Once Gold Warrior Become a Movie, Philippine Treasure Hunting will now become a Non Laughing Matter, A Real endeavor to recover all the GOLD that had been hidden, It Will generate lots of Interests

They will now know How Philippines is RICH in GOLD GOLD GOLD

Any Philippine Movie Production Outfit or Hollywood can make this a Reality

Palawan Boy
Palawan Islands composed
1,700+++ Islands Strong
Lots of Gold Bars Hidden


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They will now know How Philippines is RICH in GOLD GOLD GOLD
Palawan Boy
AND Beautiful girls sigh

Tropical Tramp


palawanisland said:
Dear Il-Acuto or Any Gold Finder

Never Sell your Gold Hoard to any Philippine Politicians, Philippine Military or even any Philippine Government Officials or Philippine Central Bank

Most Probably they will Double Cross you and Steal all your Gold..

Its Difficult & Tricky but anyone can do it, by selling it slowly and built up your Low Profile Rich People who are interested to buy your Genuine Gold Bars

There are many Low Profile Rich Loaded Businessmen in the Philippines
Sell it below market Price so it will be very attractive to them, Rather than selling it at the prevailing market price, Buyer of gold don't need your gold if YOU are selling your GOLD at the prevailing market price or just a little discount......

Palawan Boy
Email: PalawanIsland@yahoo.com
Deep Discounted Gold Buyer

Military / Politician - might as well wear a T Shirt with "Hold me up" on it. ;D

Central Bank - maybe remelt the gold into nuggets ( drop into cold water ) and try under the small miner program in 100 gram quantities?

Anybody know any bullion dealers?


Japanese Imperial Army are Fighting to Die


American Army Fighting to Survive

Bloody Fighting of Japanese & Korean Forces with the American Forces

In Philippine Sea, Many Planes were Shot Down.....

Last Stand of the Japanese Korean Imperial Army in the Philippines

Various Gold-Diamond Hidden Sites are made by Japanese General & Japanese Colonel in around 7,000+ Philippine Islands (P.I.)

Japanese Imperial Army wishes to keep Philippines after the World War 2 but were Disappointed due to the Unconditional Surrender Demanded by the American

After more the
40+++ years - Hidden Treasure are now Finders Keeper in Philippines


palawanisland said:
Once Gold Warrior Become a Movie, Philippine Treasure Hunting will now become a Non Laughing Matter, A Real endeavor to recover all the GOLD that had been hidden, It Will generate lots of Interests

They will now know How Philippines is RICH in GOLD GOLD GOLD

Any Philippine Movie Production Outfit or Hollywood can make this a Reality

There was a film/movie. Came out in the 1960's, I think 66 or 67, the title was "Corregidor Gold". It was about a group of WW2 US Veterans who went to Corregidor and tried to track down some Jap gold they had a map for. It played out to be a
round fight between their own members, some Japanese that also came looking on the island and also the Philippine Military. The movie was filmed on location in the Philippines Actually the movie was in that right, factual. After a lot of double crossing,
dead bodies the Americans finally recover a small boat load of gold out of a sea cave on the islands shore. They loose part of it to the Philippine Marines. Again Wow is this factual. I have seen it twice and I think the last time it played publicly was in the
early 1980's, after that the film has disappeared. I can't find any mention of it.

Stop and think about it. The USG started digging a massive and undocumented tunnel complex with major shore dock facilities on this rock clear back to 1932. The tunneling even in the mid 1930's was what you now call Top Secret. The workers were even sent into the tunnels to dig blindfolded so as to not remember the tunnel's configuration. Why, all the shore military facilities that were dug were not kept secret. Further the heavy guns installed on the island were never of any value to prevent a
navel force to enter Manila bay area. Further they proved to be of no real value in destroying any Japanese forces who occupied the mainland. The only purpose they really ever served was defending the island from sea invasion. The concept of
using it as a firing platform such as the used in the Civil War in the gulf coast of the USA mainland was antiquated by the 1900's. Certainly 1932. When the Japanese took over Corregidor they utilized the tunneling to the max. They expanded the
tunnel complex's, why would they need more?? When the US returned the Japs spent months blasting shut tunnels. In one case they set off an entire powder magazine that tossed rocks off the surface of the island that showered down on American
war ships. Some rocks exceeding 400 pounds each. American fighters on the surface of the rock were tossed into the air and back down by the moving land under their feet. To date the USG claims they have no documentation on the tunnel complex's beyond what is publicly put on display. Yet, try and search the island and all of a sudden the AFP show up.

In 2002 I was pestered by some AFP brass to go to Corregidor and operate an excavation. I said NO NO NO NO. Finally was tired of saying no and went for a look and some preliminary work up on the map they had. Well after not more than 2
hours, over come MORE AFP brass and now they are standing there fighting among themselves over shares. I just went for a walk and smoke. Later we went back to Manila.

The only one who will ever get anything off that island is Bush.


dear zobex

is this right description of corregidor gold movie ???

Burt Reynolds plays a leader of a salvage team attempting to recover gold treasures in corregidor hidden by the Japanese in world war II. Now in modern day, the ex-soldiers are sent to the Philippines to assist Reynolds in finding the gold. A lot of setbacks, kidnapping, blackmail occurs.

The movie was actually filmed in 1968 to be released the following January for a TV audience.

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During the war," Amy says, "after Pearl Harbor, but before the Japanese took Manila, the US government emptied out the Philippine treasury. They put all the gold and silver into crates and shipped it to Corregidor for safekeeping—supposedly."

"What do you mean, supposedly?"

She shrugs. "This is the Philippines," she says. "I have the feeling a lot of it ended up elsewhere. But a lot of the silver ended up there." She straightens up and nods out the window at Corregidor. "At the time they thought Corregidor was impregnable."

"When was this, roughly?"

"December ’41 or January ’42. Anyway, it became obvious that Corregidor was going to fall. A submarine came and took away the gold at the beginning of February. Then another sub came and took off guys they couldn’t allow to be captured, like codebreakers. But they didn’t have enough subs to carry away all the silver. MacArthur left in March. They started taking the silver out, in crates, in the middle of the night, and dropping it into the water."

"You’re shitting me!"

"They could always come back later and try to recover it," Amy says. "Better to lose it all than let the Japanese take it, right?"

"I guess so."

"The Japanese recovered a lot of that silver—they captured a bunch of American divers on Bata’an and Corregidor, and made them go down, right down below where we are at this moment, and recover it. But those same divers managed to hide a lot of silver from their guards and get it to Filipinos, who smuggled it into Manila, where it became so common that it totally debased the Japanese occupation currency.

"So what are we seeing right now?"

"The remains of old crates that burst open when they hit the seafloor," Amy says.

"Was there any of that silver left when the war ended?"

"Oh, sure," Amy says breezily. "Most of it was dumped here, and those divers got it, but some was dumped in other areas. My dad recovered some of it as late as the 1970s."

"Wow. That doesn’t make any sense!"

"Why not?"

"I can’t believe that piles of silver just sat on the bottom of the ocean for thirty years, free for the taking."

"You don’t know the Philippines very well," Amy says.

"I know that it’s a poor country. Why didn’t someone come out and get that silver?"

"Most of the treasure hunters in this part of the world are looking for much bigger game," Amy says, "or easier."

Randy’s nonplussed. "A pile of silver on the bottom of the bay seems big and easy to me.

"It’s not. Silver’s not worth that much. A Sung Dynasty vase, cleaned up, can go for more than its weight in gold. Gold. And it’s easier to find the vase—you just scan the seafloor, looking for something shaped like a junk. A sunken junk makes a distinctive image on sonar. Whereas an old crate, all busted up and covered with coral and barnacles, tends to look like a rock."

As they draw closer to Corregidor, Randy can see that the tail of the island is lumpy, with big stacks of rock protruding from it here and there. The color of the land fades gradually from dark jungle green to pale green and then a sere reddish-brown as the tail extends from the fat center of the island out to the end, and the soil becomes dryer. Randy’s gaze is fixed on one of those rocky crags, which is surmounted by a new steel tower. Atop the tower is a microwave horn aimed east, toward Epiphyte’s building in Intramuros.

"See those caves along the waterline?" Amy says. She seems to regret having mentioned sunken treasure in the first place, and now wants to get off the subject.

Randy tears himself away from the microwave antenna, of which he is part owner, and looks in the direction Amy’s pointing. The limestock flank of the island, which drops vertically the last few meters into the water, is riddled with holes.


"Built by Americans to house beach defense guns. Enlarged by the Japanese as launch sites for suicide boats."



To Gboy, Angel_09 & TH Enthusiast,

As aNewbie in TH, I really admire you guys with regards of your point of view on Treasure hunting!!!

All i need is a little information in my pics here...........is this a platinum?????

Kindly enlighten me guys!!!!! I am counting on your vague knowledge man........

MARKINGS - AMSCO on the other side & MASSON on the other....



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To Gboy, Angel_09 & TH Enthusiast,

As aNewbie in TH, I really admire you guys with regards of your point of view on Treasure hunting!!!

All i need is a little information in my pics here...........is this a platinum?????

Kindly enlighten me guys!!!!! I am counting on your vague knowledge man........

MARKINGS - AMSCO on the other side & MASSON on the other....




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Even if you feel that our knowledge in metal is vague, still I'll give my two cents for your question...

NO... it is not a platinum...

Probably your next question will be: what kind of metal it is?

I'll wait for that...



My next answer will be 64 dollars

Angel_09 ;D


Platinum? The color tells what it is too. It looks steel or silver to me. If you could kindly scrub one end so I could see its glitter...I'd appreciate it.

Searching for Amsco, you'd find connections to Homebuilder metal materials and steel window screens. What's interesting is that, there are also links to US and Canadian companies making silver, gold ,platinum, jewelry and other metal products established even before WW2. Hmmn. Not sure if it's not the right link....

Meantime, please polish one end for me using a polymer sheet, please.Then take another shot. Looking at it now, there are marks of silver impurities...just my guess.



O.K. Buboy,
To make the story short, what you have is an antifriction metal or in other words, a nickle babbit with a specific gravity of 9130kg/cu. m. this type of metal is use for bearings, say for example, con. rod bearings, main bearings of engines. In bigger quantity, it is a fortune, and this material has been circulating in the Phil. with different pictures of different quantities. Is it a revival?

Just askin'



angel_09 said:
O.K. Buboy,
To make the story short, what you have is an antifriction metal or in other words, a nickle babbit with a specific gravity of 9130kg/cu. m. this type of metal is use for bearings, say for example, con. rod bearings, main bearings of engines. In bigger quantity, it is a fortune, and this material has been circulating in the Phil. with different pictures of different quantities. Is it a revival?

Just askin'


Does a Magnet stick to it?????? Looks like rusty cast iron, or possibly a scrap cast iron pig. A lot of cast iron was sold to the Japs till 1940. There is a broken corner on it to the right. The nickel babbet or nickel alloy bars are too malible to crack. In 2000 some politician from Panay came to me all excited with a chunk of brown junk. He thought it was a platinum concentrate. I asked where it came from and he said it was pulled from a Jap freighter sunk off Panay, the ship was filled with it. Sorry to tell him it was a piece of scrap iron from a first stage smelter. To the japs a ship load of scrap iron was also a treasure. Told him to go back to the ship and see if there was a captains safe for vault they could pull out. The never found anything else.

The very first "treasure" we ever found was when we punched a cement vault in a freaking mountain top. Looked inside and saw all that white metal bars !!!!! Freaking nickel babbet all marked "American Babbet Company, Los Angles, California". *&^% I used to live in Los Angeles. There was nothing at the time we could do with it so had the diggers just back fill the hole and cover it up. Still there. There is one good use for nickel babbet bars, they cast really nice bullets.



Hi to all,

It is not surprising to find hoarded metals in brick form(convinient for shipping). Remember japan needed these for her war and industrial effort since they did not have the natural resources for this, thus ww2. Zinc bricks where once recovered in my part of the country, guys thought it was plat and had it assayed in Hongkong.

God bless,


To all T. Hunter's:

My dear friends,

Any metal found in bulk or volume are considered treasure. The only problem is, people are only concentrating on precious metals, i.e. gold. platinum and silver. Remember that during the war, almost all types of metals are used to sustain the war. In regards to this, to save money effort and time, it is best for any hunter to understand what type of metal they have found. Say for example the Zinc tagasilay mentioned, where it was sent to Hongkong just to assay and it turned out to be Zinc, in which they assume it is platinum.
Using a sample of 1"x2"x3" piece of metal, the following will be the weight based on its type with 6 in cube volume:

Zinc = .7014 kg.
silver= 1.0314 kg
lead = 1.1148 kg
plat.= 2.10314 kg.

Most of these metals are similar in color especially if they are burried for quite a time, but appearance does not tells us what it is. An in depth analysis must be done to determine its identity.



To Buboy,

"Kindly enlighten me guys!!!!! I am counting on your vague knowledge man........

MARKINGS - AMSCO on the other side & MASSON on the other....


To be more specific with your object, on how much weight it is really is, I suggest that you immerse it in a graduated container to determine the "actual" volume of this object, because , based on the dimensions and weight that you have given it is a nickel or babbit. If it is iron, the weight will only be 24.69 kgs.; if its cast iron, it is 21.3 kgs., and monel will give you 26 kgs. for the dimensions and weight you have given. Nickel silver will also give you 26.41 kgs, and zinc will give you 22 kgs.
Anyway, for any information that will identify any material, accuracy is very important. A deviations in weight or size will greatly affect the results. To get an accurate result, use displacement method, it will give you 99.5% accuracy irregardless of the size of the object and it will give you an accurate answer up to four decimal point and specific type of metal.

My 2 cents for today. ;)



Considering that platinum is a by-product of nickel, and that palladium, nickel, and platinum all come from the same sulfide substance "cooperite", I wouldn't just dump such a find relying on just one opinion. Total resmelting would show the real value of that metal.Take it to trusted jewelry/metal laboratories.

See similar looks of that pic at wikipedia's file photo of platinum nuggets:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Platinum_nuggets.jpg

There's very very limited supply of platinum wordlwide with "S.Africa being main source, followed by Russia, then USA, and Canada (after WW2)".To know whether there's Pt. lying somewhere in PI, just trace the sources of the loot....clues to what types of treasure are waiting to be recovered.

PS. Would you sell that to me? I sell silver and fine steel jewelry too. :D


To All,

Thanks for all of your comments & views…..i really needed those.
This item is not mine it is from my old folks a natives of Southern Visayas.This item has been excavated just months ago in southern visayas….At first I don’t believe in such hidden treasures or sorts……..but when I came across with it I really want to learn & research about japs treas……

And this forum really enlighten me on some matters….with the help of you guys!!!
I really gain something on all of the contradictions, know-abouts, real experiences, sharing infos & even alaskahan…….it really helps us to inform specially like me who is new to this………good or bad comments…..keep it up guys!!!!

Angel, you’re right on thinking that if we ever get something underneath we 100% considered it as precious metals…we must take in to consider that there are a lot of metals with the same physical features….it takes a lot of understanding & testing…

We dont have much money to do expensive assaying so we are relying to researches & home based testing.

But they tried to break a piece of it but it is wont tear a piece…for them to bring to a pawnshop to test if what it is. And a certain German & Japanese foreigner assay it & said it is pt. The old folks resist on selling it to them…….they don’t trust foreigners..

What do you think is the meaningof the markings on it……AMSCO & MASSON?


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