hello Crow,
During the war, a platoon of Japanese soldiers were ambushed by guerrillas during the war. Many of them perished during the incident. after the incident a soldier checked on the dead Japanese soldiers. He noticed that one of them was a ranked soldier. He searched his pockets and saw the map. ( this happened in Mt. Province)
They were able to find where this map is referring to, in Benguet. And we were able to find the exact place here in Benguet.
how were we able to find the exact place?
i have altered some identifiable markers in the map using Photoshop.
On the actual map, the three mountains have unique features which is only found in a specific place here in our province and is no where to be found in the Philippines.
another good thing about this map is that, it is a confirmation of the existence of the third mountain which, according to stories, have been collapsed by japenese sodiers during the war. Some claim that they saw japanese soldiers bring in a dozens of truck into this mountain and never came out. That would be again confirmed when some old Japanese people came to that place asking locals information about that area. Anyways, we are not into that since we don't have much information and solid evidence regarding it. We would still be concentrating in our site.
we have been working on it for almost two months now. I hope for the success of this project. And i hope someone would help with the map.
we would just like to know the possible interpretations of the following.
the two zig-zag arrows, the igloo-like drawing and the lines above and below the igloo ( we are working beside the wall of the river. Does that refer to the wall?)
Here are some pictures from our site.
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