2-Million Dollar Jesse James treasure...anyone heard of it?????????

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I agree, never assume that a magazine is the Ultimate Source! >:(
It's a place from which you can start!
When I say "Start"!
I, mean, to "Start" your "Researching! ;)

They, the magazines stories, are, for most part, "rehashed" from an earlier time/magazine!
As far as J. James goes, here's a few places to start looking:
Chronicles of Oklahoma, Sept. 1929 Ok. City
Oklahoma Treasures Lost and Found, Frontier Book Co. , Ft. Davis Texas 1971, pp 13-14
Treasure Tales of the Old West, V.1 #4, Fall '73, pp 7-11
The James Boys Loot, Coronado's Children, Southwest Press, Dallas Tx. 1930 rept 1971, pp 299-301
You can just run up & down, "Cache Creek", located, in Comanche County, w/MD in Hand !
Head over to, &
Near Cement, in Caddo County
Give, a Try, in
The Turkey Mnts., Le Flores County!
For Starters! ;D
LOL! :)

I forget now,but I posted it on tnet here somewhere,but,a cube of gold measuring either 14.2" on each side or 19.2" on each side would weigh one ton! I think it was the 14.2" measurement.Awfully difficult to carry off on horseback very much.

The Shipments of Silver to Tucson, From the Mines in Tombstone Arizona were Being robbed
So frequently, That the mine owners got togather and decided that they had to do something !
A newly hired engineer, came up with this idea!
We build a large wheeled cart, (last time I was in Tombstone the cart was still there!)
And! then we start casting the silver, from the small bars,
Into, ONE HUGE! 2000 lb Bar! ;D
"Let'm try and steal that!"
They cast the 2000 lb'er,
Loaded 'er up,
Then! They set off for Tucson !
This time they didn't have any "guards" !
Who in the "heck" is going to beable to carry off a 2000 lb bar of silver!
To end this story,
Those nasty ol' "robbers' ... went & stole the whole rig! ;D
The "posse" caught up with them at a ranch!
In the "shootout" they were all killed ..
AS One was dying he said
"You'll never find where we hid the 2000 lb bar"
As Luck would have it !!!
No ONE Ever HAS!
Drag out your MDs!
And find the old stage route ('bout 90 miles long) and start checking out all of the wells, mines, caves, nice deep wash/gullys, etc!


;D It's still out there! ::)

It's true. The stash is located in the Wichita Mountains in Lawton, Oklahoma. I have a family friend that lives there that owns the land where the treasure is located. The reason we believe there's treasure is because of the stories and the clues. I'm not saying anything about the clues, or where it may be located because I'm going there this summer to search. But yeah, it's definitely real and I plan on finding it. ;D

dont forget what might of just been 500 dollars in loot back then might be coins that are worth the 2 million now. depends what loot was.

True....It's more for the historical purposes than for the fortune.

Arroyo = Creek
Rio =River
Canada = Canyon
Cero (Sierra) = Mountain
Loma = Hill
Cueva (Queva) = Cave
Lago = Lake

If you have any thing that you need translated from Spanish to English, IM me and I will be glad to Help.

Happy Hunting!

al-nm said:
dont forget what might of just been 500 dollars in loot back then might be coins that are worth the 2 million now. depends what loot was.
Or, the $2,000,000 could be referencing inflation pricing. $2,000,000 in today's dollars equals $25,000 or whatever in Jesse's time.

They crossed Cache Creek just south of Apache and traveled a few miles before deciding to unload the gold due to the weather. They later came back and removed the gold and hid it in different locations. There is noway that 18 burros were carrying 2 million, but the load could well have been close to $650,000 at the time.


Jesse and Frank spent all they could on horses and horse racing and just living. They MIGHT stash something due to immediate necessity but as a general rule no. If they got a million dollars in anything, they would never have to rob again. Mostly whatever they got was taken with them and blowed pretty quick. So there are some things they didn't get to but for the most part they took it all. IF they had all this money hidden they could have at least found a little of it, and Frank wouldn't be selling stones from Jesse's grave to tourists for pocket money. My family associated with the James brothers, the Youngers, and Belle Starr, and they say it's all tall tales. But still, treasure is where you find it.

Sent mine in.

I am opposed to this rule change. However, I do support responsible historic shipwreck salvage. We need our history and preservation for our future. At the same time, we as US citizens have the right to chase our dreams, weather it be in traditional or not. Treasure hunting, done in a respectable manner has its rewards. Archeology is a form of treasure hunting. With out it, King Tutankhamen's tomb would have never been found, neither would have the great Dinosaurs that once ruled this earth. Treasure hunting is a name synonymous with greed and the urge to become rich. The greatest treasure I have found until now is not a bar of gold, or a sunken ship, or diamonds, but a corroded brass civil war button found in the middle of my ranch in south Texas. The story behind that button and how it got in the middle of nowhere is the true treasure.

I live right in the middle of Jesse James area of operation. In all my 39 years I have heard several hidden loot stories but never any found loot stories. Although I have heard of several treasure found stories. Unless the thief left a note saying it was his how would you ever prove how a saddle bag full of coins got where it did? If they didn't spend it what did they live on between jobs? Weren't most of them several months apart? How did they cover as much country as they did without spending money on supplies? If you could prove that you found an actual Jesse James gang stash I would think it would greatly increase the monetary value not to mention the historical value. I have been reading westerns, mostly Louis Lamour, since I was a little kid. I love the adventure and history he wrote about but IMO thieves spent most of what they stole unless they were killed before they could spend it. I am not saying there isn't any out there but I think a lot of time has been wasted on researching made up stories.
Please, somebody prove me wrong...I would love to read some stories of actual loot being found (not stashed away money like the goat doctor) but actual verifiable loot from a robbery found a hundred years later.
Even as skeptical as I am though, I always look for places that would have made good hiding places years ago that are still here today. Believe me, I would love to prove myself wrong. BUT if I do, no one will ever know it.

HH Charlie

Yes the three maps in the book of brewer of the 2 million treasure well have to say that they all connected threw the same valley not anywhere near you mountaineers
all three maps have been cracked by me about 30 years ago when i was just eight years old and yes i have pictures of the trees on my page but I gave it all away to people i didn't even know.

Sorry for all your dreams there is no gold there in those mountains where you are looking I myself have found the treasure of Jesse James two-million plus treasures. Check all the maps and look at all the trees on my page and you will see just how clueless you people are. check my page. By the way I gave it all away 30 years ago to people i never knew being that i was a kid when this happened.

Treemaster, post a link to your page so we can all see.

Sorry for all your dreams there is no gold there in those mountains where you are looking I myself have found the treasure of Jesse James two-million plus treasures. Check all the maps and look at all the trees on my page and you will see just how clueless you people are. check my page. By the way I gave it all away 30 years ago to people i never knew being that i was a kid when this happened.
Let's have a look at the page.

I think Treemaster has been porkin a knothole and it bent his 'thinkin':tongue3:

Sorry for all your dreams there is no gold there in those mountains where you are looking I myself have found the treasure of Jesse James two-million plus treasures. Check all the maps and look at all the trees on my page and you will see just how clueless you people are. check my page. By the way I gave it all away 30 years ago to people i never knew being that i was a kid when this happened.
Good for you.

Thirty years ago those maps were in the hands of only a few people. I know who had them at the time and I also know those maps go to different areas and not the same place. Treemaster is just another poser.

okietreasurehunter; $650,000; I think you are about right. According to the map it was 1100 kilos. Mexicans weigh
there gold in kilos. It was probably 33 bars 33 kilos each. It's amazing that they got as far as they did!
Reff:" Oklahoma Treasuers And Treasure Tales" by Steve Wilson. Tod R.

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