Does anyone know if a ground resistivity 'carrier wave' signal penetrates this material or bounces off like they do with metals?

Like all these types of Detectors (IF you want to consider it a detector)
they Analyze Ground Conditions & Map out changes. in the ground
& Report back. So it would report a Cement Block,
a Wall, A large Metal Object, etc. & Even Cavity.
the Trick is to Understand what it is telling you.

OH & to answer your Question,
I would say it Bounces off Cement etc.
in order to Map it correctly.
But that is just a Guess.
Maybe some waves Bounce Back to tell top & Depth & Some
Penetrate to Tell depth of Bottom & Shape. Not sure,
But Nothing will Penetrate Metal to my Knowledge.


But how does tar or asphalt behave? Is it conductive or resistive? Would they behave like metals (conductive) or insulators (resistive)? Unfortunately these so-called resistivity meters can not be configured in a normal wenner array like the real earth resistivity meters.


Sorry I added more info after. re read above.

I'm no expert by anyones standard can only guess on most.


I know those questions should have been posted in another thread. But just the same thanks for the input.

I was wondering if Badz can share his experiences with tar or asphalt. 'Cause if its conductive then it might give unusually high readings, which is okey really, since I will pursue the target. But if it's resistive then I might miss a target thinking that its only dirt or something.



SWR said:
BADZ said:
Jeff and SWR,
That's what I know about metal detectors that it can't penetrate drums or steel boxes but I am not sure with the accumeter pro Vi which works like a resistivity meter if it can. But if it can't, then maybe I just had a lucky hit or maybe some of those drums or steel boxes collapsed through corrosions which allowed the signal of the equipment to detect the presence of gold or silver. How i wished i had the opportunity to open myself those drums and steel boxes and see what was inside it....if I am wrong then accept my apology.....

If the metal drums and steel boxes were still under two foot of mud and under tar and asphalt...how did you deduct what the containers were....period? Conflicting issues here.

That's why I Said he would have got Lucky.

And why even with Regular Metal Detectors that Discriminate,
Most dig trash signals Also.


SWR said:
jeff of pa said:
Sorry I added more info after. re read above.

I'm no expert by anyones standard can only guess on most.

Your guess is spot on. It will not penetrate metal boxes or drums and "tell" you what is inside of them.

That part was no Guess.

But not sure on CEMENT with Ground Penetrating Radar.
I know a detector will Penetrate Cement, tar paper Etc.


SWR said:
jeff of pa said:
SWR said:
BADZ said:
Jeff and SWR,
That's what I know about metal detectors that it can't penetrate drums or steel boxes but I am not sure with the accumeter pro Vi which works like a resistivity meter if it can. But if it can't, then maybe I just had a lucky hit or maybe some of those drums or steel boxes collapsed through corrosions which allowed the signal of the equipment to detect the presence of gold or silver. How i wished i had the opportunity to open myself those drums and steel boxes and see what was inside it....if I am wrong then accept my apology.....

If the metal drums and steel boxes were still under two foot of mud and under tar and asphalt...how did you deduct what the containers were....period? Conflicting issues here.

That's why I Said he would have got Lucky.

And why even with Regular Metal Detectors that Discriminate,
Most dig trash signals Also.

My inquiry was more like....how did they see through two feet of mud...see through tar and asphalt to know the containers were drums and steel boxes. Without seeing through all that mess, it could have been a buried tank or airplane.



An 89-year old Japanese tunnel engineer said they encased each deposit in either tar or asphalt before entombing it in concrete. His name is Capt. Junichiro Kobayashi from Kobe, Japan. He was stationed in the Philippines from 1943 to 1945. Him and his engineering corps were responsible for burying some of the plundered precious metals.

The Japanese are still very much interested to 'invade' the Philippines. Their government is pushing the Philippine government to grant their nationals to right to own Philippine lands as a pretext to 'investments' most especially in the mining industry.


Came from him directly. I would not have believed him either if it were not for the emerald we found with the info he provided - up to the minutest detail. And that's what convinced us that Japanese plunder indeed exists here in the Philippines.

Man treasure is always larger than life. That's what make it fabulous and exciting.

Look at my avatar, guess what that is? I'll give the emerald to whoever guesses it to be right. Just kidding.


SWR said:
Ok....so, "we" don't know that the Japanese buried their gold wrapped in tar or asphalt. Evidently, you are the sole source of this newly discovered information after 60 plus years. Oddly enough, most of the Yamashi.ta treasure/myth proponents claim the tunnel engineers were buried in the tunnels with the "treasure". Hummmm ::)

You didn't know they were wrapped in tar or asphalt? We knew that long ago. You didn't know that a lot were emtombed in cement boxes (nicho)? We knew that long ago. The real Yam THer's know a lot things you will never know.

Most of the diggers (foot soldiers, POWs) were indeed buried with the loot but this engineer survived the war coz he was very much alive when we worked together. Probably the 'proponents" you read about never spoke to this engineer.

Now this is the last time I'm going to discuss him.

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