Sometimes in 1986, Jaycee together with his Uncle Narcing (both Igorot native), while gathering rattan poles in Sierra Madre jungle, accidentally stumbled into a small pathway, besides a cliffwall which lead them into a cave entrance partly covered with thick rattan vines....curious of the cave opening which seems to be illuminated inside, Jaycee with his Uncle Narcing objection, innocently inspectd the cave opening. To his surprise, the cave chamber was illuminated by big bulb like object and was hit by sun rays at 10:00-11:00 am from the east. While inside the cave chamber Jaycee was bothered by his Uncle Narcing, warning, shouting and stoning him...just to let him get out of the cave.
Jaycee who stayed inside the cave for a few minutes had a good look of the items inside. he noticed... several gold bars stockpiles (neck high), drums and boxes on different cave chambers. He also saw 4 japanese samurai...two on each side of the wall dividing the chamber. And from the cave entrance, he could see big long box with 3 padlocks (14 feet by 3 feet by 3 feet) with fatigue color, he also saw a table full of many sparkling stones.
Jaycee who is a native ignorant and had no interest on precious items...except for the shiny bulb hanging over the ceiling that enlightened the whole chamber. Jaycee was just interested with the bulb and wanted it to put into his native hut. But due to his Uncle Narcing frantic calls, warning, shouting and stoning, he obliged to get out of the cave empty handed.
Up to now Jaycee still remembers the area, that even after 20 years he cannot forget the incident. he even mark the tree near the area hoping someday an exploration team will find the landmark.
Last June 14,2003 our team explored the area and found the the tree landmark markings of Jaycee. But our team without Jaycee guidance overshoot the target object bcoz of thick thorny rattan vines, bonsai tree and 90 degree cliffwall in traversing toward the cave. When we came back from several days of exhaustive exploration, Jaycee confirmed that we are just 100-200 meters away from our target area. The team miss the site since we choose the opposite direction or thru the north. The target object was estimated to be 45 degree NE of the big mountain which called by the Japs as Mt. Sam.
If we had a complete camping, climbing gear and good budget....these project is worth exploraing again....BELIEVE IT OR NOT....


With that very interesting information from the pointer, I wonder why your group didn't stay for a week in the mountain to find the said area.
I'm not trying to negate your story, but as a hunter myself, I have experienced staying in the mountain for almost three weeks without any "gears" and have entered vertical entrance tunnels without sweat.
You see, it's a waste of time, energy and enthusiasm knowing that you have a good lead and yet your group is not prepared to handle it. If you have much of the info from the pointer, a simple compass will greatly help your group to find the area. Of course, what I'm saying is, you will not go to an unexplored area without any knowledge or information how to find it, its a futile action and waste of energy.
Given a change with good information regarding treasure info, what I will do is to get all necessary data regarding the info. If it is necessary to study it for a week to determine if it is genuine info or not, so be it. Once I decided that it is legitimate, then I will start the gear to move in motion.
Questions to myself will be as follows:
1. What mode of transportation will I be needed to reach the site?
2. How far is the site?
3. How competent is my group when it comes to mountaineering?
4. Can my group can afford to stay in mountain within a week?
5. If not, why?
6. What initial equipment do I need?
7. How do we get food if the supplies runs out?
8. If we found the site, what is the next move?
9. Do I have a contingency plan, just in case?

We treasure hunters have different mindsets. Since most of us wants our project to be succesful, of course everything must be planned. I will not move because of an impulse of what I heard, how beautiful the story is, and how easy to get and finish this and that project. A good hunter should know how to evaluate his project and review his techniques so that if he encounters the critical path of his project, he can apply the right method in solving it.



BTW, All hunters,

My initial approach to a project is: brainstorming with my group. Free for all, pros and cons, all what and why's, can and cannot, and in the end a decision will be made to be the guiding rules of the group.




When we heard these story in summer (May) of 2003. Our normal impulse as atreasure hunter is to get as many information as we could....meaning we interrogate the live pointer for several days...including his friends...his relatives...(occasionally, Jaycee tell only his secret story to his few selected friend/relative.
However, the story spread like wildfire a few years ago in their town, but Jaycee never confirmd it, he keep always denying it. Still, the treasure hunting group of Sen. Angara (Phil. senator)and unknown american....comb the area using a chopper and airborne geo eqp't....but they failed to locate the target bcoz they are 50-100 kilometers away from the area....there are several local treasure hunter townfolks trying to convince Jaycee to accompany them into the jungle area...still he refuse... and deny the treasure cave existence...
May of 2003, we secretly try to penetrate Jaycee (since we are stranger to him, expecting he will not trust us)...by befriending his best friend Allan. We tried to convince Jaycee to accompany our team to go to the mountain. Jaycee told us that he cannot accompany our team bcoz his townfolks treasure hunters group, will surely be angry with us once he will entertain outsider treasure hunter group....the whole townfolks will go to the mountain looking for the treasure cave if they notice that Jaycee accompanied us or absent from their sight.
What we did...we told Jaycee to stay behind in their town (so that he will always be visible to his jealous treasure hunter townfolks), but he give us the location of the treasure area and he let his bestfriend Allan accompanied us instead, anyway Allan had visited the area several times during rattan gathering....on June 2003, we hike for 2 weeks in the mountain, failed to locate the exact cave location (WE HAD A PICTURE OF THE SUSPECTED AREA...INDEED IT HAD VERY THICK VEGETATION...VISIBILITY BY FEW METERS ONLY).....end of exploration story.
Recently my partner Cliffhanger text me, that Allan is still willing to relocate the treasure cave...and will try his best to convince the live pointer Jaycee to accompanied us this time...

Requirement for exploration....strong legs...and good budget for 2 weeks of hiking/ exploration...including complete eqp't....

By the way....these are just sample of our Sierra Madre open caves treasure sites....i have a lot more...budget2 at pera2 lang yan...oks? :o


WOW! How did I miss this? I guess I just ignored the thread because I was not interested in something that I consider speculative at best.

These posts are fascinating. I have money to invest in any project I choose. But I would never consider most of these projects.

Simply because of the unknown factors. The government there is corrupt at best. Any large recovery will attract attention. There is also all kinds of factors that no one can control. Such as the honesty of the person trying to raise funds. There is no effective way of finding that out.

Even in America I can set up Fake corporations create bogus credentails. Do everything by the book for a few years. Join trade associations. Set up bank accounts join the B.B.B. ,pay taxes for a few years. Set up lines of credit.

Then I can turn around and rip people off for millions and disappear forever, living out my life on some island in luxury.

Think this does not happen. It happens every year.

Why are so many people chasing legends? If you want to fine. Why not use your talents to find smaller more realistic treasures and then chase the legends? That way you finance yourself and are not reliant on others to provide money.

Just once I would like to have someone approach me about a realistic treasure that does exist. Someone who can prove to me they have done the research. Someone who has fire in their eyes. But sadly I have found only a few.

Don't let me or anyone else discorage you. If you believe it, you can make it happen.

Go get you some treasure, people!




1) Why not chose our talents to look for smaller treasure and chase legends later?
THESE ARE OUR SMALLER TREASURE (meaning less expense, you only need small exploration budget, camping/climbing gear)....if you choose to dig buried treasure...you need expensive geophysical instruments, heavy eqp't and manpower......since we have few budget...we ofted for exploration/relocation treasure caves...less expense than digging...he,he,he...welcome to Yamash-ita Treasure....sometimes the bigger legend treasure needs less expense....ask those natives who usually sell a few gold bars a year....they found treasure caves...they accidentally found it (no expense)....oks?

2) Lots of Con people and scams regarding the JAPS treasure projects......Welcome to the world of deceit...betrayal, death, greediness....this is the WORLD OF YAMASH-ITA TREASURE....only the fittest, bravest and boldest...survive these treasure huntning game....remember...million of peoples BLOOD was the investment of Japs in recovering these legendary treasure...never expect these to be a walk in the park....Imagine you are like Indiana Jones...every minute there are LOTS badguys....trying to stop your quest... ::)
Move and step aside.....THIS IS NOT YOUR GAME....this is the game for the big boys....not for sissy... ;D


gboy: I laugh at the foolishness of your reply. I ask valid questions and you resort to name calling.

I have lived in your world for over 10 years full time. I don't have a day job. Treasure hunting is my life. I understand the world as well as or better than you do.

I was not even addressing you. I was just pointing out why I think people should avoid investing in areas that they clearly do not belong in.

Was there a reason you got so defencive? Maybe you are more interested in taking peoples money than you are hunting treasure. ;D ;D ;D

With love




In 1991, similar incident happened regarding the discovery of another cave/tunnel treasure site in the jungle mountaneous area that triggered several treasure hunting group to search and comb the jungle mountains.
According to the three Bicolano teenagers rattan gatherer namely Juan,Pedro and Felipe (disguised to conceal true identity). After having a hard days of exploring the jungle looking for rattan poles, they decided to look for a cave to rest.

They accidentally found a cave, when they enter they noticed....7 chambers....on each chamber it had a gold stockpile and 12 inches golden Budha on top of it.....in the middle chamber it had a gold stockpile with aprox. 2-3 feet tall golden budha...the teenagers found two Japs samurai hanging on the wall....Pedro and Felipe immediately took the Japs samaurai and they had a swordplay and fencing....they saw a table with lots of books and 4 map cannister....Juan took the blank map parch paper and used it as his bedsheet when sleeping outside the cave....in the morning dew or moisture, he noticed some writings in the map when wet....the saw a round table with scattered precious stones...but it causes skin irratation to the hands of Pedro and Felipe when they touch the stones. They noticed 1082 tons carvings on the wall....the cave had one inch thick door cover.....the teenagers, playfully detached the concrete cover, dragged and throw it into the nearby deep pool. They saw also two passage inside the cave...left and right in the middle chamber...

The three teenagers took 4 pieces of 6 kilo gold bars and several gemstones. When they cross a wide river, they suddenly swept away by cascading flood waters. In panic and almost drowned, they lost all their belongings, clothese, gold bars and gemstones...luckily they swam safely to the river banks....when they reach home, the following morning, Pedro and felipe suddenly died of unknown illness (probably due to skin irratation touching the gemstones). After a few weeks of rest, Juan was accompanied by adults and herded into their treasure cave.....but when they are already near the big mountain...the teenager Juan suddenly act strangely as if possess by evil spirits...and afraid to continue...thats why they cancel their treasure quest.

Juan was still 17 years old at that time and can still never forget what happened to his two bestfriends who died and the treasure cave. When we interviewed him for several days...he is reluctant to guide us bcoz he is afraid he might had seizure again or possessed if being near to the big mountain. he just gave us the sketch of the target area...it indicate 2 small hills...both hills had a cave...but the cave who is loaded with treasure are the one facing east toward the big mountain....

This is just another fantastic Japs treasure cave story. But we are not surprise bcoz it is a well known facts in the whole town area that on several occassions, several natives had already sold gold bars occasionally when they came down from the mountain once or twice a year...(possibly they found also their own treasure caves)
With complete camping/climbing gears, good budget, and planning....this treasure project...is worth exploring....

If I had take peoples money....I could have been multi-millionaire by now bcoz i had already the capability to haul treasure....besides...the world knows my address, tel.no etc (i posted it several times)...meaning am not afraid anybody bcoz i never take somebody else money.....in fact, treasure hunters... LEARNED A LOT FROM ME thru these forum....ok?
You have been here several times?...probably your one of those victimized by gold scams?...sorry be carefull....and better luck next time... ;D.....
By the way...would you like to hike in the jungle or mountaneous area....OH NOOOO !!.. ;D :o


gboy: For your information I have been in the jungle in Central America and South America. I have also been in mountain ranges and deserts is search of treasure.

I have never been to your country. But there is just as much danger in Peru and many other places.

Again you seem very defencive. Maybe people might take you more seriously if you did not call others "Sissy". It shows a lack of intelligence. Not to mention a lack of creativity. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D



This is my last post here on this thread. Well unless someone insults me.

All I am saying to people is be careful of people trying to take your money for a high risk project. If it was easy everyone would be rich. Don't let them fool you into thinking it is a sure thing. Many have been riped off. Don't you be one of them.

To searchers in the Philippines: please be careful of posting details on projects that you are actively working on. I have it on good authority there are people posting here that are trying to get information out of you. Either to take your project away or misguide you. Talk about techniques and such. Just be careful posting details.

Now everyone can talk about Jap treasures without interuption.




gboy: For your information I have been in the jungle in Central America and South America. I have also been in mountain ranges and deserts is search of treasure.
HOL ERIC, where abouts? I have worked the jungles between Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala. Gboy seems to think that only the Philippines have thick jungles with interesting critters, Killers, and things. hehehe.

I have never been to your country. But there is just as much danger in Peru and many other places.
In many ways even more so Eric.

Again you seem very defencive. Maybe people might take you more seriously if you did not call others "Sissy".
I have pointed this out to him before. A psychologist would suggest two paths, an over compensating inferiority complex attempting to build up his own image by running others down, or a simple crude attempt to cause another to become defensive enough to attempt to prove that he is wrong and so make an illadvised move. - a la "I double dare you to do this".

Sigh G boy

Tropical Tramp


angel_09 said:
Hi Ed,
Have seen your project site through the photograph you have posted. it reminds me one of my project. My analysis, sad to say is, your project is still far from reality. I hope you will not get offended. If you haven't open the water trap, be careful, it will ruin your project. The covering of this trap are stones fitted nicely and once you remove any part of it, gush of big volume of water will come out. You can't control the balance of water since it is only a few meter away from the source of water. if in the process, you find that you can't put the water level down to 6 inches, then it means the trap has been opened.

to: Angel,that stone your are talking about we'll find it some of my men accidentally break it when he try to remove some equipment that was previously stock on it, the good thing is there's about 4 ft. deep of water, when he broke the opening , and some air (poison )comes out nobody close to it except one small dog and they past out for about 3 hours, and good thing ,that the wind blowing so strong , and everybody safe, so we investigate more and we found these another stone inside that has three hole form of triangle this is that we are at this moment Ed.



Its true that there are other jungles in other countries....but its ONLY IN THE PHILIPPINES....where you can find...MOST OF JAPS TREASURE SITES... ;D


gboy said:

Its true that there are other jungles in other countries....but its ONLY IN THE PHILIPPINES....where you can find...MOST OF JAPS TREASURE SITES... ;D

I must admit you are right. ;D



ed, three hole triangle means "danger". better don't bother the stone... as you go ahead digging. but be more careful and analyse things first. there is sure treasure in your project.

this moment could be thrilling... and you will learn a lot... i think you need a good analyzer, so that you are sure safe where you are to proceed working on that big deposit. i could tell that, that is big deposits because it has lots of traps/danger and you are there already.


Something on this path is not right. I have dug in the islands for 11 years and recovered. Married a Filipino. Have family there now and a small plantation on Mindanao.

If you are approaching the dagger, something is not right. Poison gas can come from two modes. Chemical or organic. The thing you broke off on top was most likely a cement cover draped over a dead sea animal or human. Bones will not always remain. This was a gas trap. You may find more. If there is no other markers at this point you have a way to go. The next cement layer will me a better quality. Pray you don't hit a steel plate. Oil as a marker is normal.

I suspect this was a sea blow hole on the shore that the Japs utilized. Up island water would be cracks in the coral island that just migrate water down. Just double check and re-examine the pit side walls for a soft spot. It may be they went sideways and the further down you go it is a diversion to break into the bottom of a sea blow hole. Then you will have to plug that and go back up. I saw (not mine, I just helped) a similar pit on Negros shore. It was some 100 feet below water. Have not a clue how they dug it but when they broke the cement bulk head, all were hydraulic out the mouth. Dead. There was a "branching Y" marker they did not follow and instead went down to the cement bulkhead.

If you find markers I will decode if you wish.

If you make it, Ill buy you a round of San Miguel in Gen San.



Well after a really long read on this thread I can say I never have been thru the Jungles of the Philippines, but I have worked some pretty tough urban ghetto's and projects during my years on the cop job.
And one thing I can say for sure, Scammers are no different no matter where or what part of the world they come from!
The longer someone talks the more inconsistency appear if they are less then honest, especially if you go back to the start! And like Judge Judy says "If it don't make sense, it probably isn't true"!
Just a general statement for what its worth after spending several days reading this entire thread!


Zobex said:

Something on this path is not right. I have dug in the islands for 11 years and recovered. Married a Filipino. Have family there now and a small plantation on Mindanao.

If you are approaching the dagger, something is not right. Poison gas can come from two modes. Chemical or organic. The thing you broke off on top was most likely a cement cover draped over a dead sea animal or human. Bones will not always remain. This was a gas trap. You may find more. If there is no other markers at this point you have a way to go. The next cement layer will me a better quality. Pray you don't hit a steel plate. Oil as a marker is normal.

I suspect this was a sea blow hole on the shore that the Japs utilized. Up island water would be cracks in the coral island that just migrate water down. Just double check and re-examine the pit side walls for a soft spot. It may be they went sideways and the further down you go it is a diversion to break into the bottom of a sea blow hole. Then you will have to plug that and go back up. I saw (not mine, I just helped) a similar pit on Negros shore. It was some 100 feet below water. Have not a clue how they dug it but when they broke the cement bulk head, all were hydraulic out the mouth. Dead. There was a "branching Y" marker they did not follow and instead went down to the cement bulkhead.

If you find markers I will decode if you wish.

If you make it, Ill buy you a round of San Miguel in Gen San.

to Acid and Zobex, nice meeting you guys, by the way i found another two sign? the first one it looks like a letter A withsome kind of line, or roof on it the other one is similar to the Y that your talking about except these one was engrave to the coral rock,or stone , and you are right after we remove the stone cover that look like grave stone smell terrible comes out,and stay there until now , we keep washing it with our pump,and so far i didn't see any human bones yet we have limited time of operation because of the water, all my men was protected with gas mask my other worry is do you thing there's explosive in the water site?inside the rock maybe ,( hope not)this is what we are so far thanks Ed,and thanks for the san miguel


Ed, first, if you make it, great, if you don't, keep looking. We have dug enough
holes to dispose of all the trash in Metro Manila and have spare.

Some good advice here, I have been reading through the threads. Set down, slow
down, get a large sheet of white paper on a board and walk the island with a
compass. Map every old tree, every white rock outcrop, stream and places that
make your hair on the back of your neck register.

After finally looking at your pics. this is a limestone/coral island. In one pic you can
see the surf starting to build off shore. That is no doubt a low coral reef. The Japs
were symbolic in about everything they did. Shinto to the bone. Don't let
have you reading signs into rocks. Man, have we been through that. Because the
island is so loaded with salt, metal detectors will have a hard time working there.
Borrow or what ever something like an 808 which is easy to operate and replace
batteries. Scan the island for any scrap, old ammo dump, construction metal etc.
The island most likely was an observation post manned by no more than 40 men.
The eye witness may have seen them bring onshore supplies or radio equipment.
Animal markings other than Bird is very rare. The heart is always the gateway, the
entrance. In Shinto the heart is the entrance to the person or persona. This site IS
NOT a blow hole, in the pics.. You should reconfirm it was in fact oil or oily mud
you found. If oil, there is no other explanation other than put there by man. I have
seen Jap cement mixed with limestone or coral that even fooled me and I was a
mining geologist. It was only the old men insisting that kept us going to the successful

Use the metal detector and scan for any small thing someone may have left outside
the hole. Often at the drip line of the largest tree or in a collection of rocks where
heavy surf hits. We once spent 3 years digging a hell hole. Pulled out 2 trucks,
bombs, fuel drums, the dead etc. etc. and spent a lot of money. One day one of my
tribals went to the river below to fish among the rocks. Looked down and found a
6.2kg bar shoved into a hole in a rock. Apparently one Jap solder was not all that
honest and sneaked out a bar for himself and tried to hide it at the river. Eventually
we found the source of the bars inside. We sure needed that find to keep us going

I agree, this hole is far from the end.

I would need to smell the gas to identify it. If you are having a hard time washing out
the smell with salt water, it may not be organic but rather chemical. Dry dead smell like
an old burnt cigar or formaldehyde, wet deat or more toxic. If not organic you have gasoline, diesel, fuel oil.. Old gasoline is very toxic especially aviation gas. We once pulled out a stack
of depth charge setting on top of several fuel drums. We were delayed 5 months to
air out the tunnel. Finally we flooded it and washed out the fuel, then pumped it out
dry. If there is a fuel drum, it is always setting on top of some explosive. The good
thing is, being all salt water, the likely that it is still active is low, unless it was
waterproofed with wax or tar before being placed. In any case. If you find a drum
or metal can, DO NOT PULL ON IT !! Dig besides it and go down parallel. ((That applies to ANYTHING you find. If you find a buddha, you can count it will be setting on top of an explosive)) Then study what the column is and how it is structured. Deactivation is not that hard, just you only get one chance to make a mistake.



Here is a set of code markers we have not been able to figure out. These are deep in the jungle, the rock is basalt, the markers are not natural (I am a geologist) the dark stain on the rock is a mix of water and used oil out of our generator, was splashed on the rock to enhance the photograph. We did by total chance find a Platinum bar in the general area but I think it was either lost by the Jap crew or was someting snitched off a truck. In any case we sold the bar. Have more pics here plus one of the Pt. bar, it was a sand cast dory.

Anyone here have experience with this set of markers ????



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