$20 bill found and returned


Silver Member
Feb 21, 2013
New England, Somewhere Metal Detecting in the Wood
🥇 Banner finds
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Teknetics T2 SE (DST)
Spare Teknetics T2 SE (backup)
15" T2 coil
Bounty Hunter Pioneer 202
Fisher F2
Fisher F-Point
Primary Interest:
I was walking, and saw a $20 bill fall out of a persons pocket. I quickly grabbed it, and went up to the person and gave it right back. I overheard a person next to me tell their friend, "I would have kept it". Anyway, even though $20 is not a lot of money, it could certainly help pay for gas, or a decent dinner, and is worth giving back.

P.S. Later that night I was at the Supermarket, and found an 1880's-1890's good luck token in the Coinstar reject tray.What I was thinking when I found the token was, "What comes around goes around".


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Upvote 23
If I don't know who it belongs to, its mine. If I know who lost it, I'm going to return it. Laundry rule in this house however, is that anything under $5 goes to whoever is doing the laundry. Kudos for doing the right thing!

That's just maintaining your integrity! It's the only thing you come into this world with and also the only thing you will be taking with you when you leave! Good job! It's the right thing to do!


I lost my wallet about 5 yrs ago. It had 160 dollars in it. I dropped it in a gas station. The clerk that found it asked around if anyone knew who drove the old transam around town and tracked me down by one of my friends. I went to pick it up and all the money was still in it. I gave her 60 and said half is yours for being so honest. She tried to refuse but i said im just tickeled to get my wallet back. And told her having half my money was better than having none. She cried and said she could really use it. Made us both happy. You did a good deed. Hope it comes back to ya 10 fold.

Congrats! Awesome give back! Gold star for you! Nice token you found!

Karma does rule and even better, bet you slept very well that night.

Good on you!, Shep

The right thing to do is the right thing to do. Unfortunately in today's world many have forgotten that. Thumbs up to ya Brother. :icon_thumleft:

Well done, Coinman! A good deed always gets rewarded as shown by that cool token you found. I often think that as I pick up surface garbage when I'm detecting and more often than not, I find something decent shortly after. Last year my wallet in a waterproof bag floated out of my pocket in a swimming pool at the Hilton hotel in Hawaii. It had full identification in it but do you think anyone had the decency to turn it in? The answer is No! This World needs more people like you!

The world and people in it have changed a lot in my lifetime. Fortunately there are enough people like you who have the decency and integrity to return the money and keep my faith in the world. Way to go!

Your a good man and my hats off to ya.

Many years ago (early 80's) my buddy and I were up early and heading out to archery deer hunt in MI. Stopped at gas station to get something and all I had was a $50.00 dollar bill. Since I had many layers of clothes on I just stuck the remaining bills in my outer hunting pants (2-$20.00's & 1-$5.00). Went hunting for few hours, left and stopped at same station to get something. My money was gone. All of it except for some loose coins at bottom of pocket. 3-4 years later while out hunting again with my buddy he calls me on radio and says I'm freezing ... you too? He says lets leave and go get a hot breakfast and I'll buy!!! Get anything you want he says. I said sure. After we ate he gives a $20.00 to waitress for payment. Then lies out another $20.00 and a $5.00 and shoves it to me alone with the change from the 1st $20.00 and says thanks for breakfast now leave her a tip. What a great friend. He said he found the bills lying by a fence I'd crossed years before.

Well Done! If everyone in the world acted like you did the world would be a far better place. Nice token find too! :thumbsup:

it is a great feeling to return anything to the real owner and congrats to you. i myself had the opportunity to return the first class ring i have found, was lost 23 years and the lady was blown away that anyone found it much less returned it. i told her that my reward would be a hug and a picture which she gave me with a huge smile. she had lost it within a week of getting it in 91 in a lake. to see the smiles and the gratitude is an awesome thing indeed!

Karma man and look how fast you were repaid! I would rather have that token which is unique than $20 in fiat money. Congrats on doing the right thing!

I worked as a bag boy at a grocery chain and I found a zip up wallet in a cart. I didnt open it because I didnt want to be tempted. Instead i brought it inside to the front desk and said I had found it outside. Management put it in the locked money room. I went outside as a mercedes benz was pullin into a stall and a man came out and asked if I had seen a wallet. I asked if it was the zip up kind and he said yes. So i told him i found it in a cart and brought it inside. i took him in to the front desk and they checked his id to make sure it was his. He was looking through it to see if everything was all there. I could see it was FULL of paper money. I said you have a good day sir ( i could sense he was going to give me a little somethin and we are not allowed to accept tips) and walked out. He caught up and said thank you very much and put out his hand to shake mine. When i shook his hand i could feel money inside. As he walked off and I walked to carts I opened my hand and there was two $20 bills inside and this was a time when I was making $8/hr. I always believed in karma, but since that day I was reaffirmed that doing the right thing feels better than having some spare money any day!

When I was about 10 years old my Dad drove a VW Microbus. He was headed to the bank to deposit over 3000 dollars in cash and checks for the Kidney Foundation. My two older brothers had kidney disease so we used to sell Halloween candy that they distributed to raise funds.

Anyway my Dad dropped one of my brothers off on the way to the bank. As he pulled back out onto the highway his door came open. He pulled it closed and kept driving. When he got to the bank a couple of minutes later he reached for the satchel only to realize that he had tucked it on his left side and it had fallen out of the car when the door came open.

He was in a panic. We immediately went back to the spot where the door came open and started looking around. We didn't see anything. While we were looking frantically for the satchel a man who was obviously homeless walked up to hand my Dad the satchel. He explained that he saw it fall out of our car as he was walking along the highway and it had gotten run over a couple of times before he could retrieve it. He was a little ways down the road trying to retrieve the cash and checks that had fallen out and had been carried along by the wind created by the cars as they zipped down the highway.

My Dad was unbelievably grateful and tried to give this gentleman a reward. He repeatedly refused and my Dad finally gave up and just offered his eternal gratitude.

We did lose two checks that night and they had to be cancelled and re-issued. My Dad paid for that but I still marvel at the honesty of a man who was down on his luck. I hope he got good karma for his unbelievable deed.

And I admire your honesty as well. I would hope we would all do this. I know I would.

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I went to a Petco the other day for some dog food and was cut off from a young women in a jeep who decided to take up 2 parking spaces instead of one,so I pulled into another one.While she was getting out of her car I noticed that her wallet fell on the ground,under her jeep.I could have kept it and drove away ,but I decided to pick it up and give it to her,When I went inside to give it back,she turned and very loudly told me "to get away",I tried to explain,but she pulls out her mace,so I backed off.One of the clerks came over and ask me what was the problem,I told him that I was just trying to give her her wallet back(it had over $600 in it).I waited untill she got up to pay and when she couldn't find her wallet ,I threw it on the register and said here you dropped this in the parking lot and walked ed out to my car and drove away.

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