Hello there!!! I found this jewel Thursday, Nov. 17th here in Central Tennessee at a Confederate site. It is undoubtedly my best find ever!!!! I had been told the usual...that the site has been long since "hunted out". I started detecting and immediately began to find dropped William's cleaners, blank buttons, etc. Then I happened upon a hexagonal Whitworth round. I most definitely decided to concentrate my efforts in that one area of the field. After a pocketful of bullets I got a large signal with my White's XL Pro that landed the needle up around 75 on the meter. I had almost decided not to dig it because it was so loud and sounded close to the surface like some big chunks of aluminum I had been coming across in the area. But, this was a Civil War site and I knew that belt plates, especially, produced a large signal. So, I dug up a clod of soil and there it was!!! It came up with the hooks showing and I kinda stood there for a moment until it dawned on me that I was looking at a belt buckle. I turned it over and saw the CS surrounded by stars and the rest is a blur. I cannot tell you the elation I felt and I think that I walked in circles around the hole for several minutes making phone calls with my cellular before actually picking the relic up! It is a day that I will never forget. The buckle is valued in excess of $20,000.00!!!!